Daymar Rally 2949

Hi Star Citizens, Our team has been working hard on a community project called the Daymar Rally ...

7 years ago

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Hi Star Citizens,

Our team has been working hard on a community project called the Daymar Rally which would be held annually each January. The idea is that any Star Citizen can sign their team up for FREE on the Daymar Rally website ( to compete in an endurance race across the Crusader moon of Daymar. I have included version 1.1 of the rule book pages below but you can download the pdf from the website.

We have spent hours upon hours testing course routes and appropriate distances to make the rally enjoyable to participate in and spectate. There will be a broadcast of the event on the 27th of January 2949 so keep an eye out on Twitch and YouTube. Prize Pools will be announced in July and if you would like to donate to the prize pool head to the website. Any organisation that donates will be advertised on the website as a sponsor and will receive air time on the broadcast.

The website generates no profit and operates on in game donations and is purely for the love of Star Citizen. We have had generous media contributions from Star Citizens including Mr_Hasgaha whose images appear through out the rule book. Zeb Vance from Shacklteon Enterprises has also joined the team to provide weekly posts on eveything related to the Daymar Rally and Star Citizen.

The Daymar Rally team is interested in any ideas or feedback you have on the event, so please contact us via Twitter or

See you in the verse (probably on Daymar).

Corsaire Midnight Mercenaries

*Cloud Imperium Games is no way involved in the creation or participation of the Daymar rally.

Last modified by 7 years ago

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