Supply or Die

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Ellis Foundation / ELLISFOUND

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

Brought together for unity of purpose.


Formed into being out of a desire for closer relations, the Ellis Foundation is an association of many companies and organisations that sought to engage in mutually beneficial interactions. While the seat of the foundation rests in the Ellis star system, its members are found throughout the galaxy. Current members of this association are as follows:

1. Aydo Intergalactic Corporation*
2. Arvid Protectorate Navy
3. Aquila Explore
4. The Consortia (composed of the orgs: The Eridanus Ascendancy; The Dark Storm Division; The Company; The Great Polaris Armada; Bounty Hunters Guild)
5. The 7th Fleet
6. Trauma Team
7. Virtanen Intergalactic
8. Crusader Security
9. Glaciem Interplanetary Recovery & Mercantile
10. Mandalorian Armed Forces
11. Nightingale Industries
12. Fragment
13. Avangard
14. Ragtag Mercs
15. Long Range Observer Group
16. Second Pacific Security
17. A’care Mining & Reclamation
18. Acheron Defense Systems
19. Nightveil
20. 110 of Min
21. Section 8
22. Ku’ Lin Nation

*Also member of the Consortia


The Ellis Foundation is not an alliance per se, but rather a collective of parties interested in mutual cooperation. Members are leadership of their respective organisations and are not obligated to provide services nor come to the aid of any member of the foundation. Rather, the foundation exists to promote such aid as an organic, voluntary effort of each member as they see fit. The foundation does not supersede any existing alliances between members with other organisations, nor do members carry authority over the organisations of others.


Established in 2952, this foundation stands to bring cooperation and respect to the forefront of the galactic community at large, with membership joining on the basis of having beneficial relations with each other.