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Golden Ticket / GOLDTICKET

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Resources

Welcome to the Golden Ticket holders private meeting place. If you have a Golden Ticket you may apply and will be accepted at least provisionally.

A new and exciting phase of recruitment is now open to anyone who’s UEE number is dated in 2012 who are now known as Silver Ticket holders.


The Golden Tickets were handed out in September of 2012 and up to 10am October 10, or 10-10-10, of that same year.
The Silver Ticket rank is available for anyone who joined later in 2012, including the entire Kickstarter sub community who made this project happen.

Until now those Tickets have been almost entirely a personal matter, but as Star Citizen grows and becomes more interactive it becomes time for various unique groups to find each other and seek out both their combined value and visibility within the community.

Now with a new and improved Discord Server.


This is a purely social, or novelty organization.

At no point will Golden Ticket members be asked to work against, or otherwise hinder their other organizations.

We have a new Discord Server


Be respectful of each other.

Everyone here has earned the right to the presumption of respect.

Do not hold your membership over the heads of those who can not be members, be better than that.