Wing Commander II: Vegeance of the Kilrathi (1991)

All Chris Roberts Games! Part 13

7 months ago

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Released on September 4 in 1991, Wing Commander II continues the story of the player character of the first part. In defense against the Kilrathi (a felinoid warrior race), it is important to identified the secret location of the Kilrathi headquarters in the Enigma sector. In addition to the aggressors but also threatens an unknown saboteur and spy under occupation mission success. Chris Roberts: “With the first game we had ideas about real characters and cinematic conventions, but the story arc and character development were pretty basic. Based on the success of WC1 we realised we could exploit the medium to take the story to another level – essentially tell a good old-fashioned space opera inside the game. That's what we set out to do with WC2.”


One of the mission series in Wing Commander II takes place in the Niven system. This is a tip of the hat to science fiction writer Larry Niven, whose felinoid aliens, the Kzinti, inspired Wing Commander's antagonists, the Kilrathi.

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