Ship Showdown 2952

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August 15 to September 16

VALKYRIE "She will Bring you Home. . ." Samson W. Hobbs Master Chief Engineer

He held the Official UEE Envelope in his hand. It had been a Long time since he had gotten anythi...

2 years ago

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He held the Official UEE Envelope in his hand. It had been a Long time since he had gotten anything from the UEE; let alone a Navy Admiral, He had never heard of. But; He rubbed the gray scruff on his face and chin that he called a Beard, He was confused now more than ever. Memories flooded back and He chuckled He had a Name at MacArthur as a Boot. The Lieutenant and Supply Sargent grilled him for what felt like hours as to how He could have broken the Torque Gun Wrench repairing the Test Valkyrie; so the Moniker stuck “Samson W Hobbs "Wrench Breaker". But that was a life time ago and another person. He thought, what do they want? I’m not fit enough to Re-enlist I’m too rusty and crusty. And I am sure the Deck Officer wouldn’t even think twice about putting me in the Brig or tossing me out an Airlock near ground. More memories and feelings He thought dead and forgotten began to Surface. . . “Return Fire! I need more shields! Launch the “Crows. . . And I want that Hammerhead stopped Cold!” Lieutenant Branson Patched to the Flight Deck. “Will do Sir, You can Count on us!” Captain Voorhees said. “Mount up. We got a Job to do.” The Idris “Shenandoah” shook under the heavy fire from the bracketing Hammerheads. Captain Voorhees turned to His Exec and Shot “Status on shields and the Crows?” The Young Exec shot back “They Just left the hanger and Shields are strengthening!” He hit the comm “Mosby, Where are those Shields!!” “Mosby’s Dead Sir, this is Hobbs Sir! We’re on it!” as the crackle of static died. “Congratulations Chief . . . get on it or Allot more People will die.” Samson was rocketed back to the Present as A Gust of wind hit him in the face like a needles. The envelope still unopened almost flew from his hand. He practically had to almost crumple it not to lose it. He shook his head and looked at the gray sky feeling colder than ever. I hate this city. There is no place quiet or peaceful anymore. And these Scrapers . . . make wind tunnels it seems. He thought as he shuffled on. He turned the corner toward home or at least on ArcCorp that passed for one. The Ad-vids cast shadows and reflected the food wrappers and dust in the repeated gusts. He pulled his tattered Flight Jacket up around his exposed neck and moved on. He moved passed the loud music and Lights of the “Sinkhole”. He paused tense as the Local Bouncer tossed out another tattooed patron into the Street. The Bouncer threw a quick nod, salute in Samson’s direction. He nodded back and kept moving. He watched as leaves skittered in the wind as he Began climbing the steps to the Habitation Entrance. He walked past the Sleeping Desk Clerk and watched the flies circle the garbage bags as He waited for the lift. The Lights on floor Eight flickered and shadows flowed and moved. But He knew his way. Finally he reached his door. Pushed the entry button linked to his Fingerprint and walked into darkness.
Out of habit his hand flashed to the button by the door and light flooded the room. One of these days I am gonna have to find a Hab that turns stuff on automatically and unlocks the door when I approach. He thought ruefully. Like I will ever be able to afford it. He set the letter on the desk and took off his jacket. He caught a glimpse of the faded Logo on its back U.E.E.S. “Gooney Bird” It was cracked pitted and torn in places, but the artwork still remained. The Frigate was on a field of black and flying out of the sun, He tossed it on the nearby chair and went for the letter on the Desk. Why did they send an Envelope? He thought. He chuckled and answered Himself out loud this time. “Cause you don’t own a Mobi-glass.” He paused. “Well I guess I better get this over with.” He broke the Seal on the Official U.E.E Document Letter. There the Logo and Official Address of the UEE Navy Undersecretary of the Interior Public Relations and Veterans Affairs. “Well it Looks Official.” He said to no one. He looked at the Admiral’s Name, “I still don’t know who you are.” He skipped down passed the name and began to read. From the Office of the UEE Undersecretary

Last modified by 2 years ago


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