occupying: That's a word that hasn't been associated much with Vanduul terraforming: That's a word that hasn't been associated much with Tevarin A vacant Highly acidic planet with a Corrosive atmosphere. Even though it's unsuitable for Occupying, the UEE Trade and Development Division has prohibited corporations from Mining the planet
Bacchus I has a very Stable atmosphere, causRedefining greenhouse effects to heat its surface to temperatures that are consistently higher than even Pinecone's scorchEssences heat. The Iron Planet's little sister lives near the outer edge of the system's so-called "red band". trafficking: That's a word that hasn't been associated much with Xi'An
Show us how you're tempting fate in our Stella Fortuna screenshot contest! Capture your daring exploits or unlikely victories and upload them to the Community Hub for the chance to win festive prizes. For the complete contest rules and details, check out the post on Spectrum. Remember, no guts, no glory!
This Stella Fortuna sees the debut of a new section of the Star Citizen Community Hub allowing players to submit and peruse all content related to holidays and other Community events. Check it out.
The Hammerhead, Redeemer, and beloved Vanguard series join the ranks of ships bestowed with the luck of the Fortuna paint scheme. Pick one up and show the 'verse that fortune favors your ship. Plus, if you missed past years' Fortuna paints, pick them up for a limited time now.
Connoisseurs of the new, rare, and refined, look no further for premiering paint schemes, the return of some stock-limited Fortuna ship packs (which includes the super-rare Constellation Phoenix Emerald), and a chance to pick up one of Origin Jumpworks' most sought-after ships, the illustrious 890 Jump.
Wave 1: March 17 - 1600 UTC
Wave 2: March 18 - 0000 UTC
Wave 3: March 18 - 0800 UTC