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Night Train / XPRESS

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

Night Train is a community, a family, a means to an end.

We don’t want fame, because fame is too conformist.
We don’t seek glory, because glory is for the noble.
We don’t need fortune, because all of our vices are cheap.

We hate the verse. We hate society. We hate ourselves.


Night Train has no traditional beginnings, we always were. Anyone who ever lived in the gutter, wasn’t born to fit the mold, or plain rebelled despite having every chance, have always been Night Train. Night Train is a means for those who dwell in the dark to find a place among the back allies where others like them roam.

There is no past and no future, there is only now.


The verse is ours to do with as we choose. We take jobs few else will, to fuel our addictions. Set fire to the verse and watch it all burn.

In other words, no limits.



Be kewl.
There is plenty to hate in the verse, so lets not hate on each other.
You don’t answer to anyone, but you will listen those I trust most.
We accept all nonconformists, but this is not a place to soapbox.
Be weird, but appropriately so.