Supply or Die

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Hand of Tyr Flotilla / TYRFLO

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Exploration

The Hand of Tyr Flotilla is an organization that specializes in security and exploration of the expanse of the universe. Founded on the premise of freedom, the Hand of Tyr prides itself in honor, absolution and above all, defense of anyone’s freedoms.

(Discord Server)



The Hand of Tyr Flotilla [TYRFLO] is an organization that was formed by a group of fellow ex-military personnel. These original members had served together in military exploration of the UEE. Responsible for security patrols in fringe systems and exploration expeditions into uncharted jump point systems, giving them high skills in security and exploration. During the career of these members, they fought Vanduul and pirate raiders off giving them combat experience. Trained in long duration and seclusive expeditions and patrols, TYRFLO prides itself in independence, fortitude, lawfulness, resourcefulness and ingenuity.
Upon release of military service, the founding members built a paramilitary company to continue their expertise. Founded on their naval detachment’s Viking namesake of Erik the Red. Taking this to heart the founding members based the TYRFLO ranking and rich culture as the foundation of the company.

This organization is a member of the Allied Security Council



The Hand of Tyr Flotilla (TYRFLO) places absolute emphasis on the lawful operation of the duties that are bestowed upon the company and its members. Above all the protection and security of UEE territory and free travel systems is the core company mantra. Exploration of new systems for the propagation of humanity is the parallel primary core principle of TYRFLO. As a homage to the core fundamental skills of the founding members, TYRFLO values independence, fortitude, lawfulness, resourcefulness and ingenuity.


Member conduct in the Verse:

1) TYRFLO has no tolerance for piracy, criminal actions, griefing, or general intent to cause harm and/or distress to lawful citizen(s), whether this be internal or external.

2) Operate with civility and respect in both overwhelming victory and crushing defeat regardless of reciprocation. Actions otherwise are unbecoming of TYRFLO members.

3) Offer assistance, where reasonable, to any citizen(s) trying to find their way around the Verse.*
*Reasonable means within the general confines of what you yourself would be appreciative of. This is not meant to obligate members to aid others, rather provide aid when your are freely able and willing to do so.

4) Keep global comms mature and good-natured. Avoid inflammatory, derogatory, taunting and insulting remarks. Avoid getting involved in arguments, politics, and general drama. Remember that you always speak in front of an audience. When in doubt, press F12.**

** This is not meant to limit speech, rather to provide a general outlook of TYRFLO as a whole, we wish you to bear in mind that as a member of TYRFLO anything you say is what TYRFLO says. If you desire to discuss items that “can”, and “might” be considered conduct unbecoming should be taken to a private chat location with the expressed distinguishment that this does not reflect TYRFLO.