Supply or Die

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The Institute / INSTITUTE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Trading


Knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven

Hoarding of knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny

The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder

Intelligence is not knowledge but imagination


The Institute is an itinerant aggregation of scholars whose collective purpose is the investigation and pursuit of knowledge, the acquisition of skills, and the development of talents. It is a self-sustaining community of adventurers that knows neither bounds nor boundaries.

Our present fleet – our nomadic campus – consists of several shared spacecraft that are for group use by all members. These include an Idris frigate, an Endeavor class science ship (or Hope class hospital ship, depending on the nature of the mission), an Orion mining platform, a Reclaimer salvage vessel, a Crucible class space-dock and repair craft, a Gemini mobile fuel station, and a number of classified military vessels for fleet defense. Because of this array of available ships to fly or crew upon it is not necessary for new members to own anything other than a game package to join the fleet. In fact, by serving among us you will gain the breadth of skills and experience that few other organizations will be able to offer. You will also have the benefit of a good source of income and bonuses so that you will eventually be able to branch out on your own with just the kind of ship that you know will suit your play-style.

We hope that you will consider a career with us and help the Institute build a future that is worth writing histories about.

Thank you for considering the Institute.


** Truth is the only currency.

All else is just the means to earn it – for it can not be lost, stolen, given, or bought. That which is unknown can be discovered. That which was once known will never remain secret forever.

The purpose of the Institute is the open dissemination of information in the form of factual expertise, acquirable skills, and the development of talents for the perpetuation of sapient civilization. It is to this end that the Institute will participate in efforts to ensure that peace and safety prevail over war and calamity so that the work of the Institute may continue to flourish. The intent of the Institute is to create a reference archive of materials within and about the universe, for the benefit of whosoever wishes to avail themselves of the opportunity to learn from it or contribute to it.

Areas of science, engineering, history, the arts, literature, astrography, xenolinguistics, cultural notions, travel, current events, and any other study of relevance or interest to the citizenry of the UEE are all valued. There is no fee or membership requirement to gain access to the information, but those scholars who wish to contribute and be recognized for their efforts will need to at least become Affiliates. Full Members are able to participate in the governance of the organization, and can earn the honor of being recognized as experts in their fields. To these Members is granted the ability, and responsibility, to curate the collection of works and select the finest examples of scholarship for inclusion in the permanent collection.

Our Code of Mores is simple:

** Do no harm MORE than others would do to you.

** Contribute to the wisdom, understanding, and edification of others MORE than they attempt to do for you.

** Assist those in need MORE than they expect of you.


The Institute is established into three divisions.

** The Observatory
** The Foundation
** The Academy

The Observatory is concerned with gathering information about jump points, cartography, cataloguing planetary or system resources, and scientific discoveries – especially relating to historical evidence of ancient civilizations in the galaxy.

The Foundation is tasked with gathering, developing, and transporting resources or equipment, and is the financial arm of the Institute.

The Academy is a school of military science that also provides operational integrity and protection for the other divisions during missions. It serves to guard the fleet first as a deterrent, but also in a direct fashion if warranted. It further serves a humanitarian objective by safely delivering valuable supplies for relief operations in dangerous areas.

Each division has a Director who oversees departmental activities. Staff roles are assigned on the basis of current needs. The Dean of the Institute is responsible for all appointments and assignments.

The Institute is a peaceful organization. As such, it is working to convey a message of neutrality, such that the blue seal of the Institute comes to be accepted as a sign that any ship bearing it is not pursuing a hostile purpose. Members and Affiliates have the right to defend themselves, but anyone who abuses the seal in a perfidious fashion besmirches the reputation of the Institute and will be condemned in the utmost for such deception. Members and Affiliates understand the cost to the organization of this defamation, and they will be held stringently to account for it.

The head offices of the Institute are in the Rhetor system, on the planet Mentor.