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Unfortunate Series of Events / USEE

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Unfortunate Series of Events [USEE] isn’t a pony farm. It’s more like a golf club that’s managed by the jackass team.

Seasoned CoD, Eve Online, World of Tanks, Elite: Dangerous, and Day-Z veterans.

Apply NOW! Especially if you’re new, hopeless, or just unlucky. You’ll be in good company!


Unfortunate Series of Events [USEE] – How It All Began

After serving in the UEE Navy, and subsequently working for various corporations such as Outbreak, Darkness Inc. and Stonedogs, Monfreid retired from active duty to start a new life as a caffeine connoisseur. It wasn’t long, just short of a decade, before he could no longer ignore the calling of his heart – to follow his dreams and seek misfortune, misadventure, and mischief, among the stars once more.

Monfreid deduced that he had to break free from the chains of his mundane life as a subcontinental beverage supplier [for one of Earth’s leading global distributors] while digging in his garden one day. Events had taken a turn for the worse and were not going to improve. He recalled the digital screen outside the local Nimbus Mall he’d seen the day before, that was advertising vacancies for ArcCorp security personnel, in a star system called Stanton, which seemed to be quite lucrative. Although he’d certainly heard of ArcCorp he didn’t know much about the corporation, or Stanton. He thought about speaking to his wife about it and sharing the idea of uprooting and taking a proverbial leap into the unknown, but then quickly realized why he was digging up the garden. “Wrong time, wrong place,” he mumbled to himself as he turned and gazed at his wife, laying motionless, just a few meters away from where he toiled.

Monfreid paused for a moment while his mind strayed into the past. He recalled when he and his wife were courting, remembering her elderly relatives, and how they used to tease him at other family’s and friend’s weddings, saying, “You’ll be next!” They soon stopped that though, once he started saying the same to them at funerals! He reminisced about when their family’s pet dog died, only a few years ago. His wife was heartbroken over the loss of her beloved canine. He tried to comfort her by procuring an identical one, which made her even more upset. He recalled how she screamed at him uncontrollably, asking, “What am I supposed to do with two dead dogs?”

Monfreid chuckled as he grasped his wife’s body by the ankles and dragged it into the awaiting hole in the ground. “Well,” he said as if his wife were still able to hear him, “If I burned you to ashes at the crematorium I’d be showing respect. If I burned you to ashes at home I’d be destroying evidence. You know how I hate double-standards, so I’m burying you instead.” Then he grabbed his garden shovel once again and began to transfer the pile of freshly dug soil back into the hole with much zest. “Next time your partner offers to take you on a romantic afternoon walk, so ‘we can carve our names into a tree’, ask yourself how emotionally unstable someone must be to take a FSK-8 Combat Knife with them on a date!” he snickered, “When I die, I’d like to go out as your grandfather did, passing away peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all his passengers did, moments before impact, in the MPUV-1P taxi he was flying at the time!” Monfreid completed shovelling all of the soil into the hole and then jumped up and down on the protruding mound for several minutes to compress its displacement. “Look at it this way,” he said to the trampled patch of earth, “The doctor gave me two more years to live, and I fully expect a judge would give me, at least, 30 years for this. So, problem solved!”

After a good, hearty dinner that same day, Monfreid travelled over to his wife’s parent’s home, where his mother-in-law lived alone after her husband died three months prior of a heart attack, brought on by a new mobiGlas update causing ‘pace-maker internal pulse generator superfluity’, which effectively ended him. He’d already made plans to take his mother-in-law out in order to expunge her bereavement. There’s nothing quite like being a trained ex-military UEE Navy elite sniper to get the job done quickly and efficiently!

If there was one thing that Monfreid could never tolerate, it was intolerance in others, and his wife and mother-in-law were like two peas from the same pod in that respect. Fanaticism. Psychological rigidity. Captious know-it-alls who don’t actually know very much at all. Those who have a deep knowledge of rules and procedures that they follow, and expect others to do the same. To hell with them all, literally!

Monfreid had become jaded, of his unchanging life on Earth, and the autocratic Sol system in general. He needed to get away from it all and start over. After considering his options for a minute or two, he decided that his next move would be… to Stanton! And that’s exactly what he did.

On arriving in Stanton, several weeks later [after going to great lengths to avoid Earth’s security forces in order to flee the Sol system] he applied for a position within ArcCorp as a member of their elite security detachment. His application was swiftly rejected, as the UEE had claimed possession of the Stanton system in 2903 and were pro-actively monitoring all potential security threats, and risk factoring assessments, within its jurisdiction. Because Monfreid hadn’t taken any steps towards remaining undetected, or the time to conceal his mother-in-law’s body [deciding instead to leave her corpse slumped on the front porch of the house with half its head missing from the P6-LR sniper rifle shot] it resulted in him being formally charged with homicide and receiving a crime status 3. So, he was considered a wanted criminal in UEE space, which included all security forces within Stanton and beyond. A bounty contract was also put on him for 10,000 aUEC, which meant anyone and everyone was a potential hostile who’d get paid quite handsomely for effectuating his demise. The only way he could avoid being apprehended or executed was to seek refuge at the Green Imperial Housing Exchange, hidden deep in the Yela asteroid belt [and beyond the influence and prying eyes of the UEE and Stanton’s security forces]. The former Housing Exchange station had been operating under the assumed name of ‘Grim Hex’ for some time, and Monfreid had already heard the rumours, back on Earth, that pirate hordes had successfully taken it over by force. “Better the devil you know,” he told himself. “Honour among thieves, and all that.”

One month later, on 22 January 2944, the Unfortunate Series of Events [USEE] Organization was established by Monfreid, at Grim Hex, and the rest is USEE history…


No history. No future. Nobody to blame.


In the Unfortunate Series of Events [USEE] organization we have lots of Star Citizen fun, and refuse to take ourselves too seriously. We have no established agenda or real plans about anything, other than clearing out every retail outlet in Stanton of Whamburger D-Lux and Cruz. Which is proving to be quite challenging so far and the reason why we need help!

Some would say that we don’t know what we’re doing. Although, you really shouldn’t waste your time with idle gossip and jealousy, the rumours are quite correct! We really don’t have a clue, but whatever we’re involved in it’s with a big smile and lots of laughs while enjoying Star Citizen with likeminded friends. We pride ourselves on being “The noobest noobs who ever noobed!” and on that basis we remain peerless.

We’ll generally consider anybody who applies to join our organization, with few exceptions. We do not accommodate intolerant people, selfish people, impatient people, know-it-alls who actually know very little, self-appointed gurus, proponents of pseudologia fantastica, protagonists of mythomania, part-time or full time politicians, heads of heretical religious sects [human or alien], vanilla ice-cream addicts, spaceship parking enforcement officers, and ex-Crusader ATC employees!

All comments, questions, queries, or complaints regarding the organization or its members are welcome and should be posted in the Unfortunate Series of Events [USEE] Main Hall forum on Spectrum.


Not guilty, your honor.


Unfortunate Series of Events [USEE] Organization

Leaders of USEE:

USEE Specialists:


Unfortunate Series of Events – Organization Rules

1. Monfreid is always right. Even when he’s not.

2. Continued notable success and achievement through your interactions, words, or deeds, causing you or USEE to publicly gain a good name, image, or reputation, is very much unacceptable. Do NOT effectuate anything that makes USEE [or you] appear to be competent or endearing, or others may seriously consider applying for USEE membership and therefore condemn themselves. Initial violations will result in a warning being issued. Further violations, in most cases, will result in appropriate sanctions. Severe or repeated infractions will carry more serious consequences.

3. Everybody makes errors. Anybody can suffer from bad judgement. These attributes are entirely commendable. However, USEE has a zero tolerance policy towards intelligent people who generally learn from their own mistakes, and wise people who learn from the mistakes of others. If you become a burden or hindrance to USEE or any individual members, by constant acts of foolishness and ignorance, or continually make the same mistakes and bad judgement calls, you may be considered for a USEE award and/or given a promotion! If it is apparent that you are, in any way, savvy, capable, intelligent, gifted, skillful, or expert, then your USEE membership will be systematically withdrawn – without prior consultation or warning!

4. It’s prudent to add all other USEE members to your Star Citizen friends list. There will be times when you unexpectedly become incapacitated, or die screaming like a n00b, and need someone to come and rescue your sorry ass or help you recover any gear you’ve lost, which will probably be frequent and perpetual. Hopefully, at least, one USEE member will respond [who you haven’t upset enough to have already blocked you] when this happens.

5. Do not complain about bad things happening to you. Life in Star Citizen is just an unfortunate series of events. If it happened, it was meant to happen. Nobody to blame but yourself for being so unlucky, miserable, and hopeless.

6. When you get yourself into any trouble, you are on your own. Do not expect any backup or help whatsoever. Anyone who comes to assist you in such circumstances are just as stupid and foolish as you are. Including, and especially, any USEE members. Repeated occurrences may encourage favorable acknowledgement from USEE leaders.

7. USEE is a multi-lingual organization with members from all dispositions in life and impoverished backgrounds – some unsophisticated, delinquent, and destitute. If you can’t understand English then use Google Translate. If you can’t understand German then use Google Translate. If you can’t understand Quechuan then use Google Translate. Uma ungazi ukuthi i-Google Translate isetshenziswa kanjani kusho ukuthi uyisiphukuphuku futhi yeka ukuchitha isikhathi sabanye abantu.

These are the blessed unlucky7 rules of USEE.

  • NB: All USEE members are expected to forget these rules or ignore that they exist. Especially if there’s a chance to get laid, or for a modest amount of aUEC.

USEE Membership Proviso[s]:

  • USEE members congregate on Discord where a chat server has been established, as a base of operations and to facilitate communications. Invitations for the Discord USEE server are sent out to new members as and when they join. A Discord account will be required in order to access this server. If one has not already been set up then it should be done as a priority. If any members have not received an invite to the Discord USEE server then contact one of the USEE leaders or specialists in-game, or directly on RSI Spectrum Community Hub, or by submitting a post in the RSI Spectrum USEE Head Quarters forum.


Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.