
If QED is broken in 3.23, how can CIG make Pirates happy?

March 13th 2024 at 1:33 pm

If QED is broken in 3.23, how can CIG make Pirates happy?

March 13th 2024 at 1:33 pm

A black mantis skin with a skull and crossbones. YES, what we have all been waiting for, a mantis skin! The mantis has been a staple for piracy since it's introduction in 3.7. The QED has been an essential tool in preventing running... But if CIG is unable to deliver proper QED mechanics into 3.23 that include things such as preventing the speed bonus in NAV mode, then the only thing that I feel would atone for this would be a mantis pirate skin!

But lets go even further, last September during pirate week, we were given meridian skins for the Ares, Mercury, Eclipse and Hercules. None of these ships are widely used by the piracy community (save maybe the herc for carrying all the booty though, pirate cat is best change my mind). QED is the most important role for pirates.

Let me introduce: The Black Flag pack! An all black skin package with a skull and crossbones for :
-RSI Mantis
-Drake Cutlass Blue
-RSI Scorpius Antares
-Drake Buccaneer

You know what, I think that even if 3.23 doesn't include a functioning QED mechanic with master modes... I would be happy to wait looking that good in a mantis. Every pirate I know would throw money at this. It's a win win. All black, slap on a skull and crossbones, DONE! Most sold paint I guarantee.

Check out my low effort example!

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March 13th 2024 at 2:53 pm
March 13th 2024 at 2:53 pm
Every pirate in the game wants the Hull c to work. So they can pirate it and so they can use it. Make a post with suggestions on how to do that and I'll support it.

There's a lot of issues, aside from the cargo loading and offloading nightmare, it also has other major issues. The rear isn't (or wasn't the last time I bothered to check) considered to be a part of the ship. So it still had gravity after soft death. No ship comms, unlocked rear door, etc etc. The spindle tunnel was a tunnel of instant death in Eva both inside and outside of it.

Plus the docking arm not extending/ opening left the ship very vulnerable with its docking door wide open in space. And you have to waste time setting up a shuttle ship incase that happens. The best route only got you maybe 400k profit on a 10 million investment, but you couldn't do it because the station wouldn't load and you'd lose your cargo and your $$$.

I mean, I could go on, but that's your mountain to die on. Mine is the mantis paint.