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The Teumessian General Partnership / TTGP

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

“Collegium Ob Libertatem”

Our network of Free Citizens and civilians will help you with a variety of services including but not limited to:

Small Package Delivery
Discreet Concierge Travel
Area Reconnaissance
Data Acquisition


February 17th, 2944: Southwest Territory, North America, Earth, Sol System.

The Partnership was founded about two years after the initial Kickstarter, making it one of the older organizations in Star Citizen. It is the brain child of an original backer and three other early adopters of the project. Our founding members have years of combined experience in roleplay (including in table top form) leadership, and are passionate about what we like to call collaborative storytelling. With a diverse spread of real life experience, we look at Star Citizen as a great opportunity to bring collaborative storytelling into digital gaming.

We have several experienced gamemasters and creative thinkers that will help you get the most out of the emergent gameplay of Star Citizen. Weather you and your side-kick are dropping your shipment at the first sign of an Imperial cruiser or you and the crew of yourCarrack aim to misbehave, The Partnership is the Neutral Good organization for you!

Landing page video by years1hundred. Go check out years1hundred at


At the end of tenure within The Partnership, our “graduates” will become fully realized and functional members of a ‘verse full of opportunity and freedom. Agency. Sexy.


There are only two universal rules and a trick while a member of The Partnership. No Piracy. No Slavery. Good Luck.

The following charter concerns operations conducted under the flag of The Partnership and does not apply to members when conducting private business. Members conducting private business can of course use these guidelines if they see fit.


  • The Partnership is organized using a cell structure with up to six pax per cell. Each cell is independent but can be linked to other cells by designating one person in a cell to command multiple cells.
  • There are no requirements for any member to be part of a cell, nor are there any restrictions on the amount of time a cell must remain intact. This structure is only intended to provide reasonable guidelines in order to provide maximum effectiveness in span of control, to encourage small group bonding, and teamwork.
  • The leadership in each cell will be chosen by the members of that cell and which cell member leads may vary depending on the needs of the moment. For example: a cell may have one commander for flight combat operations and another for personal combat operations.
  • Cells may establish their own systems for selecting their cell leaders. For example: a cell may choose to vote for a leader by majority or may elect a leader through trial by combat – preferably simulated in a program such as Arena Commander.
  • In any case, each leader shall be limited to a scope of five followers which may consist of members of his own cell, leaders of other sub-cells for larger operations, or any combination thereof.
  • In multi-cell operations the leaders of each cell will be responsible for selecting a fleet commander by consensus. Each cell will be granted full operational independence subject to the restrictions included herein.
  • Fleet Commanders should hold a minimum rank of Full Partner and Cell Leaders should hold a minimum rank of Junior Partner.
  • Commander refers to a leader who’s role requires the authoritative style of leadership while Leader refers to a leader who’s role is more participative. Some cells may not require a designated Commander or Leader, except when coordinated operations with other cells demands it.


Seniority is not a definitive or one sided concept within The Partnership. It is not determined by any single trait, but trust runs throughout the entire process of gaining seniority. This is not meant to be a rigid command structure, but rather an indicator of a person’s level of involvement and trust within The Partnership. Seniority will be indicated within The Partnership by rank as follows:

  1. Senior Partner – Senior Partners are the top of the seniority system in The Partnership. They have established themselves as trustworthy Partners through a combination of extended meritorious time in membership as well as strength of character and integrity. Senior Partners are responsible for leading by example and are authorized to judge internal conflicts, when elected to do so. Senior Partners may be granted the administrative roles of Senior Operations Officer, Resource Officer, or Public Information Officer. Senior Partners are elected by a quorum consisting of the founders and all other Senior Partners of The Partnership.
  1. Full Partner – Full Partners are the second most senior members of The Partnership. While they to have participated in The Partnership for longer than most other members and have shown themselves of exemplary character, they have not yet shown the dedication and commitment to become a Senior Partner. Full Partners are also expected to lead by example, may lead a cell and command fleets, and are also authorized to judge internal conflicts when elected to do so. Full Partners are eligible for the administrative roles of Resource Officer or Public Information Officer. A Full Partner must be sponsored by a Senior Partner and a fellow Full Partner to be considered for election to Senior Partner.
  1. Junior Partner – Junior Partners are the meat of The Partnership and are generally experienced members of their cell; they may be elected to lead a cell but do not regularly command fleets in risky operations. Junior Partners have demonstrated integrity and rectitude enough to be trusted as a Partner and a leader. This is the point during membership when the expectations of performance in leadership, skill, arbitration, teamwork, and participation begin to significantly increase. A Junior Partner is eligible for the administrative role of Public Information Officer. A Junior Partner must be sponsored by a Senior Partner and a fellow Junior Partner to be considered for election to Senior Partner.
  1. Full Member – Full Members are newer participants in The Partnership but are trusted enough to be considered for inclusion in general operations. It is at this stage where a member must work the hardest and be creative in order to be considered for advancement. It isn’t just heart and guts, though. Trust is the most critical trait within The Partnership and this is where the foundation for that trust will really set. Full Members must be sponsored by two Junior Partners to be considered for election to Junior Partner.
  1. Probationary Member – A Probationary Member is the newest and least trusted participant in The Partnership. Probationary Members must supply an open letter of intent, acquiesce to any and all requests for information by Full and Senior Partners, and be considered generally trustworthy by the general membership. Probationary Members are restricted from leadership and administrative roles. Any concerns by any of The Partnership’s membership will be carefully examined by Full and Senior Partners. In order to be inducted as a Full Member, Probationary Members must comply with the above standards as well as have the sponsorship of at least two Full Members and a Junior Partner.
  1. Affiliates – An affiliate association to The Partnership may be granted ad-hoc by Full and Senior Partners who are also Resource Officers in order to facilitate specific operations or if a person has become a close and trusted friend of The Partnership but does not wish to become a primary member. Affiliates cannot be assigned any specific administrative roles and are generally not put in leadership roles.

Any member at any point is free to terminate their participation in The Partnership for any reason, or to become an affiliate at their discretion. No negative consequences will be incurred upon amicable termination of participation.

Administrative Roles

  1. Founder – The founders of The Partnership are Mathias “Passer” Vulternus and Marcus “Faelyn” Vulternus. The final say regarding The Partnership’s affairs rests here, as does the responsibility. As long as you hold membership, you agree to their decisions and the decisions of their Senior Partners. Founders hold the only direct access to the General Fund.
  1. Senior Operations Officer (S.O.) – These officers are granted administrative access to manage membership, officiate promotions, and grant and revoke other member’s administrative authorizations.
  1. Resource Officer (R.O.) – These officers are granted administrative rights and responsibilities to applications to The Partnership as well as facilitating requests to the General Fund.
  1. Public Information Officer (P.I.O.) – These officers are granted access and responsibility to the public face of The Partnership.


Any Junior Partner or above may be elected by consensus of the parties involved to sit in judgement over any personal dispute. This is intended to settle small matters of personal significance. Any infraction of the Two and a Trick (see above) will be dealt with decisively and definitively by Senior Partners. A judge’s word in any other matter is considered final and will be supported by Senior Partners. YOU PICKED YOUR JUDGE, AND IN SO DOING AGREE TO ANY DECISION MADE BY THAT JUDGE. A judge may not make decisions regarding a member’s rank, roles, seniority, or cell structure. This is for personal dispute resolution only, and abuse of this system will not be tolerated or enforced.

Members may of course find their own ways of settling disputes, but arbitration is intended to build trust within The Partnership.

The General Fund

The General Fund is The Partnership’s only community cash fund. It will be built by donation and managed by vote to provide individuals or cells with funding that may otherwise be unavailable. Donations are unrestricted but only primary members (probationary member and above) can vote on requests for funds.

  • Each member is free to donate as little or as much as they like.
  • Once a member “buys in” they will earn a vote and maintain fiduciary responsibility for their portion becoming a shareholder. Shareholders cannot arbitrarily withdraw the amount for which they hold responsibility, but must rather make a request to withdraw the amount of their total donations to withdraw from participation.
  • Any member, weather they have donated or not, may request funds in any amount at any time.
  • Once a request is made, the shareholders will vote to approve or deny the request. When a shareholder votes “yes” he makes his portion only available to fulfill the request. If a member votes “no” he withdraws his portion.
  • Any shareholders who vote “yes” will then take an equal share of the request, up to their full portion. If a shareholder does not have enough in their portion to provide their full share they will provide their full portion and loose their vote.
  • Any member who abstains will be counted as a “no” vote. After three missed votes, the shareholder’s portion will be evenly distributed among the other shareholders and the non-participating shareholder will loose his vote.
  • Non member donations will be divided equally among all shareholders.


Bernardo makes a request of the fund to assist him in establishing a mining operation. He submits a request to any Resource Officer attempting to prove his case to the shareholders for 100,000 UEC. The Resource Officer distributes this request to all of the shareholders and sets a due date for the vote.

There are four members who have contributed to the fund and they vote:

Whyo: 67,000 UEC * NO
James: 27,000 UEC * YES
Burner: 52,000 UEC * YES
Ash: 3,000 UEC * YES

There are three yes votes so the 100,000 credits will be divided three ways, making each yes vote responsible for 33,333 UEC of the request. Since James and Ash don’t have 33,333 but still voted yes, the full amount of their portion goes to the request and they no longer have a vote. Burner is left with 18,667 UEC and thus retains a vote over his portion for the next request. In this case the request would be funded with 82,000 UEC.

If all parties had voted yes, the request would be split four ways and each yes vote would be responsible for 25,000 UEC of the request. In this case the request would be fully funded and James would retain his vote, as the responsibility is spread over a wider number of participants.

All book keeping and voting records will be kept entirely public. Donations and votes should be posted in public forum (this forum is not yet available) and the books will be available to any shareholder for review.