[3.24 Live Feedback] Environment Art and Audio
August 28th 2024 at 8:23 pm
[3.24 Live Feedback] Environment Art and Audio
August 28th 2024 at 8:23 pm
We have opened this thread as part of the post-quarterly release feedback assessment. This particular thread is devoted to:
Environment Art and Audio including:
We have opened this thread as part of the post-quarterly release feedback assessment. This particular thread is devoted to:
Environment Art and Audio including:
- Ambient Environment Audio
- Game Music
- Weather and Environmental Effects
- Environmental Art Ambience
- Ship Audio
Feature Survey: https://airtable.com/appuNwWnmCOAmbCgo/shrbFJkPcfmsOaiFM
Be sure to up-vote shared thoughts. We appreciate you taking the time to voice your concerns!
Player Experience Team
Be sure to up-vote shared thoughts. We appreciate you taking the time to voice your concerns!
Player Experience Team
August 30th 2024 at 9:22 pm
Please turn off the green sludge in space
September 2nd 2024 at 9:39 am
Green Stanton is a horror. If I wanted candy-colored space, I would boot up No Man's Sky. Actually, I've been booting up Elite Dangerous a lot recently. For those who want fly "in the black", it's a delightful respite from CIG Cash Grab Green!
September 29th 2024 at 1:57 pm
I appreciate the thought and effort that went into the new skybox, but the old, black spacebox was vastly superior. Perhaps there might be star systems where this level of color is appropriate, but it should not be the default. Space is dark. (and full of terrors)
August 31st 2024 at 11:59 am
please revert the pea-soup sludge and give us the stars back
September 2nd 2024 at 10:02 am
Welcome to "No Man's Sky", or I guess we call it, "Star Citizen's Sky".
September 18th 2024 at 5:49 pm
As I'm playing more Elite than SC these days, it's less and less "my sky." At every turn, they are driving players away - stingy payouts, green sky, wrecked missions. The missions on Crusader platforms are just ... gone.
August 31st 2024 at 5:13 pm
The new skybox isnt good. I understand wanting to add some color but you could have subtly touched up the original one. And the visible galaxies are just plain dumb.
Edit: The skybox in 3.24.2 is a big improvement. Still not particularly realistic looking with the clouds and galaxies and lack of stars but a good compromise.
Edit: The skybox in 3.24.2 is a big improvement. Still not particularly realistic looking with the clouds and galaxies and lack of stars but a good compromise.
September 1st 2024 at 12:44 pm
This. Realistically there should be a lot more stars (dot-like) and not smeary things or tiny galaxies which are impossible to see with the naked eye. Also, green is not a typical color for a nebula, they usually are more reddish and/or blueish.
Stanton is still in our galaxy so it should look not too far off from what we see from earth. IF it should be remotely realistic.
Stanton is still in our galaxy so it should look not too far off from what we see from earth. IF it should be remotely realistic.
September 1st 2024 at 1:49 pm
Funny you guys should mention that. I was actually on Microtech last night, checking out the environmental soundscapes for this post. I took a break to look up at the sky, and wow... the number of galaxies visible was just jarring. It felt very artificial and cluttered - it certainly didn't inspire any sense of awe. I've always been captivated by the night sky in real life, and I've always been struck by the sheer inky blackness sprinkled with pinpoints of light. To me, that contrast is what paints such a 'scientific loneliness,' a mix of terror and comfort, and the sheer grandness of the universe.
I feel the foundation of the skybox should be a deep, almost impenetrable blackness. Stars should vary in brightness and subtle shades of color. Hey, perhaps a shooting star every once and awhile. By adding color to the skybox the art team is reducing the sense of depth of the universe. I remember the back in the day when EVE-Online had a visual bug resulting in colored 'nebulae' not rendering - just leaving a pure black void. At that time, it seemed so awe-inspiring imagining what could be lurking in that vast emptiness of space. Very cool. I would like SC to keep it as mysterious as that.
I feel the foundation of the skybox should be a deep, almost impenetrable blackness. Stars should vary in brightness and subtle shades of color. Hey, perhaps a shooting star every once and awhile. By adding color to the skybox the art team is reducing the sense of depth of the universe. I remember the back in the day when EVE-Online had a visual bug resulting in colored 'nebulae' not rendering - just leaving a pure black void. At that time, it seemed so awe-inspiring imagining what could be lurking in that vast emptiness of space. Very cool. I would like SC to keep it as mysterious as that.
September 12th 2024 at 4:58 pm
September 12th 2024 at 9:55 pm
I've never been lucky enough to get away from light pollution while on Earth. But I would definately agree w/ you about the incredible amount of stars! Utterly mind boggling- and taking into account distances....CRAZY I tell ya! So beautiful......
September 13th 2024 at 3:15 pm
While trying to understand the change, I learned emission nebulae are heated by stars, causing the gas clouds to glow in different colors. The color of the glow depends on the type of ion present in the nebula:
- Hydrogen ions: Emit red or pink light
- Larger elements: Emit blue and green light
- Oxygen: Emits a saturated green wavelength that can change the color of the nebula to teal, cyan, green, or bluish-white
So, maybe Stanton is in a nebulae with lots of oxygen ions, or those "larger" elements.
September 1st 2024 at 5:46 pm
The green Skybox.
I find the new, green skybox very disturbing. The feeling of the oppressive, endless emptiness of space has now completely disappeared. Color in space is certainly ok, but it should be limited to atmospheric areas such as planets or nebula regions. Ask yourself why you can see stars, planets and galaxies in the night sky. The answer is because the universe is 99.9% empty, i.e. black. I beg you earnestly. Undo that green skybox and give us back our old, beautiful skybox. Please, please, please. Don't fix anything that doesn't need to be fixed. Please give me back my breathtaking feeling of endless space.
I find the new, green skybox very disturbing. The feeling of the oppressive, endless emptiness of space has now completely disappeared. Color in space is certainly ok, but it should be limited to atmospheric areas such as planets or nebula regions. Ask yourself why you can see stars, planets and galaxies in the night sky. The answer is because the universe is 99.9% empty, i.e. black. I beg you earnestly. Undo that green skybox and give us back our old, beautiful skybox. Please, please, please. Don't fix anything that doesn't need to be fixed. Please give me back my breathtaking feeling of endless space.
September 2nd 2024 at 2:29 am
The new skybox is terrible while flying out in space away from any planetary body. Bring back the old one or an upgraded version of the old one that is higher quality.
Edit: Here is a comparison, 3.23 (L) vs 3.24 (R). Honestly all you need to do to make the new skybox good is add more stars and make it darker, then it would look good again. But this clearly isn't an upgrade and I hate looking at it, doesn't feel like i'm in a realistic space game anymore.
Edit: Here is a comparison, 3.23 (L) vs 3.24 (R). Honestly all you need to do to make the new skybox good is add more stars and make it darker, then it would look good again. But this clearly isn't an upgrade and I hate looking at it, doesn't feel like i'm in a realistic space game anymore.
September 2nd 2024 at 1:36 am
A puke green skybox..... really....
There are a variety of more suitable colors to have used that would not have elicited this negative response. Blue, Indigo, Violet and those in the cooler range are generally the go to colors for space in graphic media, even up to turquoise and the blue green side of the spectrum all the way over to red/violet. Straight Green is.... It's just plain ugly for a skybox tint, the specific color you chose is anyway as it seems more on the yellow side of green. It's honestly one of the worst possible colors to pick for this task other than orange. Why.... why would your art team possibly do this? They should know better.
Just to be totally clear, this isn't negative reaction to the change itself. It's not the idea, it's the implementation. Adding color does indeed make things pop visually and stand out in the black so that part is nice, but that green has got to go. Pick another color at random.
There are a variety of more suitable colors to have used that would not have elicited this negative response. Blue, Indigo, Violet and those in the cooler range are generally the go to colors for space in graphic media, even up to turquoise and the blue green side of the spectrum all the way over to red/violet. Straight Green is.... It's just plain ugly for a skybox tint, the specific color you chose is anyway as it seems more on the yellow side of green. It's honestly one of the worst possible colors to pick for this task other than orange. Why.... why would your art team possibly do this? They should know better.
Just to be totally clear, this isn't negative reaction to the change itself. It's not the idea, it's the implementation. Adding color does indeed make things pop visually and stand out in the black so that part is nice, but that green has got to go. Pick another color at random.
September 2nd 2024 at 3:10 pm
Just to be totally clear, this isn't negative reaction to the change itself. It's not the idea, it's the implementation. Adding color does indeed make things pop visually and stand out in the black so that part is nice, but that green has got to go. Pick another color at random.
Why that solution instead of dimming the blinding cockpit lights? Any difficulty seeing into space was a problem created by their ship artists.
September 2nd 2024 at 5:01 pm
This solution also addresses things like random asteroids hidden in the shadows of others and totally black against the inky blackness of space. Speaking practically and judging by their UI and other ship art decisions like the blinding lights, they're not going to stop doing that kind of thing, they think it's cool. Trying to pick battles here.
September 9th 2024 at 12:31 am
I disagree. The mud has to be washed away entirely. No amount of color change will fix it or make it close to good. The only way to improve the old one is to give it more stars (not less!!!) and make the milky way visible, and things in that vein. It should look like space as captured from the ISS. This is super long exposure stuff shot from the ISS on a DSLR is about as far as it should ever go. And even then, only parts of it have swaths of color and most of the color not from the milky way band is from atmospheric effects. https://youtu.be/08cTom92ius
September 1st 2024 at 10:21 pm
The skybox issue: ( i type feedback here because there no art topic for that)
The currently issue with the green skybox is not the color itself. Its the poor detail compared to the previous one.
Small stars lights are gone or less.
The new one is low detailed and all blurry (feels like using lowres texture one it)
The current one is pixelated (Picture5) pixelated transition between the dark and light colors
There are some idea for better visibility skybox. Also there is the old one (Picture1 from the 3.23) with blue collor feels good and natural, good for the eye.
September 3rd 2024 at 8:38 am
Skybox: If you'd just change the color a bit to be more blueish, make the nebula less prominent and the stars brighter, I think it would already make a difference and look more like space. Please, dear CIG, consider it. I'm no artist by any means but I've modified a screenshot to get an idea, but it would still need a bit more stars I think. And less tiny galaxies.
August 29th 2024 at 8:06 pm
Earring other's hangar elevator's bugs still exists once we enter a ship, i had it with a C1 and a valkyrie.
September 6th 2024 at 9:38 pm
Please do away with the green soup background...it is ugly and it destroys the sense of vastness of space.
I don't care if it makes things stand out more - it destroys the feeling of being in space.
Same for the Qtravel effects - for a while now we can no longer see the stars around the ship, it's all a blue or green color band with tons of special effects.
Please, go with subtle effects, the earlier versions of Qtravel were better.
I don't care if it makes things stand out more - it destroys the feeling of being in space.
Same for the Qtravel effects - for a while now we can no longer see the stars around the ship, it's all a blue or green color band with tons of special effects.
Please, go with subtle effects, the earlier versions of Qtravel were better.
September 2nd 2024 at 10:59 pm
I'm afraid to log in. I don't know whether this is the final decision to give up the project after 12 years.
When they make something that you see 90% of the time and that is supposed to fascinate you so ugly.
It's really sad.
Just because some people don't have legs, no one is allowed to play football anymore.
Or like here, because some people are of the opinion that they can't see anything, everyone else now has to suffer.
It's been working like this for 12 years. I even got an OLED so I could have the perfect black... and now something like this.
I've been promoting this game for 12 years and it's made it more and more difficult for me because, like the films and series these days, it's broken down for idiots so that even the most idiotic ignorant people can still catch a moment of happiness every now and then... this behavior also destroyed Battlefield .
If you want a large number then you can't look for the lowest common denominator.
you will end with nothing.
I always hope for the best but decisions like these make me believe less and less in success.
When they make something that you see 90% of the time and that is supposed to fascinate you so ugly.
It's really sad.
Just because some people don't have legs, no one is allowed to play football anymore.
Or like here, because some people are of the opinion that they can't see anything, everyone else now has to suffer.
It's been working like this for 12 years. I even got an OLED so I could have the perfect black... and now something like this.
I've been promoting this game for 12 years and it's made it more and more difficult for me because, like the films and series these days, it's broken down for idiots so that even the most idiotic ignorant people can still catch a moment of happiness every now and then... this behavior also destroyed Battlefield .
If you want a large number then you can't look for the lowest common denominator.
you will end with nothing.
I always hope for the best but decisions like these make me believe less and less in success.
August 30th 2024 at 11:10 am
Thanks for opening up this thread. So far everything except the new Skybox (background area in space) has been great. The green nebula look makes some sense for Lagrange points with their gas clouds around them but all of space having it is just bizzare and doesn’t look right. It would be greatly appreciated if someone from CIG can explain the thinking behind this move but so far no one I’ve spoken to has liked it and it would be even better if we can revert this change and keep it limited to certain areas.
September 3rd 2024 at 11:36 am
Please remove space dust in empty space, reserve it for only near objects emitting debri, its very ugly.
Please replace the ugly ass sin of a space backdrop you have now, since you decided to put some effort on it, and replace it with the real thing. Good lord. We need UI assists from ping, etc, to help see objects in the dark. Not a colored backdrop. This game is presenting itself as a space simulation, so please inform the manager who made this decision, in the nicest way possible, that the current skybox implementation was a bad idea. Then present him with the real thing (link above).
Seriously, the esa image is free for you to use commerically:
Please replace the ugly ass sin of a space backdrop you have now, since you decided to put some effort on it, and replace it with the real thing. Good lord. We need UI assists from ping, etc, to help see objects in the dark. Not a colored backdrop. This game is presenting itself as a space simulation, so please inform the manager who made this decision, in the nicest way possible, that the current skybox implementation was a bad idea. Then present him with the real thing (link above).
Seriously, the esa image is free for you to use commerically:
September 5th 2024 at 2:48 pm
the green space is really ugly break immersion compleatly . flying was already made less fun and exciting due to MM .moving slow in space soup isnt fun now its ugly and not fun
September 12th 2024 at 12:05 pm
The green unrealistic skybox, for me, breaks immersion and suspension of disbelief.
It also robs me of the feeling of darkness of space. Furthermore the backdrop of all those stars in the distance gave me a feeling of vastness of space and therefore freedom.
I'm well aware that Star Citizen is still in development, therefore everything is subject to change. I also know that the goal is to make it realistic and dial it back to fun.
But I have to say, that a green unrealistic skybox does not provide me with "fun" in any way. What it does do, is take away from my enjoyment of the game, breaks immersion and therefore ruins the "fun".
While I agree in general, that the game doesn't have to be realistic in every aspect, for me immersion can only form if the basics of the Star Citizen universe agree with what I know to be real. Examples most are familiar with:
- stars and planets aren't flat
- there is vacuum in space, it is really really cold
- air gets thinner as you go up, which is why jet engines only work up to a certain height, aircrafts can only climb so high, you need a breathing apparatus up there, aerodynamic control surfaces don't work in space, etc.
If these basic principles are violated, then the only reaction I have is: ???
From everything I know about what Star Citizen is supposed to be, this is not it.
Let's assume for a second that there are people here with understanding of basic physics, perhaps have astronomy or astrophotography as a hobby, or are outright Astrophysicists. If these people look at the skybox on a daily basis and every time have the exact same reaction, then that is a problem for them. It is surely a really big problem for me. I'm unable to ignore it.
It's not really about the color green, it is about the hiccup that pulls me out of the immersion of being a person in the Star Citizen universe and back into reality. Suspension of disbelief destroyed.
Please make it realistic with regards to basic principles:
- what you can see, i.e. stars, galactic plane, etc. including their rate of occurence and density
- the brightness of these objects when viewed from the atmosphere of planets and from a space station/cockpit of my space ship
- in general, unless you are near an object that is a source of light or reflects light, space is really really dark
You want a different color scheme?
- Use differently colored atmospheres of planets. Just kindly ask someone what is realistic for what type of planet, etc.
- Use realistic stars
Just, please remember that not all stars allow for habitable planets with atmospheres and that most if not nearly all astrophotography images have been colored and the brightness increased by long-time-exposures (what you can see is not that bright and many smaller stars aren't visible normally), that these don't provide any reference for what it will look like given the human eye as observer. That would be the same level of absurd as the green "fog" everywhere.
If you want to solve the visibility problem, make the cockpit window "active", i.e. let it be technology that
- reduces brightness of objects like the star, so that you don't lose contrast
- identifies and artificially highlights ships or objects of interest in the vicinity
That seem like logical advancements in the future.
It also robs me of the feeling of darkness of space. Furthermore the backdrop of all those stars in the distance gave me a feeling of vastness of space and therefore freedom.
I'm well aware that Star Citizen is still in development, therefore everything is subject to change. I also know that the goal is to make it realistic and dial it back to fun.
But I have to say, that a green unrealistic skybox does not provide me with "fun" in any way. What it does do, is take away from my enjoyment of the game, breaks immersion and therefore ruins the "fun".
While I agree in general, that the game doesn't have to be realistic in every aspect, for me immersion can only form if the basics of the Star Citizen universe agree with what I know to be real. Examples most are familiar with:
- stars and planets aren't flat
- there is vacuum in space, it is really really cold
- air gets thinner as you go up, which is why jet engines only work up to a certain height, aircrafts can only climb so high, you need a breathing apparatus up there, aerodynamic control surfaces don't work in space, etc.
If these basic principles are violated, then the only reaction I have is: ???
From everything I know about what Star Citizen is supposed to be, this is not it.
Let's assume for a second that there are people here with understanding of basic physics, perhaps have astronomy or astrophotography as a hobby, or are outright Astrophysicists. If these people look at the skybox on a daily basis and every time have the exact same reaction, then that is a problem for them. It is surely a really big problem for me. I'm unable to ignore it.
It's not really about the color green, it is about the hiccup that pulls me out of the immersion of being a person in the Star Citizen universe and back into reality. Suspension of disbelief destroyed.
Please make it realistic with regards to basic principles:
- what you can see, i.e. stars, galactic plane, etc. including their rate of occurence and density
- the brightness of these objects when viewed from the atmosphere of planets and from a space station/cockpit of my space ship
- in general, unless you are near an object that is a source of light or reflects light, space is really really dark
You want a different color scheme?
- Use differently colored atmospheres of planets. Just kindly ask someone what is realistic for what type of planet, etc.
- Use realistic stars
Just, please remember that not all stars allow for habitable planets with atmospheres and that most if not nearly all astrophotography images have been colored and the brightness increased by long-time-exposures (what you can see is not that bright and many smaller stars aren't visible normally), that these don't provide any reference for what it will look like given the human eye as observer. That would be the same level of absurd as the green "fog" everywhere.
If you want to solve the visibility problem, make the cockpit window "active", i.e. let it be technology that
- reduces brightness of objects like the star, so that you don't lose contrast
- identifies and artificially highlights ships or objects of interest in the vicinity
That seem like logical advancements in the future.
September 15th 2024 at 8:19 pm
I hate the new green space.
I can understand what you tried to do with it, give a color identity to system's space.
But this is not the right solution.
It might have worked on 2010 games, but in Star Citizen it just make the game really uggly.
Graphics was the only thing we really had on Star Citizen because everything else doesn't work.
Now we have nothing.
I beg you, please remove it.
I can understand what you tried to do with it, give a color identity to system's space.
But this is not the right solution.
It might have worked on 2010 games, but in Star Citizen it just make the game really uggly.
Graphics was the only thing we really had on Star Citizen because everything else doesn't work.
Now we have nothing.
I beg you, please remove it.
October 18th 2024 at 3:56 pm
The radar chirp that has been added to the ships is extremely annoying, to the point I'm now playing without sound effects. if any radar would make this sound in real life the operator would say it is broken and needs a repair.
November 18th 2024 at 3:41 am
Agreed! And I'm relieved to see someone other than me is finding it annoying!
Granted, I have ADHD with an associated sensitivity to certain sounds, especially if they are constant, repetitive, and sound out of place or like something is broken. I thought it was a bug at first, but then I noticed the same sound in my other ships, and on other people's twitch streams, and other peoples youtube videos. To me it sounds like someone is scraping tinfoil with a fork over and over again. It put me on edge to the point where I had to stop playing.
I know some people won't be sensitive to the same noise, but for others with sound sensitivities it's going to be a big problem. Please, CIG, make it go away or put a setting in audio settings to turn it off. It does very little to enrich the game for people who don't notice it, but it severely diminishes the game for people who do.
Granted, I have ADHD with an associated sensitivity to certain sounds, especially if they are constant, repetitive, and sound out of place or like something is broken. I thought it was a bug at first, but then I noticed the same sound in my other ships, and on other people's twitch streams, and other peoples youtube videos. To me it sounds like someone is scraping tinfoil with a fork over and over again. It put me on edge to the point where I had to stop playing.
I know some people won't be sensitive to the same noise, but for others with sound sensitivities it's going to be a big problem. Please, CIG, make it go away or put a setting in audio settings to turn it off. It does very little to enrich the game for people who don't notice it, but it severely diminishes the game for people who do.
September 8th 2024 at 3:05 pm
I'm told that the green fog skybox is intended to solve a visibility problem, giving a brighter background for ships to be silhouetted against. Now that you've tried that, please move on to other alternative solutions to that problem. I'm sure you have a list, but here's a few that I can think of.
1) Ambient light on the ships themselves. Y'all know that the Phong lighting model has a term for ambient light, that allows you to brighten the sides of objects that aren't under direct illumination. Try cranking that up, so you can have brighter ships silhouetted against the dark background, rather than vice versa. Sure, it's a cheat, but it's one that far fewer folks would have even noticed, much less objected to.
2) Give ships in the middle distance a pixel-size bright dot. Either pretend that it's reflected light (like I can see satellites in the night sky that are too small to resolve), or pretend that it's my ship's passive sensor painting visual cues.
3) Other visual cues are possible, but bring their own complications. Y'all know about how hostiles are outlined in red in other games (Battletech pops to mind, but I think Baldur's Gate 3, and I bet there are many other examples). You could do that, or something like it. This does add to the already-problematic clutter problem, but that's something you need to fix anyhow. (For the love of humanity, fix the clutter problem!)
4) Night vision mode. Given that you tried fog instead of this, I have to assume that it's not as easy as we all think it is. But maybe it's worth a second look.
5) Leave it alone, and let finding dark things in the dark be a skill. People should learn to approach a fight with the sun at their back, already.
1) Ambient light on the ships themselves. Y'all know that the Phong lighting model has a term for ambient light, that allows you to brighten the sides of objects that aren't under direct illumination. Try cranking that up, so you can have brighter ships silhouetted against the dark background, rather than vice versa. Sure, it's a cheat, but it's one that far fewer folks would have even noticed, much less objected to.
2) Give ships in the middle distance a pixel-size bright dot. Either pretend that it's reflected light (like I can see satellites in the night sky that are too small to resolve), or pretend that it's my ship's passive sensor painting visual cues.
3) Other visual cues are possible, but bring their own complications. Y'all know about how hostiles are outlined in red in other games (Battletech pops to mind, but I think Baldur's Gate 3, and I bet there are many other examples). You could do that, or something like it. This does add to the already-problematic clutter problem, but that's something you need to fix anyhow. (For the love of humanity, fix the clutter problem!)
4) Night vision mode. Given that you tried fog instead of this, I have to assume that it's not as easy as we all think it is. But maybe it's worth a second look.
5) Leave it alone, and let finding dark things in the dark be a skill. People should learn to approach a fight with the sun at their back, already.
September 8th 2024 at 4:02 pm
Space doesn't even look like that from the ground, once you get outside the city. I haven't seen examples of "obvious city people making nature art of something they've never seen" be this obvious since LOTRO's stoned rabbits.
September 11th 2024 at 5:22 pm
The green sky box has spoilt the visuals, even if Stanton is supposed to be in a nebula it needs toning down, nebulas are only bright from afar, when you are in them the light is spread over such a vast area of space as to be almost to completely undetectable, the black skybox is best.
September 11th 2024 at 6:59 pm
Make the green space tint an optional thing so I can turn it off!
Other than that, fantastic looking game, can't wait to see all the graphical updates we were meant to already have coming soon(tm)! I particularly can't wait for those sound changes in space, it looked so atmospheric in the citcon presentations last year.
Other than that, fantastic looking game, can't wait to see all the graphical updates we were meant to already have coming soon(tm)! I particularly can't wait for those sound changes in space, it looked so atmospheric in the citcon presentations last year.
September 9th 2024 at 7:12 pm
I don't mind a bit of color in the vastness that is space.. but come on this does not look neither good nor realistic.
Take a look at the night sky where there is no light pollution, you will see black, the shaded part of a planet should blend in with the background of space.
My feedback is to tone down the color and bring back the emptiness of space, currently it looks more like subnautica (under water) than a space game.
Obvious green image is current situation, attached a slightly edited version of the same photo where the blacks are black but some of the green goo is kept.
Take a look at the night sky where there is no light pollution, you will see black, the shaded part of a planet should blend in with the background of space.
My feedback is to tone down the color and bring back the emptiness of space, currently it looks more like subnautica (under water) than a space game.
Obvious green image is current situation, attached a slightly edited version of the same photo where the blacks are black but some of the green goo is kept.