Ark Galactapedia

Teesa Morrison

Teesa Morrison (SEY 2492 - 2571) was an explorer best known for her discovery of the Baker-Yā'mon jump point. Born on a tanker ship that was passing through the Cano system, she was a self-described "full-time spacer and explorer" who funded her expeditions to new or uncharted areas of space by taking odd jobs as needed. While flying through the Baker system in 2531, she detected a signal that she determined to be a jump point after days of analysis. When she completed the jump, her exuberance of discovering what appeared to be an unknown system was short lived when she encountered a Xi'an military unit and was forced to retreat back through the jump tunnel. The United Planets of Earth (UPE) military tried to contain news of the discovery, but a recording of Morrison's encounter leaked to newsorgs and became a major story. Two standard weeks after her initial crossing, a Xi'an scout emerged from the jump point into Baker, nearly sparking a war. With all the increased media attention, rather than fighting, the UPE Navy took a more cautious approach and an outright conflict was avoided. Later, Morrison would use the money awarded her from the UPE government for her discovery to purchase a larger ship, which she made into her permanent home. She died of natural causes in 2571 while traversing the Goss system.

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