Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

AOE INC is a universal provider of sustainable territories and secure logistics management.

Going Above and Beyond To Find Your Next interplanetary dominion
interplanetary Real Estate Excellence

Job Opportunities

-Land Surveyors
-Marketers (RP)

See manifesto for more info


What started as a dream for two brothers, AOE was created to explore and expand the knowledge of the universe. Created in September of 2040, two brothers who had traveled most of there lives, set in motion an exploration venture that opened many doors to the unknown.

While contracting is good pay, we found that one thing was always missing. A home location… It was at this point late in 2042 when the two brother started sharing ideas about the company and what direction they wanted to go. It was at that time they decided to find locations, near and far, easy and difficult to get to and lay claim to these lands.

How far will you go, into what depths will you explore to find your “Home”? You wont have to, we will…. AOE Going Above and Beyond To Find Your Next interplanetary dominion
interplanetary Real Estate Excellence

-“I’m not sure they operate completely above the law, but good people.”


PURPOSE. It defines us. We are not mercenaries, defined by compensation. We are evangelicals, defined by conviction. Our cathedral is the courtroom, our pulpit the jury box, our scripture the Bill of Rights. We leave intellectualizing to the scholars in tweed jackets and semantics to the corporate lawyers. Freedom and equality are our religion, and we defend them with the fervor of crusaders.

PASSION. It drives us. It keeps us up writing at 2 a.m., foregoing the pillow for another pot of coffee. It thrusts us headfirst into the fight instead of sprinting to safety. It compels us up the mountain, step-after-step, though hell’s fire burns in our hamstrings, our lungs scream for air, and the voice in our head tries to negotiate our return to the sofa. It has no pause button, no on-off switch. It has only a single setting: Full Speed Ahead.

INTEGRITY. It is our compass, always pointing to true north. Sales and spin have no place in our world. We leave politics to the politicians and diplomacy to the diplomats. We simply do what we say we are going to do. And, when we don’t we own it and we fix it.

CURIOSITY. It is our fuel. It refuses to allow us to accept having never sought a better way. It prevents us from fleeing the darkness, sending us diving into it face-first. For though we are as frightened by the unknown as anyone, we know that nothing great has ever been accomplished from the comfort of a sofa.

COURAGE. It supports us, emboldens us, and keeps us moving forward. It is our insurance against our insecurities. For while we know that our efforts invite judgment, ridicule, and condemnation from the main stream, it reminds us that these are fleeting. And that the only stone-cold certainty in life is that there is no burden heavier than having been too scared to try.

DISOBEDIENCE. It roots us. They can take their bribes of gold stars. We’ll take justice, and equality, and opportunity. And the only path towards those objectives is by telling them what we think of their rules.

Dear Establishment: We were the sleeping giant that was more than content to continue snoozing. But we’ve been pushed too far. We’re out of bed, we haven’t had our coffee yet, and we’re pissed off.

We are the People. And now you will have to deal with us.



AOE is
… Friendship among members, sharing a common belief in an ideal, …
… and possessing different temperaments, talents, and convictions …
… is superior to friendship among members having the same temperaments, talents, and convictions; and that …
… Genuine friendship can be maintained without surrendering the principle of individuality or sacrificing one’s personal judgment.