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A Month-Long Birthday Celebration of Galactic Proportions

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Countdown to the Finals

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Highlights from the Hub

Nominate your favorite flyable ship and pit it head-to-head with the best of the ‘verse.

  • Painting by [AZS] BLRD

What's Your Favorite Ship in the 'Verse?

Nominate it for the ultimate tournament of ships

Voice your support for your favorite flyable/drivable ship or vehicle by submitting an original creation to the Community Hub, using the link above, or on Twitter using #SCShipShowdown and #StarCitizen. Sing an original song, build something with Lego®, take an epic in-game (or real-life) shot, make a trailer, music video, hell – build the ship for real if you’re up to it! Your submission can be anything providing it celebrates your favorite flyable ship or drivable vehicle.



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