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Knot Seriously / KNOTSRS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Social

“Never unsheathe your blade without reason. Never sheathe it without Honor.” – Unknown origin

Knot Seriously is a defense contractor and paramilitary humanitarian Org made to protect minorities & the misunderstood in the depths of space.



Knot Seriously was founded by Morias “Icefox” Seraph, Chris “Kobold” Koebel, Jacey “Foxjay” Quinn, Lloyd and Plazma52 in August of 2954 (OOCly 2024). We are an independent “nation” building, semi-role play, furry oriented organization. We plan to operate largely in deep space with our own community and privately built bases, though we will attempt to support folks that operate in UEE and alien territories as well. We’re also here to relax, joke around, and be ourselves. As a result, we are an 18+ only Org.

We run events of all kinds, from combat-oriented PvP or PvE, to casual ops for “carebear” activities (with escort when possible, if the protection is needed!). To facilitate this we have channels for various branches of speciality on our Discord, along with general socialization. We also have an RP channel for folks that like that sort of thing.

Our Discord is active and open to all who will follow our rules, though some channels will be restricted based on your level of membership – e.g. guest, affiliate, full member, leadership.

We are in part what we like to call a “semi-RP” Org. What is semi-RP to us? We run RP events and don’t mind if people RP, as long as they keep it clean and it doesn’t disrupt Org or members’ gameplay – we’re an Org that plans to Get Shit Done ™ in the ‘Verse, but in RP for those of us that enjoy that.

What you do in our Org is entirely up to you and we have no attendance requirements for basic affiliateship or membership. While at least some event attendance is encouraged, it’s entirely optional as long as you haven’t chosen to sign up for certain in-Org activity groups (like highly organized patrol, trade, etc which we will need some of to exist and thrive in deep space). Pick and choose what you want to do with us! We’re all here to have fun.

We also don’t mind inactives, as the membership cap for Orgs in Star Citizen is either absurdly large or unlimited. If we ever hit a cap or run into other issues because of this, we might revise this later. But as it stands, even if you only play after every major patch for a bit, or even more occasionally, you’re welcome to join us as an Affiliate or a Full Member.

The one rule we do have that might be an issue for those of you with full Discord server lists (gosh darn that 100 server limit!) is that we do require Discord membership. We want to keep an active community there and even if you’re a lurker, which is 100% okay, we still want folks there so they can at least see it, in order to help with coordination and event notices and such.


We welcome LGBTQ+ folks and friends to our furry and LGBTQ+ community. We’re a very accepting, tolerant organization that emphasizes the idea of mutual well-being and mental health through having fun in a video game! We’re not one to make enemies out of character/game, though we know this is inevitable and bad blood can form. When it does, we try to keep things civil despite this, but we will fiercely defend our own from trolls and troll Orgs, both socially and in-game.

Many, though not all, of our affiliates and members RP on some level or another, either casually “out of character” (OOC)-ish or fully in-character (IC). Many of us RP in-‘Verse as furries (be they Aliens or Uplifts), despite furries non-existence in official SC lore aside for a select few alien species. Our optional Org-canon explanation which folks can follow if they wish is that technology is far enough along not just to allow complete genetic and physical transfem and transmasc transformation, but also trans-species transformation as well, right down to the genetic level. This process takes around five years and can be painful for some or cause minor behavioral changes throughout, some of which can be permanent. These changes are usually related to animal traits of the blended species.

While this was at first a concern in the UEE and resulted in illegalization of the process (alongside “pro-human” concerns about allowing “Xenos” to be genetically engineered into human society), legalization came a few hundred years later. The voting-capable Citizenry of the UEE eventually came to the majority conclusion that the positive impacts on morale and extraordinairy talents of many of these unusual people were in fact a net positive for humanity and fighting off Vanduul incursions. As a result, the UEE has had the process legalized for the last hundred years or so, though some prejudice remains, particularly among “Humanity First” factions.

As the founder of this organization, I sincerely hope y’all consider joining us for a great ol’ time! We’re going to bring furry and tolerance to the ‘Verse, and we’re going to have a blast doing it through mining, trading, PvE combat, PvP combat, salvaging, scouting, exploration, and literally everything else the game has to offer! A deep-space Org, according to Chris Roberts’ vision, is going to require every aspect of the game to function, and we plan to be just that kind of Org! Come one, come all. The Furries and tolerant folk are riding into town, and we will brook no shit from anyone – IC or OOC. And we’ll have fun doing it as we build a lovely little home together in deep space, once we’re able to do that. :)


We here at Knot Seriously believe in the Brotherhood of Terrans. Whether you are a Human, Alien, or Uplift, we will through paramilitary, economic, and sociopolitical efforts ((PvE, PvP, and RP of all kinds)) support your rights to be who and what you truly are, no matter the cost. Through this we create a better world together. But remember, be light of heart as you help your brothers and sisters. Help them, but don’t become a radical doing it. Resist the hate in your heart. We are all Brothers, Sisters, and Siblings of not just Terran-kind, but Sentient-kind. Remember, hate is cyclical and history all too easily repeats. This said, we will brook no aggression against our peoples, and will fiercely defend our own by whatever means available to us.

Go all in, especially for your loved ones, but remember: K/not too seriously.


Fully Out-Of-Character (OOC)

You a furry? Brony? Anime fan? Just tolerant and enjoy the company of us whacky furries?

We’re building a nice community for you folks with training offered, alongside a lot of teamwork, RP, events, and/or hilarity. We’re committed to the protection of the “innocent,” so we’re going to fight hard to protect folks that don’t care for PvP so much, “Carebears.” We’ll also be providing other security services and will need all kinds of pilots as setting up a deep space PMC with our own territory and base(s) is planned!

Some basic expectations:

- Don’t troll, grief, etc. As part of this, do not spawn camp people, e.g. ram them in armistice, etc. It’s poor form. We’re not about that and will in fact be PvPing against those types.

- Be Excellent to others. We all make mistakes but try to be tolerant and kind. This is what furry was originally about, and is still mostly about.

- Related to the above, we are a largely furry and other types of neuro-divergence community. Lots of autistic people, ADHD, and other mentally odd folks here. If you have an issue with this, please do not join. If you are ok with us weirdos, by all means, join in as part of the fun. Boop!

- You must be 18+ to join.

- Dirty humor is ok as we are all adults here, but if you ERP, please keep it to private communications as we want to keep everyone comfortable in our community! We’re 18+, not 18+uwu. :P

- Be aware a lot of our members are into RP, as in, just good old fashioned RP – casual and/or tabletop and such. A lot of us will be RPing, or semi-RPing. We are not so RP focused that we should be bickering with one another on main channels. We will have an RP channel on Discord soon™ where we make sure people use (( Example of Out Of Character text )) in it if they are being OOC, and it will be entirely IC (In-Character) otherwise. But until then, every part of our org, be it in game or on discord, needs to be more cautious about how such things can blend and cause misunderstanding. Try to use (( )) brackets in-game or in our community if you seriously want a person to STOP something because they are making you uncomfortable. Think of it as a safeword. :P Bad joke, yes. We’re all about bad jokes here. I mean, look at the org name. Kinda obvious, no?

o7 to all, including non-members and even our adversaries.