Duces Benevolens / DUCES

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

We’re a small-but-active clan of mentally unstable individuals who may or may not hate your guts. We are not a good influence. Do not take us home to your mother. Do not ask what the name means.
If you want to fuck around and have a good time, we’re your group!


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Duces Benevolens started as a small clan in Warframe, originally just for myself, to do things my own way. Then people started asking if I had a clan, and more people started joining and now apparently I run this shindig.

While Warframe is still our main game, we also play Star Citizen, and any other thing that catches our fancy of the month.


Open to Star Citizen players, Warframe players, hobos, drunkards, lepers, pet rocks… yknow, basically anyone. Long as you’re not a fuckwad, come join us!


We’re here to fuck shit up and take names.


- Swear all you fucking want (except n*****) NO RACISM/BIGOTRY.
- Saying “my dude” will result in instant ban.
- Saso is always willing to trade you shit in exchange for Steam Wallet codes. Totally legit, I swear. Why does no one ever take me up on this?
- Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even though my opinion is the only one that is right.
- Fuck Terraria. Like, seriously. Gyazo too.
- Don’t listen to anything Daymaker says if you value your sanity.
- If you have a problem with a member, tough shit. I’m not a mediator.
- Everyone likes Rythice.
- Probably don’t discuss politics unless for some reason you want me to explain what a fucking idiot you are.