We aim to create a friendly collective of individuals who seek to help others. They mine, build, craft, and fight for those in need. The Commonwealth seeks to reflect the friendly nature of their favourite mascot, Pico!
The Commonwealth of Pico
The idea of the org was created by a group of players from other orgs who wanted a Social hub and collective, to create a community that treats its members equally and helps them to progress within Star Citizen.
We have members from the all over the globe, and run frequent in-game events.
The Commonwealth of Pico aims to create a friendly collective of individuals who seek to help others. They mine, build, craft, and fight for those in need. The Commonwealth seeks to reflect the friendly nature of their favourite mascot, Pico! Everyone works together and no one is left behind.”
Conduct Guidance
1: Membership.
You may hide or redact membership of the Commonwealth of Pico if you wish.
We have no exclusivity rules at all.
2: Adhere to CIG’s rules of conduct :https://robertsspaceindustries.com/tos#rules_of_conduct
3: Assist other members and affiliate members of the organisation
4: Do not intentionally pirate a fellow member of the organisation.
5: Offer fair prices in transactions with fellow members.