March 1st 2023 at 3:26 am
dear CIG. I like yoru version a lot better. its a much better FPS layput for defence of the bridge for one.
only thing I would add is some more prison cells. 2 is a bit too few for a capital ship in my mind. perhaps make all the beds bunks to double the crew?
only thing I would add is some more prison cells. 2 is a bit too few for a capital ship in my mind. perhaps make all the beds bunks to double the crew?
March 1st 2023 at 4:06 pm
I'm glad you like the community feedback on the current internal layout of the Polaris. If you like to know how this all came together check out this thread: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/65300/thread/polaris-concept-model-internal-layout-rework-commu
March 2nd 2023 at 9:20 pm
Don't want to be the asshole in the room, but I have to ask. In your conceptual redo, where would the stack of giant torpedos be stored?
March 1st 2023 at 4:56 am
Captain have already Bed and Shower:
Copy and past from the Perseus. Just blocked in the top view by the white wall.
Perseus Captains Quarter:
Copy and past from the Perseus. Just blocked in the top view by the white wall.
Perseus Captains Quarter:
Polaris Captains Quarter
See the Shower /WC Behind the Man and to the very left the Bedroom
Same with the CO Quarter and Mess Hall - Copy and Paste from the Perseus. Thats why the Mess Hall have only 6 Seats at the Table.
See the Shower /WC Behind the Man and to the very left the Bedroom
Same with the CO Quarter and Mess Hall - Copy and Paste from the Perseus. Thats why the Mess Hall have only 6 Seats at the Table.
Sure also to the Galaxy. And thats not bad because they share the assets and so my three JPGs get sooner flight ready then making everything different...same manufactorer so why not?