Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Valhalla Space Group / VSSC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Exploration

Greetings Citizen, Valhalla Space Group welcomes you!

If you’re interested in what have to offer come check us out on Discord


Valhalla Space Group was established on the Eve of 2950. The organization was originally a detachment of the UEE Navy before becoming an independent unit. With the initial focus surrounding security & military tactics the organization was eventually geared in the direction of a multi-spec group. This focus would help expand the horizons of the organization as a whole & usher in a new ideology.

In 2952, Valhalla Space Group, better known as the VSG, took the necessary steps to fully convert into an organization with various avenues to offer citizens who join. This change turned out to be just what was needed to kick off an influx of new recruits & activity in the verse that was sought after.

Organization leadership was formed around the singular idea of nurturing a good environment over all else for members to be apart of. As the verse develops, so does the VSG, taking into account every aspect & giving it a kick of creativity to maintain a positive flow.

The current status of the VSG is thriving & continuing to flow in a positive direction. Those who have joined along the way continue to be the foundation of what is being built within our walls. This will be what the future is built off of...

Valhalla Space Group, est. 2950


Valhalla Space Group is a private organization within Star Citizen that aims to provide and service any and all needs of the player base. From providing security with our primary combat fleet or transporting people and cargo for profit we do it all! We invite you to come and be part of our growing organization that will only expand as the game develops into the future.

~ Flashy, Director of VSG Operations


1. Respect others. Treat all other players with dignity and respect. Be respectful of other members of the community, their abilities, their contributions, and any extra duties they perform to keep the community running.

2. We all play to have fun. Don’t ruin it for other people. It is you, and not the Community Leadership, who is primarily responsible for whether you are having fun or not.

3. Be mature. Immature and infantile behavior is not tolerated.

4. You are part of a community. We succeed as a group, not as individuals. Self-centered and self-absorbed attitudes are not helpful.

5. Not everyone will agree with everyone else. It’s a large community and conflict will inevitably arise. As adults, members are expected to either try to resolve disagreements with other players civilly, privately and independently. Failing that, try to work around it. Approach Staff for assistance if you have exhausted all other options.

6. Drama will not be tolerated. Disagreements or other behaviors which become disruptive are unacceptable.

7. Community rules will inevitably change over time. Members are expected to accept and adhere to new rules regardless of their personal opinions. Be mindful that the Community Leadership tries to make decisions that are best for the community as a whole and for the long term, which may not necessarily correspond to the best decision for you personally right now.

8. Do not engage in any activity that will bring the community’s name into disrepute. Behaviors such as spamming, trolling, begging, flaming, or other anti-social actions are not acceptable.

9. Abusive, threatening, discriminatory, or prejudicial behavior of any form is expressly forbidden.

10. Follow the rules at all times to avoid unnecessary consequences and actions to be taken if broken.