Ship Look

Well that was certainly a wild ride. After two weeks of mayhem, the dust has settled and a champion has been crowned. Now, let's talk about the fun stuff...

Those who have one (or more) of the four ships that made it to the Semi-Finals will get a free limited-edition ship livery and leather jacket for their character! These will be revealed and distributed in November at the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (IAE).

The final four ships were the C2 Hercules, MPUV Cargo, 600i Explorer and the Mercury Star Runner.

The MPUV Cargo, our ultimate winner, influences the design of a new, officially licensed in-game backpack available for free to all backers at the IAE.

We hope you enjoyed this year's Ship Showdown as much as we did, and we look forward to celebrating further with you in November.

The Road to Victory

Tournament Overview

  • Round 1

  • Round 2

  • Semi-Finals

  • Finals

  • Champion

Ship Showdown Submission Archives

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