Staff Pick

Imperial Geographic

I usually find myself at my desk, at Imperial Geographic HQ, here in Area 18, wandering about a n...

4 years ago

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I usually find myself at my desk, at Imperial Geographic HQ, here in Area 18, wandering about a new introduction for a new magazine. And when this happens I usually discover new ways o tell the ‘Verse. Different angles to view it from.

Every time but this time. This time is different. Today I‘m gonna write about me. About us. About Imperial Geographic itself.

Why? Because it‘s time for everyone of us to tell our very own story. To tell the ‘Verse who we really are and what we really do.

Our community supports us greatly so we want to share with our readers our very own angle. Our very own vision.

That‘s challenging, for us. We usually tell someone else‘s story. Not ours. Every time but this time. This time is different.

This time, it‘s us.


We are a non-profit scientific and educational organizations which operates within the UEE territory. Our interests include geography, archaeology, and natural science, the promotion of environmental and historical conservation, and the study of ‘Verse culture and history. IMPGEO revolves around exploration. All our job is focused on exploring new territories and, even better, getting to know the area of the ‘Verse we live in. Our fleet’s main goal is to reach the ultimate star and taking the ultimate shot while getting there. To us, destination is not so relevant. It’s the journey which matter the most.

Explorations means many things. To us, it implies a better understanding of what surrounds us. To do so our expeditions are intended to be a moment, for our members, to view the ‘Verse in a different angle. Reporting what we see is our duty, in order to let others experience what we felt first hand.


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Last modified by 4 years ago


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