Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!
en / USD
The Glorious Order of the Black Kabal
Spectrum Identification (SID) OBK
Organization rank Master
Archetype Organization
Prim. Language English
Prim. Activity Social
Recruiting Yes
Sec. Activity Exploration
Role Play No
Commitment Casual
Exclusive No
Star Citizen Ireland
Spectrum Identification (SID) SCIE
Organization rank Recruit
The Corporation
Spectrum Identification (SID) CORP
Organization rank Junior Associate Community
Spectrum Identification (SID) UFPLANETS
Organization rank Member
UEE Fuel Services
Spectrum Identification (SID) UFS
Organization rank Associate
TEST Squadron - Best Squardon!
Spectrum Identification (SID) TEST
Organization rank Cadet
Operation Pitchfork
Spectrum Identification (SID) OPPF
Organization rank Master Bacon Maker
Brown Coats
Spectrum Identification (SID) BROWNCOATS
Organization rank New Captain
The Convoy™
Spectrum Identification (SID) CONVOY
Organization rank Prospect