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Via Caelis / CAELIS

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  • Role play
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  • Freelancing
  • Social


Via Caelis has been different things over time, but it has always been a community of outcasts. Originally it was the ship of a lone UEE Expat and former pilot, Kataryna “Kat” Dobreva, in a beaten down Valkyrie claimed from a surplus auction. Attempting to avoid the UEE and sobriety as much as possible, she would race, take shipping missions, and the odd smuggling contract to keep her ship running and her mind numbed.

It wasn’t until after a job gone wrong that our story truly starts. Left adrift on a derelict Reclaimer, she managed to get enough power to bring it to a free dock where she began to attempt to repair it. Lovingly referring to it as “The Jabberwock” she spent more time in the ship than she did flying, and eventually others began to help. Over time, a tight knit community formed as The Jabberwock became something akin to flyable. Then it became their home, reputation often (sometimes rapidly) switching from roving party barge to public nuisance to illegal operations haven. As Kat and her crew continued to move, eventually other ships joined in the caravan, becoming a migrant flotilla of outcasts and drifters.


OOC Rules and Conduct

Via Caelis is meant to be a fun place for all our members to enjoy RP in the Star Citizen universe. We are a predominantly text, lore abiding RP group here to tell stories and enjoy the game of Star Citizen. We don’t have many rules, and the rules we DO have are more guidelines than hard fast laws. Please use common sense in trying to figure out the spirit of said rules and not try to lawyer them. That’s a good way to get on sersi’s bad side.

1. Don’t be a dick.
This should be fairly self evident, but way to often isn’t. If someone asks you to drop something, drop it. If you feel you are being harrassed, talk to an officer.

2. You are not your character, and your character is not you.
This is a roleplaying group, and roleplaying is a form of acting/storytelling. The group’s dedicated channel should be used mainly for conversations that take place in-character (IC), and out-of-character (OOC) comments from the player should be clearly marked so that it’s clear when the character is speaking and when the player is speaking. Keep in mind when conversing with others that a character’s actions should reflect the motives and interests of the character, not the player—and you shouldn’t assume that a player shares the same views on a given topic as their character.

3. None of us can have the spotlight all the time.
There simply aren’t enough hours in the day for each of us to advance our characters’ individual stories in front of a large audience—and all of us have stories to tell. There is no action so necessary that your character simply must derail someone else’s scene to do it. There is no action so important that it must be done now, in front of an audience, or not at all. Please, be patient, mindful of others, and aware that you are a guest in their story just as much as they are a guest in yours.

4. Each of us is responsible for their own fun.
We are at our best when we’re having fun together and all of us should do what we can to include each other and make sure people who want to participate aren’t being excluded. But that doesn’t mean that it will always be possible. Please don’t expect that other people have on obligation to keep you entertained—the person who is most responsible for your entertainment is you.
To the extent that we can follow these principles, we’ll be a strong and healthy group that’s fun to be a part of. However, if a problem does come up, Via Caelis has multiple officers who act as group managers and arbitrators to get problems sorted out discreetly and with as little drama as possible. If you’re unhappy with something about the group, let an officer know! And, of course, the same rules apply to the officers as everyone else—if you have a problem with something that an officer is doing, let one of the other officers know.

Reminder –
These rules cover the basics, but others may be added as needed. Arguing that acting like an ass is okay because you haven’t broken any official rules is a quick way to be removed from the group. Now game on!


The 10 Commandments

i. Family first.
ii. Keep the Flotilla secure.
iii. The Flotilla sticks together.
iv. Do not steal from your family.
v. Do not bring your problems back to the Flotilla.
vi. Listen to your caravan leader.
vii. Listen to your captain.
viii. Celebrate whenever you can.
ix. Keep flying.
x. We are not pirates. We are not killers. We just want to live free.

Other Notes -

* The Migrant Fleet/Flotilla is more of a loose collection of like minded folks than a true organization. Each Captain can feel free to run their ship as they feel comfortable, as long as it does not conflict with the fleet in general, or put the fleet at risk.