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U.E.E. Crusaders / UEECSG

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Resources


“In the face of such a threat, we cannot afford to draw distinctions between those who are within the Empire and those who are not. There is only us against them. Humanity versus Vanduul.”

Admiral Bishop, 2946


Before you read on, please let me leave you with this. above there are 3 different links History, Manifesto, and Charter you may click on each. throughout this scripture which is scribed on the great monoliths of ascension, there are slipstream portals. they are used as a reference so if you see an anomaly, scan it!

Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Mount Everest, was asked why did he want to climb it. He said, “Because it is there.” Well, space is there, and we’re going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God’s blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked. We chose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy but because they are hard because that challenge is one we are willing to accept, one that are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win.

(Jhon F Kennedy Jr – September 12th 1962 )

“All great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage”

William Bradford 1630 A.D.


In the beginning….

(Audible version) <————————-

The 9th Crusader Fleet readies for departure from the Kilian system, their stronghold being Macarther: Kilian V, the pinnacle of U.E.E. naval power. United, men, and women of the U.E.E. labor together, loading dry-docked ships with large steel cargo crates using their MULS. MPUVs soar overhead, transporting steel cargo crates beneath them. Monolithic structures loom over the tireless Engineers, with sunlight piercing through the towers and Nimbus clouds in the distance. Intercoms echo orders and directions for various personnel, summoning Commodore Taggart to the flight deck amidst the bustling activity.

Amidst all the commotion and billowing smoke, the priests conduct ceremonial rites, invoking ancient words: “May you forever be witnessed on the road to Ascension.” Such rituals, relics of bygone eras, are now exclusive to the Crusaders. The Knights, resolute and poised, wear expressions ranging from cold indifference to faint smirks, standing firm within the chilly cargo holds of mega-ships, awaiting commands. They know that when the 9th Crusader Strike Group is summoned, it is without mercy, marked by careful consideration, for no ordinary commander can deploy them.

Legend speaks of a derelict UEE vessel discovered on a distant moon, Devoid of its crew housing a first-generation NAV-COM. Upon integration with the Main Central Data Core (MCDC), the core malfunctioned, generating cryptic high-command directives believed to be decipherable solely by the Imperator himself —legends embraced only by those who choose to believe it. Since that enigmatic incident, Crusader Strike Groups have been formed, and their orders issued, leading them into the uncharted abyss of space, with no expectation of return. To be a Crusader is to yearn for a glorious death, a fate eagerly embraced.

The monumental ships ignite their ion engines, searing the metal edges with heat, accompanied by the sound of particles being ionized and torn asunder. The fleet stands ready, the Knights poised, while the admiral gazes upon the behemoth before him, knowing his next words will herald a perilous journey into the unknown. With a fleeting smile, he dismisses the weight of his decision, mirrored by a second lieutenant who shares his understanding. They exchange nods, and the admiral issues the orders.

Over the fleet-wide channel, his voice resounds with determination:

“Attention, all, this is your Admiral speaking. Today marks the beginning of a long-awaited journey. Today, we do not fade into the night quietly. Today, we blaze with the glory of the U.E.E. We will confront evil with steadfast resolve. We will extend our hands to aid the innocent and defenseless. We will confront our adversaries with courage and unwavering determination. Today, Knights, we shall witness our glory firsthand, and our tales of valor shall be inscribed in the great stone monoliths. On this day, we shall be immortalized in the halls of Ascension. Our mission, men and women, is to crusade into the farthest reaches of Vanduul territory, to eliminate Vanduul forces, quell criminal activities along our route, explore uncharted territories, safeguard U.E.E. trade routes, foster alliances with U.E.E. affiliates, and recruit new Knights who seek to join our cause across the expanse of U.E.E. space. Our next destination shall be (Corin: Kilian IX) home of the Marines, where we shall induct new recruits into our ranks and enlighten them on ‘the way.’ Be prepared to welcome them into our brotherhood, for they shall embrace the same fate as you—a glorious death. All Captains prepare for launch. All crew to your stations code yellow. Helm, take us out

With the intercom’s final call, engines roar to life, and the Bangel-class carrier slowly disengages from its locks amidst resounding clangs and metallic shifts. The colossal capital-class ship ascends from the dock, passing the tower adorned with the U.E.E. flag. A solitary figure raises their arm in salute, met by the admiral’s reciprocal gesture, prompting the crew to follow suit in a synchronous display of respect.

As the warm sunlight permeates the vessel, casting its comforting glow, the ship ascends into the planet’s atmosphere, breaking through the clouds. Exterior lights illuminate, revealing the ship’s name in bold white letters: (U.E.E.S Tiger’s Claw) adorned with a majestic Great sword and shield emblem. With a hum, the warp engines engage, retracting external components and sealing blast doors shut. The ship’s bow warps, vanishing into a brilliant flash of blue light, leaving behind the stark emptiness of space, with only a faint twinkle reminiscent of a shooting star in the distance.


Loading Crusaders Galactic charted route…

(Kilian syh3. stem)
(Ellis system)
(Magnus system)
(Stanton system) – you are here
(Terra system)
(Hadrian system)
(Castra system) – Xenos neutral zone – (Xi’an)
(Nyx system)
(Bremen system)
(Vega system)
(Oberon system)
(Virgil system)


Incoming transmission…..Decryption activated…….Loading files…..

Star date: 2954.6.17

Mission details – Security, Defense, Offence

New location: – Stanton System – Hurstan – Lorville

Contact: J. Harris Arnold

—— Stanton system increasing in criminal activity. Route to Stanton, blockade Pyro jump point. Eliminate any “Xeno threat” in the Stanton System. Dispatch Spear head Assault Group onto pyro System and investigate Strength of Criminal organizations. Assault group will ronde view with the fleet in the Castra system. you have full authorization to Recruit any new Stanton Citizens to the Fleet.

Priority Mission: Continue

Sender: Unauthorized


The Knight Origins:

(Audible Version) <———————

The Knights of the 9th Crusading Fleet’s origin is one you will not find in some historian NAV-COM for this tale is one of sorrow, a story which you would not believe if even told to you by the highest levels of government. It has been a whisper across the stars, almost as secret as their mission itself.

Hades system, Hades-I is a barren planet devoid of life. Dust storms rage the surface. An old and forgotten race once lived here. Their decrepit structures loom over a bygone era ago, prosperous once but still bearing the scars of a galactic battle. Hades-I was discovered in the great UEE exploration expansion by XXXXXXXX in star date 2531.

In 2647, the Xeno archaeological faculty of the Astravin University at Cestulus published a paper that theorized that the Hadesian civilization had been wiped out in an interplanetary war. In star date 2853 Geological surveys who were hired by an unknown source, scanned Hades-I in an attempt to terraform the planet. The reports concluded that they found no life. They soon realized the destruction they had caused. Under the surface, there were large spots of Obsidian, a mineral knowingly magnetic, which unknowingly blocked the ship’s sensors due to a build-up of magmatism. This would later be revealed to investigators from classified imperial documents.

This incident of 2857 will vex the UEE for eons to come. The scouting mission was underway just east of the Terraforming Facility. The Terraformers spotted a large dark shadow in the distance. As they got closer, they realized it was a group of people. Nomadic looking, mostly men and women, their statures are rugged and withered. Their skin was a pale blue hue, their eyes a fire green. As they approached their demeanor was odd, something was amiss. The group began to surround the vehicle quickly cutting off any escape. The reports were being sounded at HQ. “[Terriformer 1:]Sir I can’t make it out……[Terriformer 6:]what is that……. [Terriformer 4:] It’s a person……[Terriformer 5:]GET OUT OF HERE!….. [Terriformer 6:]oh no!… Look out!……..chhhh..chhhh” Reports started coming in from all over the facility. Gunfire started as explosions emerged in the distance. The crew Chief sounded the alarm for immediate evacuations. The UEE Pathfinders a specialized group of marines, call sign “First in” is one of the most specialized and decorated units. Who were near to the Hades system when the reports started coming in over the NAV-COM. They quickly answered the call! Warping in they soon also realized the destruction which was about to unfold.

The facility was overtaken. First scans showed thousands of ab-humanoid inhabitants very close to the Human DNA but with some natural alterations. The Lead Scientist in the UEE “pathfinders” was astonished yelling to the captain to not open fire! “We must study them!” the captain was torn. His morality was tested. With the press of a button, he would end them all. But with a heavy heart, he holds his finger over the key. With the red lights flashing, he pauses. He takes a deep breath as his helmsmen start to report a rector meltdown of the terraforming facility. He realizes he could never amount to the destruction of a Terraforming meltdown. He relives the memories of planets being ripped apart and millions being lost from meltdowns before. He quickly reacts with determination and the crew is stunned! “I WANT A COMPLETE EVACUATION OF HADES-I. I WANT THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE UNIT ON THE GROUND NOW! WE ARE GOING TO SAVE THESE INDIVIDUALS, WOMEN, MEN, AND CHILDREN ALIKE. IF IT’S THE LAST ACTION WE DO. NOW GO!” He understood right away the implications of terraforming on a planet with inhabitants, it’s genocide, and he will never stand for such an action. He would rather die.

Once the medical responders got to the planet they were met with scared and frightening faces. The ground shook and started to crack. Moving as fast as possible they called for everyone near to enter their holds. Men, women, and children alike came out of the sand confused. Some were praying some were holding each other close, some were frantically running for escape. They knew they could not save them all. Frantically loading as many as they could, they lifted off, leaving thousands if not millions behind. The ships were already over-stressed. There was nothing they could do for them. The bangles class carrier engines were ready to warp when the medical ships landed. As the grand fleet of the Pathfinders warps away they see a huge explosion on the planet’s surface, huge cracks form as oxygen rages out of ports, as the planet splits into 3 sections.

As time went on the refugees of Hades-I were sent to Khalian V the home of the Navy. There, women, children, and young men were sent to rehabilitation camps on distant moons or far away outer rim planets. The Adult males however were segregated and possibly sent to labs but to never be heard or seen from again. Investigators at that time could only conclude this to be a conspiracy theory. Over the years some have theorized that the refugees were a lost crashed ship and the inhabitants adapted to their environment. Whereas others asserted they are Xenos and need to be eliminated. In recent years classified leaked coroners reports showed, that they found ab-human DNA strands in the deceased knights. These leaked documents sparked private investigations which found that these individuals were secretly selected and sought out by the highest levels of government for reasons unknown. As fast as the investigations were held, the rumors spread just as quickly, generalizing that the conspiracy theories could be true.

Some radicals have published that the UEE orchestrated the whole thing, planning on using these people as a grand force to be sent as fodder from the start. “Why were the Pathfinders there?” “They lied on the survey reports!” “Genocide!” “We saved these people!” and “We helped them!” “Where would they be without the UEE!” Reporters and investigators alike were indifferent to their opinions, always leading to nowhere in investigations or mysteriously vanishing without a trace. Now in this age, there is no way of telling who might be a Hadesian or just some natural ab-human evolution. Either way, they have been integrated into the UEE. They walk among you in the streets or fly around you on some distant belt. Some say they have been saved from near death by one of super speed and strength. Whereas others say they can breathe in low-oxygen planets. The true way of telling is in a DNA scan but through new political policies, this has been banned as “illegal to civilians” and any equipment used for DNA testing is to be terminated and treated as contraband with a penalty of serving up to life in prison. But this has not stopped large Criminal organizations from seeking and hunting down these “so-called” ab-human individuals for reasons unknown, a large price for anyone who does find one and captures it…..alive.

The life of a knight is brutal, they are sought out across the UEE galaxy. Young women and men were stripped from their families, the whaling morns of mothers clinging to a young adult’s hand. Tears filled the wells to drink the sorrows of unforgotten lives. These young women and men are trained in the deadliest conditions, in the most fierce and grueling Training Camps in the most secretive locations. They are sent off alone for years to weather the harsh environments of these planets. Fending for themselves by doing what they must. They also search for other brothers and sistren to help guide them back to the base. They are taught about chivalry and the knight’s code of old. Once they reach an age and return alive, they are sent to the army (U.E.E.A.) under their own special unit “Crusaders” to serve on the ground, there they learn the ways of ground infrastructural combat and logistics. If they survive their term, they are drafted into the Marines as a unit. there they hone in on their abilities as a warrior and pilot. Through their training, they are infused with the ways of the brotherhood. Following the ways of the “Crucesignatis ordo” they learn about beliefs and how one “enters ascension”. They are instilled with the praise of fallen soldiers in battles past who themselves have ascended.


This training leads the way for the pinnacle aspiration of a Knight, to meet their end in the crucible of battle for the brotherhood and earn passage through the gates of Ascension. It’s believed that the more tumultuous their demise, the grander their afterlife shall be. Thus, in their final moments, they administer stimulants, exhorting their comrades to “ witness” their sacrifice, ensuring remembrance of their noble act. Upon their passing, they are duly “witnessed” by their brethren and sistren, with the solemn acknowledgment of (Immortalis!) bestowed upon them posthumously.

This type of thinking has been seen as “brainwashing” by some radical faith groups. they believe that these so-called “knights” need to be saved and broken from their chains of mental prison. They have gone to great lengths to capture and “awaken the ancestors of old”. They believe by awakening them they will complete a prophecy. Their history men claim this prophecy was scribed on the monoliths of Hades-I


INFORMATION AQUSITION : “Crucesignatis ordo”

“Crusaders order”

thank you for using the United Empire of Earth’s galactic NAV-COM system…..and remember the UEE loves you……. goodbye.


Common Law

  • - group of basic rights that applies to everyone in the United Empire of Earth, they include:*
    • Fundamental personal freedoms
    • Safety standards for structures and products
    • Health services
    • Basic education (Equivalency)
    • Access to an interplanetary trade and transport system
    • Jump point and exploration management
    • A security force which fights crime and external threats



The Xi’an Empire)

(The Banu Protectorate)


(The Hadesians)


Ancestorial NAV-COM systems:

Before the Crusaders were born and the priests to bless them there was a guild. the responsibility of this guild was to protect and collect old and ancient relics of a time all but forgotten. In the early 2700s“s a ship picked up a strange signal. Upon investigation, they found it was an old metal ball with English markings, but a symbol not seen in a very long time. a large U.N.E (United Nations of Earth) was scribed on it. once integrated with the Main Central Data Core depictions streamed across the screens of a time all but lost and forgotten it was people of earth who the guild believed had ascended in their time and now their lives are broadcasted across the stars always to be IMORTAL. the guild started searching the galaxy for these old relics sharing them with everyone as possible hoping to grow their numbers and strengthen their cause. it is said that the U.E.E Crusader’s principal foundation comes from these glorious depictions of a golden age and the words “IMMORTALIS” were born.

below are these “ascended broadcasts”, depictions of the guild itself and the U.E.E Crusaders to follow.

“may you always be witnessed on the road to ascension”


NAV-COM System hAcK – “Crucesignatis ordo” – AUTHORIZATION:


Reader’s Discretion is Advised


We are a regularly active organization, silly and snerious but not always hell-bent on being the best. we’re not always in the meta. Sometimes, we are late to events and fly into planets. fly into players. hit Alt – F4. hold B still to warp. forget to bring a drink. the games bugged but you’re the dummy……etc. We’re human and at the UEECSG we understand that. we do not have some spec op lingo for you to learn or some 120-page book about our “rules”. it won’t take you 2 years to fly a ship you like with us either. Through practice and playing to the best of your abilities. we can all get better at playing Star Citizen. With the help of others working as a team, we can become immortal. everyone learns in different ways. We believe having an open mind is the best way to understand others. together we can build a foundation where others can grow and feel more of a part they chose to play in the Star Citizen universe matters. if the 9th UEE is on the Server you’re in safe hands but the most important thing is always to have fun and enjoy yourself. If we’re not trying to do that with you what’s the point in playing?

The UEECSG believes in teamwork not “Clicks” We believe that women and men can work together no matter their differences or disabilities to be able to complete or continue a common goal or multiple goals. We like to think outside the box and change the paradigm. We do not believe in “Solo play” If that were the case, I would suggest you look for an organization that revolves around that type of gameplay respectfully.
“We never leave a knight behind or feel alone”

The UEECSG has a lot of respect for itself. It holds its integrity and is honest in its endeavors. We are Knights, so we live by the brethren code of Chivalry to the best of our ability’s

  • To serve the U.E.E in valor and with heart
  • To protect the weak and defenseless
  • To live by honor and for glory
  • To fight for the welfare of all
  • To respect those with knowledge
  • To guard the honor of thy fellow knights
  • To eschew unfairness, meanness, and deceit
  • To keep faith in oneself including others
  • At all times speak the truth
  • To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
  • To respect the honor of women, Men and child
  • Never refuse a challenge unless doing so would risk the lives of others


Ranking system

ranks which are used based on a XP program

  • - knowledge of the game, – base/addition+
    • - activity in the brotherhood – multiplier*
      • - length of time in the brotherhood – addition+
        • - pledge amount (this could be based on your type of pledged ships industrial, Ground, Capital, etc… base/addition+ (we will not ask you to fly a ship you do not own or feel comfortable flying)

If you receive a rank or promotion, it’s based on these four categories combined. Ranks are used as a teaching tool for others new to the UEECSG or Star Citizen Universe (SCU). It is not a way for others to dictate, manipulate, Harrases, demand, communize, abuse, degrade, dismiss, ignore, belittle, or segregate. you should be a leader people look up to not a Dictator people have to fallow. the UEECSG will deal with anyone swiftly with steadfast resolve who believe they can Undermined this guideline and or above the wisdom of these words.
“With great knowledge comes great responsibility”

Rank: Navy (PILGRIMS)

  • - Legatus Navium – LM – (knows the flight velocity of a swallow)
  • - Grand Admiral – GA
  • - Admiral – AD – Cedric Cochran, Ernst Bishop,
  • - Commodore – CM
  • - Cap-e-ton – CPT
  • - Lieutenant – LT
    Enlisted ranks
  • - Senior Chief – SC
  • - Chief – CO – (Shark bait Hoo ha ha!)
  • - Wing Leader – WL
  • - Starman – SM
  • - Squire – SQ

Rank: Marines (IMMORTALS)

  • - Legatus Marinuum
  • - General – GN
  • - Major – MJ
  • - Captain – CAP
  • - Lieutenant – LN
    Enlisted ranks -
  • - Master chief – MC
  • - Sergeant – SG
  • - Corporal – CP
  • - Trooper – T
  • - Squire – SQ ( Paxi with coconuts ))

Rank: Army Core Engineers (ACE)

  • - Legatus ars ingeniaria
  • - Executive – EX
  • - Director – DT
  • - Pioneer – PN
  • - Crew Chief – CC
    Enlisted ranks
  • - General Forman – GF
  • - Forman – FM
  • - Journeyman – JM
  • - Apprentice – A
  • - Squire – SQ

*Enlisted ranks are reserved for sistren/Brethren who have gone above and beyond the call, they “want” to become more involved in the ends and outs of the strike group, they have shown they have what it takes to be a leader and also upholds “the Code”. there more like guidelines anyways, no one is perfect.


Strike Group Operations

  • - Thunder Dome (AC) (FPS) “Two men enter, one man leaves”
  • - interstellar Inquisitor (PVE missions) (PVP)
  • - Fleet System Custodians (3+ personnel ships) (Fleet Roams) (Guard+)
  • - Trade Route Inspections ( yup “bad boy’s bad boy’s…….Wacha ganja do…..)
  • - Trade Hub Guard (Pickers, Repel)
  • - System Communications Guard
  • - Cargo Custodian
  • - Cargo Custodian Guard
  • - Inquisition
  • - Exploration of Space & Time
  • - Exploration (Geological, Biological,)
  • - Search & Rescue (Wee woo Wee woo)
  • - Search & Rescue Guard
  • - Repurpose of Materials
  • - Reclamation of Minerals
  • - Reform of Minerals
  • - Vessel Rehabilitation & Re-Supply
  • - Sting Operation of Illegal Manufacturing Installations (Any confiscations will be relinquished to the TDD)
  • - Extraterrestrial vessel Reclamation (Ship FPS) (PVP / PVE)
  • - Geographic Reclamation’s (Ground FPS) (PVP / PVE)
  • - Pouching Geographical Indigenous lifeforms
  • - Exabition Competitor (Star Racing)
  • - Vessel intergalactic Expo’s (you never know what they’re going to pull out next!)
  • - Galactic Visual & Informational tours
  • - Specialized divisional Training Sessions
  • - Premium one-on-one Training
  • - We don’t talk about this operation…..its the first rule.

UEECSG vs UEECSG vs Organizations

  • - Military Simulation (Full Engagement) (Space) (Atmospheric)
  • - Command & Capture (hold location for a given length of time) (PPS)
  • - Last Humanoid Standing
  • - Capture the NAV-COM
  • - Biological Virus
  • - Search & Destroy (hide & seek) (no killing)
  • - acceleration Exhibitions
  • - Military Armament Exchange Contracts (Tradable) (In-Game items)
  • - Military Defense Contracts (moderately payable)
  • - Military Assault Contacts (Gratefully Payable)
  • - chess/checkers tournaments (just kidding but funny though)


PEW PEW …… leader this is blue leader copy……

UEECSG enjoys Roleplaying, not a serious roleplay but one everyone can have fun with, to get immersed into the Star Citizen universe. I’ve always said every Organization needs a “Chuck Norris” or as I like to call “ Chuck Nomad” and also, were still waiting to get to that chopper. a man with 6 fingers needs finding or a guy playing a dude disguised as a dude playing another dude. we all need a little fun and we believe it starts there.
so, find a character you can enjoy playing or create one of your own with the help of others through are story-driven organization.

Q? wait I can change my name? – yes you can! when starting SC, you get 1 free name change then the next change will cost you USD. but have no fear for at the UEECSG we like to help others who have the determination to be apart and join in on the fun. we do ask that your discord name apply to your in-game name.

Q? can I be any person in SC? -Well yes, you can but try and find something others could enjoy. something you could consistently dive into. play with. if you have a group, well bring them along you Tombstone Huckleberry honestly the possibilities are endless.

Q? Can I use a name that has already been taken by someone else in the organization? – we would prefer that you didn’t as this will create confusion within the organization I do apologize if this is frustrating, but I am sure we could find something else or someone else. it could come naturally to others and hard for others that’s what being in a brotherhood is all about.

Q? Do I always have to be in character when playing in the UEECSG?
- NO not at all, this is just an opportunity for others to have a place they can roleplay at and not feel judged in any way. this is a “Safe Place” with a UEECSG story-driven organization.

imagine just for a second, you’re flying and boom the space expendables come warping in. you got solo, you got chewy, you got Kerk, you got the guy from ghost busters, and my favorite and definitely on everyone’s list the MF from Jurassic Park……must go faster…must got faster! you know “life always finds a way”…….HA! or even better the guy who pays for it all!


We believe that anyone in the UEE, this may include different logos of similar shape, color, and or style can work together, or just have fun together period. Differences should be heard out not degraded. Opinions should be sought and not diminished. If you share the same values as the UEE then you are a brother/sister to me. The UEE should bind us, it should make us want to be a better person of yesterday to push the person of tomorrow.  If you appreciate the work we have done but do not necessarily want to join us or follow that one thing you don’t like about us. Well, that’s going to be ok. It’s not a problem in any way, shape or form. Matter of fact let me help you. Want to know how I made the videos? Long pics? Brainstorm? Sounds fun to me, and in the end, we can become friends either way. Unlike some unfortunately they do not share or see it in this light and it’s disheartening. But hopefully, in the end between space and time things may change we are very optimistic about the future, and we welcome anyone who adorns the UEE flag to join us or allows us to join them.

So, with that below are sections of different organizations that share in the statement above. They would be happy to join or be invited to join in different events/operations. To share in the splendor of a new universe. You will also find specialized organizations that you may hire for a particular set of skills that they have learned for many moons. Details about the UEE organizations can be submitted through our NAV-COM system. at the top of our page. Organization sections can be removed or changed, and Will be updated upon request

“where would the one ring be if not for fellowship?”

– U.E.E Crusaders


Emergency Response medical Services


One of the most premier medical response services in the verse. whenever I need medical assistance, I go to them. fast, efficient, loyal are just 3 words I could use to describe the fine ladies and gentlemen who risk their lives to save us. thank you. o7


“Rather bring it and not need it then need it and not bring it”


U.E.E Assault / Defense Contractors:


Cargo logistic Contractors:


Racing Contractors

In the unyielding vacuum of space and time or on the deep jagged canyons of some distant moon, where the laws of physics reign supreme and every maneuver is a dance with danger, exhibition of speed unfolds as a testament to human grit and determination. Far from the serene beauty portrayed in cosmic vistas, this arena is a battleground where pilots navigate razor-thin margins between success and catastrophe

In the cockpit, surrounded by the cold embrace of technological marvels and the silent expanse beyond, pilots harness their skill and courage to push themselves and their spacecraft to the limit. Every acceleration, every course correction is a calculated risk, where the smallest error can spell disaster in the unforgiving emptiness of space.

The stakes are high, not just for the glory of victory, but for the survival of those who dare to defy gravity’s grip. G-forces strain against bodies, testing the limits of human endurance. Navigation through asteroid belts demands split-second decisions, where a miscalculation could mean a collision that echoes across light-years for eons.

Spectators from the towering heights of Orison to the grimy alleys of Area-18 are holding their breath as the race unfolds before them. They witness not only the spectacle of speed and precision but the triumph of human spirit over the vast unknown. For in the crucible of Star racing, where technology meets bravery, and adversity is met with resolve, humanity finds itself propelled towards a future where the stars are not just distant lights, but waypoints on a journey of resilience and discovery.o7

——-> (Star Citizen Racing) <——- ——-> (SCR NAV-COM) <——-

——-> (Extreme G Racing) <——- ——-> (XGR NAV-COM) <——-



To all the new players out there who wish to not join our organization there are a lot of resources out there for you to make friends and be able to enjoy Star Citizen with others. let’s say super structure isn’t your thing. or you just didn’t like the “military aspect” maybe you just preferer to join up with people when you have time and not feel pressured into playing. well, my friend I have got a just the thing for you. I’d say it’s the best item to have going past Vega and all. I am not talking about some mediocre NAV-COM NETWORK I’m talking about the premiere hand built mk I Star citizen NAV-COM. plug this puppy in and you will warp to a place bustling with players just like yourself with possible small variations but that all ok! they got everything! you have questions? they have answers! you have something you want to share? go there! need a crew for that hunk Reclaimer? there are men and woman standing by! as a new player the UEECSG understands things can be very difficult and or intimidating, we don’t want that to happen to you! we want you to have a fun enriched experience in this wonderful universe! so, grab your gear, get strapped in because it’s going to be an awesome ride. the warp engines start to spool you feel the ship start to tug on the straps you look over your left shoulder and there’s a guy in the station waving a sign. you squint to block out the blaring sun…….it reads….

……..Kitten mittens!

———> (Star Citizen NAV-COM network) <——— ———>(Beginner’s help) <———


*All regulations, guidelines, ranks or codes may be subject to change due to the limited number of individuals contributing in the making of this Star Citizen Strike Groupe. it is intended as a starting point on a very long and very diverse story line. In-game armor suits, weapons and ships are subject to change at any point and or not set in stone. the UEECSG dose compliment itself with the visual alignment of the UEE Navy, Marines and Army core of Engineers this could be subject to color, design, and or Function. I would like to see the 3 armor choices I have chosen to stay the same and any alterations will be color only or helmet. All Citizens need to be reminded that Star Citizen is just a game. The sole intention of a (Game) is to have fun. There’s no better way to have fun then with your friends.

P.S I have Dyslexia which has been a bane of mine for a lot of years. I was born this way. but through my disability’s I became an (electrician) in California for 25 years. oh yea! I love dealing with ohms law. do you like pie? do you love playing Star Citizen? then let’s play together o7


Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that your greater power may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.

That is your oath.

[ back hand slap!]

an that’s so you remember it………

Rise off your knee, Rise a knight of the UEE.

“ This is madness does making a Citizen a knight make him a betta fighta?!”

- YEzz! dont yell at me garsh.

Criminal Activity / griefer bad

*The UEECSG does not participate in any possible “Crime stat” game mechanics. as fun as prison might be…. it’s not, at least not for us. where not here to ruin anyone’s gameplay. where here to just play the game and have as much fun doing it.

“Here the hammer-stroke will fall hardest.” – Gandalf the white







The UEECSG greatly appreciates anyone who would not necessarily care to join directly but would still like to show some love for what we are trying to create. you can do this by becoming an affiliate! it’s easy. just hit that “join button”. we thank everyone for the love and support. we would like to see Star Citizen last for 100 years well maybe not myself being mortal and all but for others to come in the future because remember without you there would not be us, we hope to see you out there in the universe o7



A lot of organizations need to state what is allowed and what is not. at The Crusaders we leave that up to you. I believe I stated what type of players we are looking for and what we are not. but if you really must have something to hold on to.

2. be a good person.
3. be a Rock Star