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Spectre Fleet / SPECFLEET

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Infiltration
  • Freelancing

“Nunc Occultatum”

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Successors of a security force from a prosperous exploration organization. A small group of leaders gave rise to Spectre Fleet. Specializing in dark ops, they perfected the art of Intel gathering, precision tactics, and infiltration. Skilled operators spearhead the organizations’ effectiveness in all scenarios.



Our goals, like many organizations, is to have a well trained group of active members.

Short Term -

Our short term goals currently is recruiting to a reasonable number, to create organization by delegating roles and responsibilities, and creating effective training programs.

Long Term -

Maintaining our numbers and activity level via passive recruitment and regular ops. Finding and settling a “home” area or system, and exploiting the most lucrative means of making UEC.


We will always have fluid goals. Finding new ways to make UEC and new game mechanics that keep our members captivated. As Star Citizen evolves, so shall Spectre Fleet.


Member Conduct-

Spectre Fleet members are expected to maintain a high level of respect with both members in our own community, and with the Star Citizen community as a whole; treating other people / players as they wish to be treated.
Spectre Fleet and its members need to maintain a low profile due to the nature of our organization and our small size.
Pad ramming, griefing, exploiting harmful bugs, and anything not covered here that draws along these same lines, may not only raise our profile in the community in a negative way, but may also reflect poorly on us as a whole and Spectre fleet will not be a part of nor tolerate these types of actions. Anything that is against Star Citizens’ Terms of Service or End User License Agreement will also not be tolerated.


Members are expected to do their best to attend the weekly op which at the time of writing this, is Saturday late evenings. This op is generally only one hour long.


Members are expected to sign up for missions on our website mission creator. This helps us get a good idea of what our capabilities will be for each mission, and if we will have to adjust the mission parameters or not to complete the objective.


Auec for the org uniform will be transferred directly to the member to cover the cost of all uniform items. All members are expected and required to wear their uniform during participation in Spectre Fleet events. Spectre Fleet members are free to wear whatever they would like during non Spectre Fleet events.


Some off topic expectations that do not fit into any of the other paragraphs would be comms etiquette, insubordination, and punishments.
We expect our members to use each other’s callsigns (Spectre 55, Spectre 77, Ect), in comms during org functions.
Insubordination; Not tolerated within our ranks. Nor will “power trips”.
If any issues arise regarding persons with “power trips” or insubordination, please reach out directly to Spectre 1 or Spectre 2 so we can address the issue.
Punishments in Spectre Fleet are on a case by case basis and range anywhere from a verbal warning to expulsion from Spectre Fleet. We do our best to ensure that the punishment fits the crime.