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Roberts Space Industries ®


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  • Exploration

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After the overthrow of Dictator Messer, the oceans of powerful and intimidating ships that once served the former regime with unwavering loyalty were decommissioned.

They were left abandoned and lifeless, drifting through space without purpose or activity. Their combat power was now meaningless, and they had become grim shadows of their former grandeur.

The great empire was in a period of global change. A large number of military personnel, specialists, and civil servants were forced to leave their positions and seek new paths in life.

Among these individuals were two admirals who, having served the Empire faithfully for many years, had earned the right to claim some decommissioned ships on the brink of scrapping.

Armed with their experience and rights to these vessels, the admirals turned to their former colleagues and assembled a team of experienced specialists from among the former military personnel.

Together, they retrofitted the space giants and founded the organization SPLINTERS.

The organization’s emblem was filled with symbolism and emblematic images reflecting its values and ideals.

The shield, symbolizing safety and protection for humanity, featured a broken sword, a vivid sign of liberation from tyranny.

At the top of the shield, wings unfurled, symbolizing determination and the pursuit of heights. They reflected the organization’s readiness to overcome obstacles and achieve its goals despite difficulties.

The stars in the center of the coat of arms point us to the horizons where our gaze is directed.

The wreath at the bottom of the shield symbolized peace and prosperity.

All these symbols and elements of the emblem came together to convey a strong message of unity, freedom, determination, and peace. It serves as a motivation and reminder to the members of the organization of the value of their work and the importance of their mission.


Manifesto of the SPLINTERS

We, members of the SPLINTERS, unite with the goal of conquering new planets and colonizing distant space systems. Our mission is to provide the necessary resources and conditions for the survival and prosperity of colonies on these planets. We strive to create sustainable and thriving communities where every individual can realize their potential and live in harmony with the environment.

Our principles and values:

• Exploration and Conquest: We believe in the boundless opportunities of space and embrace the challenge of conquering new worlds. We actively explore distant space systems, discovering and evaluating potential planets for colonization.

• Sustainability and Balance: We adhere to principles of sustainable development and environmental responsibility. Our colonies are built with a focus on preserving natural resources and maintaining ecological balance. We promote the development of technologies, efficient resource use, and renewable energy sources.

• Collaboration and Diversity: We recognize the value of collective effort and cooperation. We foster an open and inspiring environment where members of SPLINTERS can share knowledge, experience, and ideas. We welcome diverse opinions, skills, and cultures, and strive to create an inclusive community.

• Safety and Prosperity: We believe that the safety and well-being of our colonies are paramount. We invest in the development of security systems, infrastructure, and medical assistance. We support economic development and the creation of opportunities for the prosperity of all colony members.

We, the members of SPLINTERS, commit to working with determination and dedication to achieve our mission. We welcome all who share our ideals and wish to join our ranks. Together, we will create a future where the colonization of new planets becomes safer and easier, and where humanity can surpass horizons and expand the boundaries of its existence.


Main Provisions

1.1. This charter is a public document containing up-to-date open information about the SPLINTERS organization. It defines the structure, policy, goals, and methods of achieving these goals.

1.2. The charter is mandatory for review and compliance by all members of the SPLINTERS organization.
h4. 1.3. The charter may be amended and supplemented as necessary by decision of the head or heads of the organization. Changes take effect upon their publication.

Rights and Responsibilities of Members

2.1. All members of the SPLINTERS organization are equal in their rights and have equal opportunities regardless of gender, race, religion, or cultural affiliation.

2.2. Members are prohibited from taking any actions that directly or indirectly may harm the organization, its members, or its reputation.

2.3. Members are prohibited from making public statements on behalf of the organization unless they have special authorization. Any statement made by a member in open channels may be interpreted as the organization’s position.

2.4. Members are prohibited from disclosing information intended for internal use within the corporation.

2.5. Members must maintain respectful behavior in public channels and not show disrespect to other members.

2.6. Members are prohibited from advocating for other organizations that contradict the interests and goals of SPLINTERS or encouraging others to join them in any form.

Participation in Other Organizations

3.1. SPLINTERS members may join clubs as affiliates, provided these clubs are peaceful economic or social associations.

3.2. Members are prohibited from hiding their participation in external organizations unless they have received special permission from the corporation’s management.

3.3. Before joining another organization, a member must notify the management of their intention.

Procedure for Joining the Organization

4.1. A person wishing to join the SPLINTERS organization must familiarize themselves with this charter.

4.2. The applicant should connect to the SPLINTERS Discord server and contact the management through the messaging system for further instructions.

4.3. Each pilot who is a member of SPLINTERS must list the organization as their primary affiliation in their profile.