Unofficial Road to Dynamic Server Meshing

Comprehensive presentation about the software systems related to Server Meshing

2 years ago

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Presentation overview slide

Unofficial Road to Dynamic Server Meshing - Tech Overview with Explanations

TLDR: Lots of information on Server Meshing gathered together in one centralized place, presented in 142+ slides with simple visuals in an unofficial, community-made presentation.

Link to presentation (desktop browser recommended):

Link to spectrum post:

I have been very excited about the technology that one day will be Dynamic Server Meshing. However, I had trouble finding any great single source of information which provides a good overview of what it is, how CIG is planning to realize it and its current development status. Therefore, I took it upon myself and started creating a visual and textual explanation as an extensive presentation for everyone to check out and refer to.

This presentation has been maintained and grown over the past two years, the more information was made available to us. Therefore, it has become quite comprehensive, even added various introduction topics to help explain why these software systems are created the way they are. All the sources that were used can be found at the end of the presentation as well. I hope you enjoy and find the presentation insightful :)

Last modified by 2 years ago


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