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Roberts Space Industries ®

Croshaw Colonial Charter / THECHARTER

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

“…collectively, as an organisation we have a set of duties, goals or laws that we need to uphold. As a Colonial Charter, we need to protect those within and around us, and work to benefit those involved in or affiliated with the charter.” – founders



In 2271, after ten years investigating the space anomaly in Sol System known as the Neso Triangle, scientist and explorer Nick Croshaw became the first pilot to discover and successfully traverse a jump-point. His discovery led to the establishment of the Croshaw System and established a new era of human expansion in the universe by allowing us to travel vast distances of the universe without the need for FTL Engines.

676 years later in 2947, the alliance of several frontier colonies who faced repeated attacks from pirates & Vanduul swarms formed the beginning of the Croshaw Colonial Charter, named after Nick himself in honour of the brave, pioneering spirit he had all those years ago, the same spirit found in those of the colonies. Fronted by senior officers split off from a few well regarded lawful organisations, seeking change on a smaller scale for a greater good, the Charter began to make its rounds on the fringes of UEE space. Citizens who once had no one, now had someone, and the beginning of a new era for frontier colonisation and trade was born.

Captain Alan Winters and Captain John C Spiers founded the Charter upon seeing a lack of camaraderie, mate-ship and hope on the frontier. Leaving behind their respected positions, they left for their new life in the seemingly empty frontier worlds. Although the first, they were among many who sought to improve the life of those adventurous and brave enough to establish edge colonies in some of the most isolated areas of space.

This brings us to today, December 2947. You’re here reading this, will you choose to make your way through space with a Charter to live under?


Timeline of evolution for Croshaw Colonial Charter

  • 2271 – Nick Croshaw becomes the first scientist/explorer to successfully navigate a jump point, linking the Sol system with the Croshaw system
  • 2380 – The formation of the United Nations of Earth [UNE] brought peace on earth as expansions began the focus of off world civilisation.
  • 2523 – A lack of representation for the 70% of human-kind who no longer inhabited earth led to the reform of the [UNE], transforming into the United Planets of Earth [UPE]
  • 2541 – Discovery of the war driven Tevarin.
  • 2543 – 2546 – The First Tevarin War and the rise of Ivan Messer. Messer eventually became responsible for the restructuring of the government into the United Empire of Earth [UEE], holding the position as Prime Citizen before self anointing himself as Imperator. This began the rapid expansion of the human race and the colonisation of many new worlds.
  • 2546 – 2792 – United Empire of Earth [Messer Era] with the Imperator title becoming an inherited one, the [UEE] became a regime filled with military fascism and oppression. Resistance fighters worked tirelessly to bring about change in the government, to no avail until the Massacre of Garron II.
  • 2603 – 2610 – Second Tevarin War
  • 2792 – “May 3rd, Linton Messer XI was overthrown by the resistance and replaced by Erin Toi who restored the Tribunal system. This significant moment in history brought about the rise of the [UEE] we know today, immediate reparations began, with the introduction of the Fair Chance Act prohibiting terraforming on planets with an established chain of life, was quickly enacted to prevent events like Garron II from happening again. Establishment of The Ark as a repository (and attempt at reparations with the various alien civilizations they had antagonized) for galactic knowledge. And the beginning on construction of SynthWorld as an alternative to terraforming”
  • 2792 – Present – “The government has been maintaining these same policies. The Synthworld has largely been an unstable failure despite repeated efforts to get the project back on track. The money has started to dry up, the military is spread too thin.” The continued expansion of the [UEE] and the thinning of military and government assistance has led many frontier colonies to be prone to attack and inevitable destruction of human life. Trading routes were hard to establish let alone maintain, and resources had become easy pickings for pirate hordes.
  • 2947- [UEE] fringe colonies begin to look to each other for the protection, trade and resources necessary to successfully expand their colonies. A patrol of Stargate Command engineering operatives and their commanding officers venture out to assist a stranded colonial fuelling rig, before escorting it back to its home planet. After seeing the dire state the colonies were in, Captain John C Spiers and his Chief Engineer Captain Alan Winters opted to stay behind and provide ongoing support for the systems colonies. After months of negotiations, alterations to the trade routes and resource allocation, as well as the elimination of an asteroid based pirate hideout responsible for the raids between two mineral rich colonies, several of the colonies were raised to a self sufficient and operable state.
  • 2947 – December 8th, As thanks for their contributions to the frontier, the two officers were awarded Croshaw medals by the colonists, suitably named after Nick Croshaw and his contributions to expanding the horizons of interstellar travel and colonisation. The officers felt their work was not done, choosing to leave SGC and pursue their goals under a colonially formed charter. This marked the birth of Croshaw Colonial Charter, bearing the Croshaw medal as an emblem to assure recognition throughout the frontier as a symbol of hope, mateship and prosperity.
  • 2948 – The Charter expands its operations and allows its captains to utilise The Charter ships and trade routes for smuggling – UEE relations are neutral, but unjust restrictions and pressure by the UEE on The Charter create need for less-than-legal actions. Whilst still condoning piracy and murder; Croshaw’s rank begin to amend the Manifesto and Charter to enable it’s members and affiliations to act with confidence and the full support of The Charter.


“…collectively, as an organisation we have a set of duties, goals or laws that we need to uphold. As a Colonial Charter, we need to protect those within and around us, and work to benefit those involved in or affiliated with the charter.” – founders discussions

Welcome to the Charter

Croshaw Colonial is seeking lawful citizens with a sense of adventure, a desire to explore the unknown, and enough drive to turn a frontier settlement into a thriving hub of trade, resources and transport. We seek members from all walks of life who want to contribute to something great, who share our vision, and who want to turn a bunch of fellow operatives into mates and mates into a crew worth reading about.

Croshaw Colonial

History aside, Croshaw Colonial today is an organisation formed as a result of an alliance who operate under a specific charter suited to the lawful expansion and colonisation of frontier worlds on the fringe and beyond of UEE space. It continues to ally itself with lawful organisations, corporations and select private military companies, through affiliations or assimilation; if an organisation is relatively small in size or shares our views it is most likely that the heads of the org have received the affiliation proposition (operational since December 2947). This is done to ensure every lawful citizen has the opportunity to find support and alliance in the verse.

  • The organisation is primarily referred to by two different titles; Croshaw Colonial &/or The Charter.
  • Organisation owned &/or operated ships are set with a prefix CCS Croshaw Colonial Ship. For example, the flagship Expedition 600i “CCS Aventuras”
  • Aside from colony development, trade and resources; The Charter does have a Defence Division under which comes security, combat [space, atmosphere and ground forces] & colony defence operatives with a growing fleet of vessels to be put to use by the Division.
  • Charter Captains for the most part operate at their own free will, within the law, only to benefit the colonial front and for the prosperity and protection of civilians. The rank of Charter Captain is one to be held with honour, and the persons are regarded as among the finest on the front. Where a Charter Captain may be present, help will always be available. [Charter Captains are responsible to carry out the commands of the Croshaw Colonial Chief Commanders]
  • The Charter is responsible for the establishment, development, prosperity and protection of frontier colonies in conjunction with allied forces be it a PMC, Corporation, Religion of good intent or a fellow Organisation.
  • Croshaw Colonial does offer the ability to invest in Charter settlements &/or transport and trade routes for profits based on production, and has the appropriate banking tools to guarantee problem free money exchanges and correct returns per percent of growth within a settlement or route trade profit. [Further details can be found within our T&C’s available upon request] //COLONY BASED INVESTMENTS ARE NOT YET IMPLEMENTED DUE TO GAME MECHANICS NOT YET PRESENT, HOWEVER FLEET INVESTMENTS WITH aUEC AS OF 3.0 WILL SOON AVAILABLE PENDING MONEY TRANSFER MECHANICS//

Croshaw Colonial strives to be a reliable and familiar name among the homesteads of the space frontier, as well as a trustworthy name in interplanetary & interstellar transport and trade.


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