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Virtanen Intergalactic / VGAL

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Virtanen Intergalactic, whether it be pirates, bounty hunters, or the UEE Navy getting in the way Virtanen Intergalactic always delivers on its contracts.



On August 14, 2802, Virtanen Intergalactic (then Virtanen Sons) was founded by brothers Frederick and Gustavo Virtanen in New Austin, Terra as a parcel delivery and courier service. As independent contractors, the Virtanens earned a reputation in New Austin as one of the most reliable and cost effective delivery services in the city. Given their success and ensuing growth, branches of the company were opened in Prime in 2808 and Quasi in 2812. Virtanen Sons is now a leading courier service in the Terra system, with major contracts with companies such as Esperia and Anvil Aerospace. In 2825, Virtanen Sons underwent a restructuring, drafting a board of directors and becoming a publicly-traded corporation.

In celebration of the company’s 150 year anniversary, Virtanen Sons officially rebranded into Virtanen Intergalactic in 2952 to signify their expansion into the neighboring Stanton system. A new subsidiary, VGAL Ltd, was temporarily headed by Virtanen Intergalactic Co-CEOs Jason B. Grimes and Stuart I. Norfleet, as VGAL operations expanded outward into Stanton and Pyro.

03/05/2952 – Jason B. Grimes is appointed to Virtanen Intergalactic as a co-CEO in an effort to expand the corporation into the Stanton and Pyro systems.

03/20/2952 – Shadow is hired onto the Oversight Council after careful deliberation. He was appointed as the Research and Development director later in the same day. A significant recruitment campaign started shortly after, with postings in each of the Low Orbit Stations in the Stanton system as well as members speaking with other citizens at restaurants and bars throughout the system.

06/01/2952 – Virtanen Intergalactic makes a bold business move and purchases a Perseus in order to bring cargo through extremely hostile territory. This move marks the first instance of Virtanen Intergalactic branching into more dangerous cargo runs throughout the Stanton System. While the Perseus is being produced a hammerhead has been loaned to the corporation as a suitable replacement.

06/05/2952 – Training begins with the delivery of the organization Hammerhead, designated VGAL-02. Members of VGAL security come together to assist Hurston Security while simultaneously training and preparing for future operations. The VGAL Boarding Team is also introduced under the Security Branch umbrella, and an operations schedule is implemented in order to ensure that the section is prepared for anything that may occur. This means any operation from retrieving stolen VGAL property to assisting other vessels that are being boarded.

06/27/2952 – Virtanen Intergalactic grows exponentially in one months time, reaching from eight members to now over double that number, with a few more in communication with VGAL recruitment officials. With this growth comes a shift in internal leadership and operating procedures, to include the official announcement of the corporate ladder and its internal promotion process.

07/03/2952 – Virtanen Intergalactic reaches 20 pilots in service. A refreshed recruitment campaign begins and new signage is posted around the Stanton System. This new recruitment effort aims at pilots within the verse that want to have a specific role within the company, posting multiple recruitment ads for each VGAL subsection in each locality.

07/13/2952 – A new branch of Virtanen Intergalactic is announced in order to grow relations outside of the organization. A liaison office is opened in VGAL headquarters and a Foreign Diplomat role is created, the recruitment campaign continues and slight adjustments are introduced in order to reach more pilots.

07/19/2952 – Virtanen Intergalactic officially reaches 25 members within the Stanton System alone. Groundwork begins in expectation of a new branch being designated, this announcement will mark the beginning of VGAL’s fifth public branch.

11/08/2952 – After a long road, with many mixed emotions along the way, Virtanen reaches 30 full time employees within the Stanton System. In expectation of the next few weeks events VGAL is setting up and planning a recruitment event to hopefully scout out some new hires. VGAL also intends to help new pilots throughout the ‘verse during this time.

11/19/2952 – Virtanen Intergalactic joins the Ellis Foundation in order to create further relations with other organizations throughout the ‘verse. This move was decided after a chance meeting with the leadership within Ellis through our Embassy in Hurston.

12/02/2952 – Virtanen Intergalactic unveils a new, three section, structure that facilitates the training and teaching of new pilots throughout the ‘verse, the true essence of the corporation. This new structure streamlines the delivery of the main services of VGAL in a way that both employees and customers find satisfying.

12/16/2952 – Virtanen Intergalactic is contacted from the headquarters in New Austin, J. Grimes was pulled back to support Virtanen and Sons. While Virtanen Intergalactic will mourn this loss we are aware that without the support of Virtanen and Sons our longevity would be in jeopardy.

12/17/2952 – Virtanen Intergalactic Security Sector is sent intelligence that a UEE Navy Javelin Destroyer was downed in Crusader. While scouting the area the forward security teams on ground came under direct fire and repelled a ground based attack. Shortly following the teams were engaged again at close range, while the teams were able to repel the attacks the decision was made from headquarters that the team should exfil. This new threat is currently being investigated by Virtanen Intergalactic as they appeared more organized than the current known criminal organizations.

02/18/2953 – The UEE Navy and Crusader Industries contracted Virtanen Intergalactic and Nightingale Industries to guard Security Post Kareah while it is under construction. During this time both organizations not only secured the interior and exterior of the communications array there, the two thwarted any pirates within the system from taking advantage of the vulnerable station. The organizations worked together to provide the UEE Navy a security assessment of the station that will assist in the new plans the navy and Crusader Industries have for SPK in the near future.

04/02/2953 – Trauma Team and Virtanen Intergalactic assisted Hurston Security in seizing stolen Hurston Dynamics property from the NineTails gang. The organizations operated in tandem to cover a larger area and seized over 10 million aUEC in stolen equipment that was later returned to Hurston Dynamics.

04/09/2953 – Virtanen hired external security personnel to continue the assault on the NineTails gang within Hurston Dynamics jurisdiction. This assault led to another seizure of over 5 million aUEC in stolen equipment and narcotics manufacturing equipment. Hurston Dynamics then signed a secondary contract with Virtanen Intergalactic with less stringent guidelines on security operations.

04/22/2953 – During a routine sweep of facilities on Hurston proper, intelligence indicated that operations had been a success in deterring the threat of the NineTails. Reporting showed that over half of the NineTails gang members that were still within Hurston properties were underequipped or in plain clothes and were unable to mount an effective counter-offensive against the Virtanen Intergalactic and Hurston Security forces.

08/11/2953 – Virtanen Intergalactic Forward Operations was officially hired in an advise and assist role for Hurston Dynamics Security on Hurston and the surrounding moons. This allows Virtanen intelligence to utilize a much broader database and provide more accurate information to the Forward Security teams.

09/09/2953 – Virtanen Intergalactic participates in a cleaning effort within the Hurston planetary system, Hurston Dynamics reached out to leadership and asked if our salvage department could assist in removing destroyed ships and debris around their underground facilities.

11/06/2953 – Virtanen Intergalactic initiates a new recruitment process, looking to bolster number within the Stanton System prior to the jump gate being fixed to the Pyro System.

12/30/2953 – Microtech Security contracted Nightingale Industries and Virtanen Intergalactic Forward Security to clear a narcotics manufacturing facility on the planet. Facility was cleared and all narcotics and paraphernalia was confiscated as evidence against the owner of the facility.

01/14/2954 – Virtanen Intergalactic Industrial Sector utilizes public labor and resources to assist various Mining Corporations in the removal of destroyed or disabled spacecraft from the mining lanes in the Stanton Planetary System.

01/17/2954 – An Anonymous Citizen contacts the Industrial Sector in regards to the removal of a Crusader Industries Hercules C2, carrying a significant amount of illicit substances. Ships log contained intelligence that led to the raid in the following bullet.

01/25/2954 – Medical personnel from the Virtanen Intergalactic Forward Security Teams assist in a raid of an illicit materials trade deal, providing crucial aid to members of the strike force and downed enemy combatants alike.

02/10/2954 – The Virtanen Intergalactic Industrial Sector assists a client in moving a large amount of mined materials from a location in the belt to Lorville, Hurston.

02/29/2954 – Medical Department personnel from the Forward Security Teams assist four downed pilots during a routine patrol between Hurston and Crusader Space.

03/01/2954 – The Virtanen Intergalactic Industrial Sector assists Hurston Dynamics in acquiring and moving Laranite from Area 18 to Lorville, Hurston for the manufacturing of UEE Navy weaponry.

03/04/2954 – Virtanen Intergalactic Salvage Teams clear space between MicroTech and Crusader due to increased pirate and security activity in the area.

03/25/2954 – Virtanen Intergalactic Medical Personnel assisted Stoner Salvage Corp Medical Personnel in responding to requests for medical assistance and transport in Area 18 jurisdiction. Virtanen Intergalactic provided a small security escort for the operation.

03/30/2954 – Nightingale Industries and Virtanen Intergalactic security personnel escort scientists inside hostile XenoThreat territory, scientists were researching a cure for a disease known only to the outer planets. Both the scientists and the cure were escorted off-world and into secure space.

04/07/2954-04/08/2954 – The United Earth Empire (UEE) Navy contracted the services of Virtanen Intergalactic Forward Security through the Civil Defense Force (CDF) for a two day operation to thwart an immediate incursion into the Stanton System by members of the XenoThreat Gang. Estimates upward of 1000 members of XenoThreat were eradicated from the system. Intel suggests that imminent future attacks have been delayed due to the efforts of the CDF and our partnership with the UEE Navy.

04/13/2954 – Nightingale Industries and Virtanen Intergalactic Forward Security cleared trade routes in the vicinity of the Yela Asteroid Belt. Intelligence reporting indicated that there was a newly created nest of Pirates within the field that was conducting raids and harassments along well established shipping lanes.

06/22/2954 – Due to increased military production in the Stanton System there has been an increased need of small crystals and gemstones that are crucial for the development of microchips and processors. Virtanen Intergalactic Industrial Sector pledged to fill orders from all manufacturers, conducting a large scale planetary mining effort.

06/25/2954 – Order 66 , Hemlock Contracting Services , and Virtanen Intergalactic conducted a joint venture in identifying local arms producers and buyers planetside on Hurston for Calah Hurston, Inspector General, Hurston Dynamics Security.

09/12/2954 – Auric Legion and Virtanen Intergalactic conducted a joint Salvage Operation in the area surrounding ArcCorp due to an increase in bounty hunter activity. Auric contracted Virtanen to provide excess support and vehicles for the operation.

10/05/2954 – The Nightfall Initiative (Nightingale Industries , UEEN 12th Battle Group , and Virtanen Intergalactic) conducted a large scale training operation, in the form of a capture the flag mission, on a small moon above ArcCorp.

10/09/2954 – The Medical Domain of Virtanen Intergalactic began conducting regular patrols of UEE controlled space in the Stanton system, immediately coming to the aid of downed pilots and injured mercenaries all throughout the system.

10/12/2954 – The Virtanen Intergalactic Industrial Domain cleaned up a rather large crash near Hurston. The crash was between a Crusader Industries C2 and an Aegis Dynamics Reclaimer somewhere near an orbital marker.

10/13/2954 – The Virtanen Medical Detachment was dispatched to a site in the early afternoon where three individuals were downed in an industrial accident at the Greycat Complex on Hurston. These individuals were given aid and transported to the nearest medical facility for further treatment.

12/02/2954 – The Medical Detachment was dispatched twice in the span of a few hours to rescue mercenaries involved in fighting with the Nine-Tails gang in ArcCorp space. After assisting the mercenaries medical personnel were informed that a Polaris, loaded with a light fighter, exploration craft, and an Ursa rover (Medical), had been stolen from just above the moon’s gravity well.

12/21/2954 – VSEC “Sentinel” happened upon a rather large debris field within the Aaron Halo during a routine patrol. The Naval Sector ensured the site was safe and contacted the Industrial Domain for cleanup. The Naval Sector recovered information from one of the vessels and conducted five raids within the Stanton and Pyro systems from the information.

12/21/2954 – The Industrial Domain was contacted by the Captain of VSEC “Sentinel” to remove debris from the Aaron Halo. Industrial teams conducted a survey of the site and began a multi-day salvage operation with VIND “Finality” and multiple other Logistics Vessels.

12/24/2954 – Covalex Shipping contacted our Industrial Domain and asked for assistance in transporting some goods that were taken to the wrong location, Virtanen accepted five contracts and returned the goods to the correct location.

12/28/2954 – Virtanen Intergalactic Industrial Domain, supported by VIND “Ahemait” and the Security Domain, conducted a salvage operation near pirate heavy space and removed dangerous debris near shipping lanes.

01/06/2955 – Virtanen Security Domain pushed into Pyro with a small force and conducted a brief patrol of multiple areas with high rates of criminal activity. Security Domain personnel observed and reported information directly to investigators from the UEE Navy.

01/28/2955 – Due to an increase in illicit activity near Lorville the Security Domain conducted raids on four locations within Hurston Security Jurisdiction. Ammunition, Armor, and Weapons were seized and numerous members of NineTails were taken into custody.

01/29/2955 – The Nightfall Initiative Alliance conducted a large scale, multi-tier, salvage operation to clean up after a system-wide bounty hunt that resulted in the destruction of nearly 45 vessels in Crusader Industries’ jurisdiction.

02/07/2955 – Order 66 and members of the Virtanen Intergalactic Security Domain conducted an operation in order to identify local arms dealers and buyers in Hurston Security Jurisdiction.

02/17/2955 – Order 66 and our Security Domain conducted a small-scale patrol operation inside of Pyro, clearing multiple facilities of hostile actors. The patrol culminated in an unsuccessful raid against an unknown number of armed and barricaded subjects at one such facility.


Virtanen Intergalactic Mission Statement
Virtanen Intergalactic (VGAL) is an organization that comprises three primary roles: Industry, Security, and Support. All of our pilots come together to work towards the goal of getting needed goods through hostile territory as efficiently as possible.

Currently, as we are growing, we are focusing on becoming a self-sufficient organization within the ‘verse, generating funds and income through our mining and support operations throughout the Stanton System. To date we have also assisted with an unquantifiable amount of rescue and support beacons with our members actively seeking to assist other pilots.

In the coming years we look forward to making the three branches of VGAL more inherently sustainable, contracting our services to other organizations that may lack in one area or another.

VGAL fosters a community of learning for new pilots and prosperity for experienced pilots. With these values in mind we have given our senior leadership the directive to teach and assist pilots throughout the ‘verse in whatever way possible, in or out of our organization.

Command Staff Letter
Dear VGAL Ltd. Team,

Today, 5 March 2952, we are announcing the expansion of Virtanen Sons into the Stanton and Pyro systems. With this expansion comes a new name for the Virtanen Sons Corporation, Virtanen Intergalactic. Officially this new name will be implemented on the 150th anniversary of Virtanen Sons at exactly midnight, New Austin time. During the time before the anniversary we will be using Virtanen Intergalactic or VGAL Ltd., based in the Stanton System. This effort will be spearheaded by both myself and Director Grimes. We purchased VGAL Ltd. in order to further the success of Virtanen Intergalactic as well as to hire a new group of pilots. Due to the dangers of the Stanton and Pyro systems we are also looking at expanding the specialties away from just transport and into providing our own security. We very much look forward to speaking with each and every pilot we hire while we take on this newest endeavor.

“You are never in charge of anything, you are simply responsible for those in your charge as a leader.” – Founder Gustavo Virtanen, Operations Manager

Stuart, CEO
I, Stuart Iren Norfleet was born on February 2, 2856 to my wonderful parents on Terra. My parents worked for the Virtanen brothers as delivery pilots in the headquarters city of New Austin. As I grew up I was taught the trades of my parents and I enjoyed learning to both fly and to deliver goods. I then worked for Virtanen Sons for the majority of my adult life. When I turned 40 years old I began to learn directly under Frederick Virtanen. I took his lessons to heart and when I was reborn in 2930 I was appointed as the new CEO of Virtanen Sons as the brothers sired no children. Many years later my business partner and long time friend Jason B. Grimes was appointed as the second CEO of Virtanen Sons. We were given the directive to continue the legacy and to expand the corporation, this simple directive is still in effect today and is the basis behind our Creed.

Jason Bradley Grimes was born on July 14, 2901 in Nova Kiev, Terra. Jason was born into a somewhat affluent family. His mother was a professor of social work at a local community college and his father was a chief engineer at the Anvil Aerospace production facility nearby. An only child, Jason wanted for nothing in his upbringing. At 20, he moved to New Austin to study at Musk University. He earned his BS in Mechanical Engineering in 2925 and his MA in Business in 2927. During his time in New Austin, he met Stuart Norfleet and they went on to become good friends. Upon graduation, Jason was offered a position with a prominent supply chain company under the ArcCorp umbrella. Over the next 20 years, Jason revolutionized company policy and increased quarterly earnings by 430% by the time he reached his position as Director of Labor and Logistics. In 2947, Jason was offered a corporate position with Virtanen Sons and was groomed by leadership for an undisclosed project planned for 2952. In March of 2952, Jason was officially appointed co-CEO of a new Virtanen subsidiary alongside his lifelong friend Stuart and tasked with successfully building operations in 2 new sectors. In December of 2952, Jason was transferred back to headquartes in New Austin due to a loss in the leadership there.


Here at Virtanen Intergalactic we may not always follow the laws set forth by a systems government, however, we simply ask that you follow our creed as closely as possible to ensure operational efficiency while working with other members of the corporation.

Our Creed
I am committed to total customer satisfaction and company prosperity.
I will always prioritize the interests of Virtanen Intergalactic and our clients in everything I do.
I will always execute my assigned contracts efficiently and to completion.
I will never decline service to a client unless doing so will result in loss of profit, loss of company property, or will negatively impact VGAL’s reputation.
I accept responsibility for the performance of my peers in accordance with established VGAL standards and will provide corrective training when necessary.

Additional Rules
- Murder within the organization will be dealt with by swiftly removing the pilot from our roster and an internal bounty will be placed on your head indefinitely.
- Slanderous speech will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
- Theft of corporation property will not be tolerated.

Any violation of our creed or our rules will be taken seriously, an investigation into the matter will be completed and the outcome will be decided by the Board of Directors.

First infraction will be a warning unless otherwise stated, second infraction will be reclamation of any and all Virtanen Intergalactic property as well as a ban from further utilizing any exclusive corporation property, and third infraction will be immediate removal from the corporation.