The Nexus system is a planetary system in the United Empire of Earth (UEE) that consists of one protoplanet, three terrestrial planets, a gas giant, an asteroid belt, and an A-type main sequence star. Discovered in 2445 by United Nations of Earth Navy (UNEN) pilot Dominic Thapa, its existence was initially kept secret from the public due to its only known jump point connection to Cathcart, which was a restricted military system at the time. After terraforming Nexus IV, the UNE suffered a budget shortfall and were unable to continue development of the system. As a solution, the mining rights to Nexus were sold to the Hathor Group in 2468. After the company strip mined a large portion of the system and extracted all they could, they left in 2672. Over the course of the next several decades, outlaws took control of much of the abandoned infrastructure and began using the planet Lagos (Nexus III) as a base of operations. Following the events of the now infamous Kellar's Run, the UEE Navy launched an operation to reclaim the system in 2931 which is still ongoing.
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