Xē’suelen! Welcome to the Xi’an dictionary. In it, you will find a compilation Xi’an words, along with their translations. The legend at the top serves as a guide to the abbreviations for parts of speech used throughout the dictionary. This is a living document. It will change as the Xi’an and their language are developed.
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Until next time, yanlēkol!
Abbreviation | Part of Speech |
cnj. | Conjunction |
clq. | Colloquial |
col. | Color |
con.CAS | Conversational Phrase (Casual) |
con.FOR | Conversational Phrase (Formal) |
con.SEMFOR | Conversational Phrase (Semi-formal) |
deix. | Deixis (Indicates distance from speaker or current point in time) |
elm. | Elemental (more commonly referred to as tai when discussing Xi’an grammar) |
elm.CMP | Elemental Compound (typically behave like a normal tai in sentences) |
elm.CMP.for | Formal Elemental Compound |
elm.SRV | Elemental from the Service Dialect |
idm. | Idiom |
line | Xi’an family Clan Name |
n. | Noun |
name | A name (Term of address for another person) |
nlz. | Turns a tai or phrase overtly into a noun. |
nlz.ClT | Enclitic Nominalizer (Binds to the front of tai to make them into nouns.) |
num. | Number |
pn. | Pronoun |
PN. | Proper Noun (Name) |
PN.feml | Proper Noun (Female Name) |
PN.male | Proper Noun (Male Name) |
pn.NEU | Neutral/Polite Pronoun (Safe for everyday use.) |
pn.PEJ | Pejorative Pronoun (Caution. Highly insulting.) |
pn.REV.for | Formal Reverential Pronoun (Rare in normal conversation.) |
PN.role | Proper Noun (Occupation (Part of common Xi’an names. Comes before the personal name.)) |
pn.SRV | Service Dialect Pronoun (Sometimes used when speaking the Proper language.) |
POS | Part of Speech |
Q | Question Term |
Q.sffx | Question Term-forming Suffix |
rel. | Relational Particle |
slng.GEN | General Slang |
slng.SRV | Service Dialect Slang |
v.FAM | Familiar Verb Form (Use only with close friends or family members.) |
v.IMP | Imperial Verb Form (Required when speaking about the Emperor or Empress) |
v.LAUD | Laudative Verb Form (Used to praise people, things, situations, etc. Never use when referring to yourself.) |
v.NEU | Neutral/Polite Verb Form (For everday use in public.) |
v.PEJ | Pejorative Verb Form (Used to criticize or humiliate. (Do not use if not fluent.)) |
v.REV | Reverential Verb Form (Used to express deference or humility to listeners.) |
vcp. | Verb Clarifying Particle (tai used to augment verb mood, aspect, etc. Immediately follows the verb.) |
Xi’an Term | POS | Translation to UEE Standard |
– (∅ o) | v.FAM | do (the o is dropped /null, missing/ in the Familiar verb paradigm) |
(e t.o kuai) si’ping | idm. | warmed (of food and beverages not at “room temperature” or 30 C) |
(e t.o kuai) tuiping | idm. | cooled (of food and beverages not at “room temperature” or 30 C) |
.ā | vcp. | (imperfective/progressive/contiuative) .āl |
.ā | elm. | continuation; (forward) movement |
.a’u | elm. | here/this |
.ā’u | pn. | this (thing) |
.āh’o’a | con.FOR | Keep right (drift in a particular direction) |
.aiy’a | pn. | yon thing |
.ām | col. | niveous |
.ān’e’a | con.FOR | Keep left (drift in a particular direction) |
.ath | elm. | getting along; managing; faring |
.ath’a | cnj. | and fittingly; and so; then (after “if”-clasue) |
.au’o | elm. | ice; snow; frozen liquid |
.au’o’longsea | elm.CMP | slush; half melted ice |
.au’o’rathpunpuāng | elm.CMP | heavy snow (with a great deal of accumulation) |
.au’okyu | elm.CMP | contrail |
.au’opuāng | elm.CMP | glacier; ice sheet |
.axy.oa? | con.CAS | Ça va? How’s it going? (cf: o .ath .u m.uexy.oa?) |
.ay’ā | elm. | dream; see a vision |
.ay’o | pn. | that (thing) |
.ē | v.REV | eminate/reflect |
.e’o | elm. | there/that (near the listener) |
.eu’a | deix. | that distant (after an indicated noun) |
.ey’o | deix. | that (near you) (after an indicated noun) |
.i | elm. | choice; selection |
.i’a | elm. | there/that (away from both speaker and listener) |
.ii | elm. | multiply; duplicate; breed |
.ithl’e’a | elm.CMP | moral; ethical; “the right choice” |
.ō | v.REV | do |
.oa’i | rel. | until |
.ōn | col. | viridian |
.u’a | elm. | over there/that (remote (and out of view or reach)) |
.u’uth | elm.CMP | also (as an adverb) |
.uai | elm. | go |
.uaih’o’a | con.FOR | Go right (follow the arrow, etc.) |
.uaik’ongsam | elm.CMP | hike (for recreation); stroll; wander (on foot) |
.uain’e’a | con.FOR | Go left (follow the arrow, etc.) |
.um’a | elm. | wet; moist; damp |
.un’ii’kuam | elm.CMP | orchard |
.un’ii’sauo | elm.CMP | grove (of trees) |
.unt’ang’puāng | elm.CMP | mountain range |
.Uy’ii | PN.feml | Uyíí |
(h)ai | pn.SRV | you |
(V.) sā tao’ra | idm. | “perhaps one day ____” |
a | elm. | object; tangible thing |
a. | nlz.CLTC | (concrete/tangible thing; object) |
a.thl’ē’kol | con.FOR | “Goodbye; Farewell” |
a’k.ēt’aongchui | elm.CMP | drainage ditch |
a’k.ii | elm. | aunt (mother’s or grandmother’s younger sister when elder) |
a’ki | elm. | aunt (mother’s or grandmother’s younger sister) |
a’o.u’a | pn. | that thing beyond |
a’ran | elm. | tenacious; stubborn; relentless |
a’rath(xyikyu) | elm.CMP | precipitation |
a’t.oy’onai | elm.CMP | Countermeasure |
a’xy.oa | Q. | what (concrete) thing? |
a’yanrath | elm.CMP | stairs/step/staircase |
a” | elm. | fit; fit into |
aho’a | noun | right side (in physical terms) |
ahual | elm.CMP | anything (any physical thing) |
ahyan | elm.CMP | everything (of physical things) |
Āi | PN.feml | Aai |
aith | elm. | health; good health; healthy |
aklu | noun | back side (in physical terms) |
al | rel. | out; outside |
al | elm. | outgoing; external; projecting externally; depart; exit; export |
āl | elm. | sub conscious meditation; fugue meditation; reverie |
aloa | elm.CMP | meal (also atenloa in more formal contexts) |
alue | elm.CMP | bridge, connector (for crossing or gaining access to another location); connector, adaptor (for different cabling systems, etc.) |
aluekeng | elm.CMP | isthmus; land bridge |
aluenoklo | elm.CMP | foot bridge (not set up for traffic by vehicles) |
alueseth | elm.CMP | bridge (for walking across); tressel (for a train, etc.) |
āluo’a | elm.CMP | Xi’an “opera,” a type of song or vocal performance in which the singer skillfully adjusts their own metabolism to create the illusion of time manipulation |
alye’lye | elm.CMP | arrow; spear |
ān | pn.SRV | we (exclusive) |
an” | vcp. | conditonal an’lai (often followed by .ath’a) |
an” | elm. | inevitability |
ane’a | noun | left side (in physical terms) |
ang | nlz. | (noun phrase clause head) |
a•o | elm. | company; corporation; corporate; business entity |
a•oō’nu | elm.CMP | umbrella corporation; “Aggregate” |
ari’akyu’ā | elm.CMP | windward side |
aryā’s.us’an | elm.CMP | Signature (of a ship, etc.) |
aryā’su | elm.CMP | flavor or smell (of food, etc.); trace (of something no longer present) |
asang | noun | front side (in physical terms) |
ataie’nu; ataye’nu; taye’nu | elm.CMP | Sub-Component |
ateyā | elm.CMP | the thing preferred; the preference; what ‘I’ want. |
athlalsēngnya; sēngnya | elm.CMP | Personal Armor |
auingtyikyu; tyikyu | elm.CMP | Airlock |
ch.iing | elm. | salt |
ch.ūl | elm. | dry crisp; crispy like a leaf (considered a favorable texture) |
athlalsēngsan; sēngsan | elm.CMP | Ship Armor |
cha | v.FAM | cause/produce/effect |
chā’e | elm. | eye; vision; look at; regard; spy |
chai | elm. | technology; |
chai | elm. | informatics; technology; engineering; hyper-complex tool |
chai.t’ao’ru | elm.CMP | grav-lev technology |
chai’t.os’ēng | elm.CMP | Shield Generator |
chailaXa | elm.CMP | Jump Drive |
chaileth’uiiyōn | elm.CMP | Quantum Drive |
chainunya | elm.CMP | robot; (speficially an android) |
chao | elm. | organization (for societal good) |
che’a | num. | million 1,000,000 |
che’aile’a | num. | 6,000,000 |
che’aile’a u le’a | num. | 6,000,006 |
che’ny.ax’ē | elm.CMP | society; societal (chen nya xē”) |
chen | elm. | life and its associated experiences; live (one’s life) |
chi | vcp. | (temporal inflective) chil |
chi | elm. | now (in juxtaposition to the immediate past) |
chi’a | v.LAUD | equate |
chi’li | n. | peppers (specifically capiscum and similar noted for their spicy seeds) |
chi’li.m’a’kr.ōng | elm.CMP | “demon” pepper – a hybrid of the notorious Terran ghost jolokia intensified 7-fold by Xi’an herbo-cuisinologists. |
chi’sa | elm. | facet; aspect; attribute |
Chii | line | Chii |
chii’hua | elm. | zesty; spicy; burning (considered a favorable flavor) |
chii’konglo | elm.CMP | crawling insect; centipede, etc. |
chii’ngeasui | elm.CMP | pickled larvae (pickled dish prepared from larve of chiinu’a that have eaten their fill of decaying meat) |
chii’syu | elm.CMP | flying insect |
chii” | elm. | bug; insectoid |
chiin | elm. | round; circular; oval |
chiing.ch’i | elm. | salty; saliva-inducing (considered a favorable flavor) |
chiinu’a | elm.CMP | corpse bug (bug that produces very fat larvae that eats decaying meat) |
chik’chak | elm. | wet crisp; crispy like a pickle (considered a favorable texture) |
ching | elm. | true; truth |
chith | elm. | fungus, mushroom; toadstool |
chithpun | elm.CMP | yeast |
chō’a | elm. | thanks; appreciation; gratitude |
cho’ro | slng.GEN | we inclusive (dual (pejorative)) slang (I + you) |
chong | pn.PEJ | I (note: only in specific cases) |
chu’a | v.FAM | be of a class |
chu’ro | slng.GEN | we inclusive (plural (pejorative)) slang (we (exclu.) + you) |
chuai | elm. | rock; stone |
chuai’l.ongx’ā’ye | elm.CMP | lava rock (cooled and solid) |
chuai’rathyeng | elm.CMP | meteor; shooting star |
chuaihyao | elm.CMP | asteroid |
chuaixyihyao | elm.CMP | meteorite |
chuaiyeng | elm.CMP | lava; magma (while still hot) |
chuao | elm. | give (sense of “a gift”; something beneficial; donattion; grant) |
chue | pn.PEJ | we (note: only in specific cases) |
chui | elm. | water; liquid |
chui.y’o | elm.CMP | blood; plasma (of fauna) |
chui.y’o’sui | elm.CMP | “shrub sanglant” a.k.a. “sour blood” (vinegar mixed with fermented blood; used as an apertif and palate cleanser) |
chui’.ā’e’nu | elm.CMP | stream; creek; brook (tributary in the context of a major river) |
chui’.ā’e’nulath | elm.CMP | gully; gulch; arroyo |
chui’.ā’ō’nu | elm.CMP | river (major (cf: Colorado/Mississippi)) |
chui’.uait’yon | elm.CMP | tide |
chui’ā | elm.CMP | flowing water (generic term for river) |
chui’ār.ath | elm.CMP | waterfall |
chui’ās.oa | elm.CMP | current |
chui’r.ath’e’nu | elm.CMP | drizzle; light rain |
chui’r.athh’ā’a | elm.CMP | flood (caused by weather) |
chui’r.athh’ā’aleth | elm.CMP | flash flood |
chui’rath.au’o | elm.CMP | freezing rain |
chuihā’a | elm.CMP | flood (not caused naturally (as in “flood the chamber” intentionally)) |
chuihai’pe | elm.CMP | “tea” as a beverage (made from hai’pe needles) |
chuikyu’ām | elm.CMP | condensation; water vapor; dew |
chuipuāng | elm.CMP | ocean; sea |
chuipuinuam | elm.CMP | groundwater |
chuipuong | elm.CMP | saliva |
chuiso’i.r’o’ang | elm.CMP | soy sauce (literally: “red-brown soy liquid”) as it was originally named by the Xi’an when borrored. The more epicurian crowd calls it xyo’yu. |
chuitung | elm.CMP | drinking water (enhanced with minerals and microorganisms for health and flavor) |
chuiyo.y’o | elm.CMP | clean; potable; purified; sterilized water (literally: “dead water” or “water lacking life”) |
chuo | elm. | status; conditon |
chuokyukeng | elm.CMP | climate |
chy.a | elm. | change, modify, manipulate, alter |
chy.ak’a’xyo | elm.CMP | migration; (also ‘move away’ (of people)) |
chy.at’eth | elm.CMP | terraforming (o chy.at’eth = to terraform) |
Chy.ōn.uā | name | step-mother (mother’s spouse who does not parent you directly) |
Chy.ōny.ū | name | step-father (mother’s spouse who does not parent you directly) |
Chya’na | name | “Mommy” (pre-Service) |
chye’o | elm. | large city; metropolis |
chye’ol’e | elm.CMP | main city; primary city of importance for a region |
chye’ol’etao” | elm.CMP | Capital City; seat of government |
chyi | elm. | “parent” (member of a mother’s pyā’hai); nurture |
Chyi’n.ā | name | “Mom” (post-Service) |
Chyi’y.ū | name | “Dad” (post-Service) |
Chyu’i | name | “Daddy” (pre-Service) |
e | v.NEU | eminate/reflect |
e | v.FAM | eminate/reflect |
e | rel. | of |
e (e’.ā) yo” | idm. | stay alive; survive; live (especially of the elderly) |
e huang (yo X)/(ang X) | idm. | important that |
e lathkyu | idm. | cured; air cured |
e ngiing (yo X)/(ang X) | idm. | doubtful that |
e ngimyā (yo X)/(ang X) | idm. | imperative that/a must that |
e ngisū (yo X)/(ang X) | idm. | certain that |
e ngisya (yo X)/(ang X) | idm. | necessary that |
e ngumthle’a | idm. | well-colonized (positive attribute of food that has been aged or fermented especially well) |
e ngye’a (yo X)/(ang X) | idm. | likely that |
e nya’to | idm. | “artificial”; Xy’an-made; not a pure product of nature |
e pyan .u po _____ | idm. | intuit that X; sense that X |
e syengum | idm. | ripe |
e ta’kya | idm. | be drunk; be high; be wasted |
e thle’a | idm. | be proper; be correct; |
e ya’ue (yo X)/(ang X) | idm. | possible that |
e yal | idm. | be conscious; have consciousness |
e yo hyē | idm. | be simple |
e yo to’ath | idm. | lack a talent for X |
e yo tūn | idm. | simpleminded; be dumb |
e yo yal | idm. | lack consciousness |
e yongum | idm. | unripe |
e.ny’ii | elm. | biological sibling (younger) |
e’a | vcp. | (predictable (“likely”)) e’al |
e’a | elm. | likely; predictable but not assured |
e’e (pred.) .u _____ (subj.) | idm. | resemblance; X resembles Y in Z |
E’n.ā | name | Little Sis (endearment term from older sibling to younger sister as an adult) |
E’na | name | Lil’ Sis (enderment term from older sister or brother to younger sister) |
e’nu | elm. | minor; lesser; smaller; enclosed; inferior; encompassed |
ē’pua(s) | n. | cheese (borrowed from the French «Époisses», but in Xi’an refers to all varieties of what Humans call “cheese”) |
e’so | col. | transparent; clear |
E’ui | name | Lil’ Bro (endearent term from older sister or brother to younger brother) |
e’xyoa? | con.CAS | “How are you? (feeling)” |
E’y.ū | name | Little Brother (endearment term from older sibling to youger brother as an adult) |
en | elm. | pyā’hai sibling (younger) |
gu | pn.SRV | It (inanimate) |
gun | pn.SRV | they (inanimate) |
h.ān | elm. | internal turmoil; being conflicted |
h.eng | elm. | broken; break; flaw; inconsistency |
h.ey’an | elm. | patience; waiting patiently |
h.in’e | elm. | circumference; measurement around a sphere or circle |
h.in’eō’nu | elm.CMP | equator |
h.o’a | elm. | sound |
h.oa | elm. | variation, irregularity, exception, unusual |
h.uet’eth | col. | aurulent |
h.uis’eyo” | elm.CMP | Life Support |
h.uiy’ole” | elm.CMP | metabolism |
h.ūn | elm. | labor; work (manual work) |
h’ā | elm. | punch; hit; strike |
h’āha” | elm.CMP | pummel; batter; bash |
hā’a | elm. | excess; over; excessive; exceed |
ha’ha | vcp. | [moderate emphatic] |
hā’hi | elm. | numbing; tingling (considered a favorable flavor) |
ha’nue | elm. | excited; engaged; turned on; enthusiastic |
ha” | vcp. | [strong emphatic] |
hai | elm. | confidant; buddy; friendship with trust |
hai’pe | n. | A Xi’an plant similar to Terran tea, but loaded with beneficial bacteria. Instead of the leaves of a bush, it’s the leaves of a tropical pine tree. |
han | elm | map; draw (an image of something); illustrate an (idea) |
hankeng | elm.CMP | a map (of territory) |
hanxiin(uo’a) | elm.CMP | written instructions or directions |
hao | v.LAUD | be of a class |
he’.u’i | rel. | on top of; on (touching) |
he’a | elm. | sensation; physical feeling; ability to feel |
he’o | elm. | dedicaiton; commmitment; commit to |
he’u | rel. | above |
hela.t’or | n. | freezer (for food (borrowed from Spanish «(con)gelador»)) |
hi’ch.oy’othle’a | elm.CMP | Healthpak |
hi’cho | elm. | kit; set of tools; gear |
hi’chōklo | elm.CMP | Landing Gear |
hi’ho | elm. | infant cousin (neice or nephew) “any baby to whom one is related” |
hii | elm. | younger juvenile cousin of a juvenile |
Hiin | line | Hiin |
ho | elm. | quiet; silent; secret; hidden |
ho’a | rel. | right of; on the right of; toward the right |
hon | vcp. | [tendential (“tendency”)]; X tends to do/be Y |
hoth | elm. | read |
hu | num. | zero 0 |
hū’hu tā’ta | elm. | so so; mediocre; not good and not bad |
huā | elm. | most; (superlative) |
hua’ua | elm. | humor; joke; funny |
hual | elm. | any; whichever; whatever |
huang | elm. | important; importance; matter; import |
hue | rel. | between (2); among (many) |
huen | elm. | split; share; divide |
hui | elm. | system; organized set; layout |
hui’a | elm. | contemplate; conscious meditation; iterative thought |
huiāl | elm.CMP | explore through meditative contemplation |
huing | elm | wave; pulse |
huing’puay’a | elm.CMP | heat wave |
huingchuikr.ūth | elm.CMP | tsunami |
huingchuokyu | elm.CMP | front |
huinge’nu | elm.CMP | ripple |
huiso’a | elm.CMP | musculature |
huisuhyoton | elm.CMP | Starmap |
huitā | elm.CMP | neighborhood |
huitia | elm.CMP | mathematics |
huityi se lye’hung | elm.CMP | Missile Rack |
huityi se lye’p.ānp’uāng | elm.CMP | Torpedo Rack |
huityi se lye’ri | elm.CMP | Rocket Rack |
huityunguo’a | elm.CMP | grammar (of a language) |
huiu’oa; huichaiu’oa; chaiu’oa | elm.CMP | Comms |
hung | elm. | older; senior; sr.; high in status; high-grade |
huo | elm. | hearing; audio input |
hyan | elm. | each; every |
hyao | elm. | sky; space (outer space); the area between planets. |
hyaok’ya | elm.CMP | Dogfight (in space ) |
hyaokyu | elm.CMP | sky (daytime) on a world with an atmosphere |
hyaokyu’ām | elm.CMP | overcast or cloudy sky |
hyaokyue’so | elm.CMP | clear sky |
hyaotan | elm.CMP | outer space; (“the black sky”) |
hyath | elm. | military |
hyē | elm. | complexity |
Hyen” | line | Hyén |
hyi | elm. | prestige; fame |
hyo | elm. | sphere; spherical; orb; ball |
hyo’ii | elm.CMP | pollen; spore |
hyoii | elm.CMP | sun |
hyopā’an; hyo’pān | elm.CMP | Grenade |
hyopyen | elm.CMP | ammunition; bullets; ammo (hyopy.enr’o) |
hyopyen; hyopy.enr’o | elm.CMP | Ammo |
hyothen | elm.CMP | eyeball |
hyotonxyiing; hyoton | elm.CMP | Star |
Hyū’mân | elm. | Human |
hyūn | elm. | part; role; function |
i” | elm. | touch; contact with X |
ia | elm. | “epic” (holy, in the sense of ‘beyond belief’) |
ii | elm. | light; brightness; shine |
ii’a | elm.CMP | plant (generic term for plant); flora (juxtaposed to fauna) |
ii’axye | elm.CMP | bulb |
ii’ken | elm.CMP | long vegetable that grows on vines and is popular as a pickle |
ii’lio | elm.CMP | moss; lichen |
ii’puongchiin | elm.CMP | astringent fruit (berry-like fruit that greatly increases tannin levels in dishes) |
ii’sauo | elm.CMP | tree or very large bush |
ii’sauo | elm.CMP | tree |
ii’ten | elm.CMP | vegetable; fruit; edible leaves; etc. |
ii’tenkuam | elm.CMP | fruit (also simply ii’kuam (can be used for human ‘dessert’)) |
ii’tung | elm.CMP | plant; bush; groundcover |
ii”. | nlz.CLTC | [vegitation; plant; tree; moss; lichen, etc.] |
ii”puith” | elm.CMP | itchy plant (nettle-like plant used to create seasoning that causes itching sensation) |
iikyu | elm.CMP | aurora |
iikyuxuith | elm.CMP | polar aurora |
ii’pun | elm.CMP | grass |
IIth | PN.feml | Iith |
iixue’aye | elm.CMP | new light of the day (sunrise) |
iiyonai | elm.CMP | Flare |
in.che’ra | n. | “bread” (borrowed from the Ethiopic «injera») |
ing | vcp. | [dubiative (“dout”)] |
ing | elm. | doubt |
Jh’an | elm.SRV | Xi’an |
k.ay’o | deix. | there (near you the listener or where we both can see IÕm indicating) |
k.ē | elm. | fold; bend; crease |
k.ēk’eng | elm.CMP | valley |
k.eng’a’chui | elm.CMP | island (in a large body of water) |
k.eng’ii’pun | elm.CMP | meadow |
k.et’ao | elm. | promise; assure |
k.eth | elm. | weapon; simple weapon (as a knife; club; (with no moving parts)) |
k.ethxy’iing | elm.CMP | Melee |
k.ik’a | elm. | surprise (happy; positive) |
k.o’a | elm. | wall; vertical surface used for building or environmental separation |
k.o’ahe’u | elm.CMP | ceiling (of a room) |
k.o’ahe’uten | elm.CMP | growth ceiling (special grooved surface innoculated with healthy/flavorful yeast, bacteria, and other microorgamisms to promote fermentation) |
k.o’aten | elm.CMP | growth wall (special grooved surface innoculated with healthy/flavorful yeast, bacteria, and other microorgamisms to promote fermentation) |
K.om’o | PN.feml | Komó |
k.ua | num. | five 5 |
k.ūng | elm. | overwhelm; overwhelming |
k.uot’aouin | elm.CMP | Cooler |
k.uoy’o’thli | elm.CMP | Battery |
k.ur’a | elm. | excitement; intense physical or mental joy; exciting |
k.yāi | elm. | genuine fear; being frightened; afraid; fright (internal sense) |
k.yāo | elm. | danger |
k.yeth | elm. | caution |
k’ya | elm. | fighting; fight; battle |
k’yah’āno | elm.CMP | “fist fight” |
k’yano (e sol k.eth) | elm.CMP | Martial Arts |
ka | rel. | in; at; on |
ka“ho’a | elm.CMP | starbord/right side (of a ship) |
ka“ne’a | elm.CMP | port/left side (of a ship) |
ka’hual | elm.CMP | anywhere |
ka’i.y’a | deix. | yonder (far away from both of us, but at a perceptible distance) |
ka’loa | elm.CMP | dining area |
ka’loatō | elm.CMP | restaurant |
ka’lye | elm.CMP | goal; destination; target |
ka’m.e’a | elm.CMP | elevation; a high point; lookout over lower territory |
ka’o.u’a | deix. | beyond (so far away that we cannot see or easily reach that place) |
ka’t.op’ui’a | elm.CMP | flower/botanical garden |
ka’t.ot’enxyo | elm.CMP | garden (non-commercial vegetable patch, etc.) |
ka’uōng | elm. | toilette room; place to relieve onself |
ka’Xa | elm.CMP | Interspace |
ka’xuel | elm.CMP | cave; cavern |
ka’xy.oa | Q. | where? |
ka’yāng | elm.CMP | Bunk (bed or other specifically designated area when one is assigned to sleep) |
ka” | elm. | place; location |
ka”ii’a | elm.CMP | farm for crops |
ka”ma’a | elm.CMP | animal farm |
kāi | elm. | maintain; maintenance; repair |
ka’klu | elm.CMP | Aft (of a ship) |
kal’tu | n. | dire fly (a deadly flying insectoid) |
ka’nāl; kahyonāl | elm.CMP | Cockpit |
kao” | deix. | here (near me the speaker) |
kar’tu | n. | dire fly (variant pronunciation of kal’tu) |
ka’san | elm.CMP | Cabin (as in a general room on a ship) |
ka’sang | elm.CMP | Fore (of a ship) |
kē’hith | elm. | obliterate / obliteration; extinct / extinction; annihilation; sterilize (of contamination) |
ke’u | elm. | size |
kea | elm. | independent; unfettered; lone; solitary, alone (but not lonely) |
ken | elm. | long (of a physical thing); tall (of a person or animal) |
keng | elm. | land; ground; territory (not a body of water) |
keng.au’o | elm.CMP | arctic regions |
keng’.au’o | elm.CMP | ice fields; frozen (waste)lands; frozen tundra |
keng’.um’a | elm.CMP | bog; swamp; fen |
keng’.un’ii | elm.CMP | forest |
keng’hoa | elm.CMP | uneven/rough terrain |
kengchuiha’a | elm.CMP | floodplain |
kenglath | elm.CMP | desert (a particularly dry territory) |
kengli’o | elm.CMP | plain; savanna |
kengli’olath | elm.CMP | tundra (dry); steppe |
kengli’om.e’a | elm.CMP | plateau; mesa |
kengmuiima | elm.CMP | nature preserve (as in ‘national park’) |
kengmuima | elm.CMP | pasture (for grazing); paddock |
kengp.uay’a | elm.CMP | tropics |
kengten | elm.CMP | field (for the cultivation of crops) |
kengunii’.um’a | elm.CMP | jungle; rainforest |
kengye’u | elm.CMP | basin |
kengyeng | elm.CMP | desert (metaphorical “burning land”) |
ki.s’a | elm. | ammoniac; chemical; bitter (considered a favorable flavor) |
ki’a | vcp. | [abstractive; metaphorical mood] ki’al |
ki’m.ethl’e | elm.CMP | headache |
ki’meth | elm. | pain; physical suffering |
ki” | elm. | attach; hook up; hook into; plug in |
kii’uo | elm. | intoxicating; aluring; draw; charm; seduction |
kiil | col. | cerulean |
Kl.ō | line | Kloh |
kl.u’i | rel. | touching or attached or riding on the back of |
kl.u’o | elm.CMP | previous (in sequence) klu + o” |
Kli’thla | PN.male | Klithla |
klo | elm. | ground; surface of a planet; touching down |
klom.e’a | elm.CMP | tree crab (from klon + m.e’a) (a food animal that lives in trees) |
klon | elm. | spider-crab (general term for all species of insects and crustacean with spider/crab shaped bodies) |
klu | rel. | behind |
ko | vcp. | [preistantiative (“already”] kol (“not yet”) |
ko’i | rel. | into (sense of dividing) |
ko’t.a | elm. | question; inqiry; inquisitive |
ko” | elm. | distance |
koa | elm. | race |
kōl | elm. | positivity; approval; satisfaction |
kon | elm. | get; acquire; obtain; buy |
kong | elm. | walk; go on foot |
kongleth | elm.CMP | run; hurry; dash |
konglo | elm.CMP | crawl (of bipedal infants or insects, etc. (from kong+klo)) |
Kr.ē | line | Kray |
kr.ōng | elm. | vile; disgusting; grotesque; abhorent; barbaric; degenerate |
Kr.ū | PN.male | Krew |
kr.ūth | elm. | death; dead; die; perish |
kra’pāng | elm.CMP | extatic; bliss; exultant |
kran | elm. | work (non-laborious); mental focus and effort; contribution to society |
kren | elm. | enough; suffice; sufficient |
kri | elm. | sense of one’s genuine feelings juxtaposed against what society might consider proper and polite |
kro | elm. | contamination; pollutant |
krokyu | elm.CMP | air pollution |
ku | pn.NEU | It (inanimate) |
kū | num. | ten thousand 10,000 |
ku’ngo | elm. | firm; needs to be cut into small pieces to eat; like cooked vegetables (considered a favorable texture) |
ku’ya | elm. | rude; impolite |
kua | elm. | feeling (opinon; non-religious belief based on experience) |
kuai | vcp. | [passive/ergative] |
kuai.x’uā’cha | idm. | burnt; charred; food that’s been exposed to high temperatures; “cooked” based on the sensibilities of most Humans. (considered an undesirable food quality) |
kuair | elm. | class of light (space) fighter; also scalpel; blade (for surgery) alt: QHIRE (marketing spelling) |
kuām | rel. | beyond |
kuāo | elm. | ancient word for a defunct Xi’an currency; slang for money; “dough, bills, etc.”; idiom e yo kuāo y.ui ____ “don’t have it in one to do something about ________” |
kuaxue’a | elm.CMP | neophyte; inexperienced; novice (nyakuaxue’a) |
kue” | elm. | force; thrust; push |
kuen | elm. | money; currency; credit(s) |
kui | elm. | amount |
kui’xy.oa | Q | how much (volume)? |
kuihual | elm.CMP | any amount; however much |
kuing | elm. | practice; exercise |
kuinghankeng | elm.CMP | the practice of cartography |
kum | pn.NEU | they (inanimate) |
kuo. | nlz.CLTC | [complex tool for X] |
kuo’p.ānh’o | elm.CMP | Mine |
kuo’p.ap’a | elm.CMP | Repeater |
kuo’t.oku’e; k.uok’ue | elm.CMP | Engine |
kuo’t.or’u | elm.CMP | Gravity Generator |
kuo’t.othl’i | elm.CMP | Power Plant |
kuo’to.t’uing | elm.CMP | cooler (smaler scale device) (used to cool food to cave-like temperatures) |
kuo’yan | elm.CMP | Up Escalator (for signage) |
kuōa | elm.CMP | Computer |
kuōanāl | elm.CMP | Avionics |
kuochā’eoa; kuochā’e | elm.CMP | Display |
kuohe’.uhy’aokyu | elm.CMP | Satellite |
kuolaXa | elm.CMP | Jump Module |
kuom’pon | n. | food ape (orangutan-like creature raised for meat) |
kuongyaiya | elm.CMP | Radar |
kuo’rath | elm.CMP | Down Escalator (for signage) |
kuos.uk’ue; kuosu | elm.CMP | Thruster |
kuotaisan; taisan; atai | elm.CMP | Component |
Kuoth | line | Quoth |
kuotyisāo | elm.CMP | Escape Pod |
kuoxuan | elm.CMP | complex game; video game console; jet ski, etc. for entertainment |
kuoyanō | elm.CMP | Scanner |
kuth | col. | xanthic |
kuam | elm | sweet (sweet-tasting for the Xi’an pallet (be careful)); sugar-sweet; not properly fermented or decayed |
kye | elm. | letter; character; glyph; symbol |
Kye’na | name | “Daughter” (endearment term for non-biological daughter) |
kye’nua | elm.CMP | pyā’hai daughter |
kyen’yu | elm.CMP | pyā’hai son |
Kyen’yu | name | “Son” (endearment term for non-biological son) |
kyen” | elm. | non-biological child within a pyā’hai (kye’nua (d.), kyen’yu) |
kyengchui | elm.CMP | evaporation (of liquids); transformation of liquids into their gaseous states |
kyeng | elm. | evaporation; dissolve; vanish; disappear |
kyengii | elm.CMP | sunset |
kyexiin | elm.CMP | script; alphabetic letter |
kyi | elm. | breath; breathing; respiraiton; sigh |
kyi’yāngp.uāng | elm.CMP | snoring; making breathing noises while asleep |
kyo | elm. | department; group; section; troup |
kyōhuitō | elm.CMP | department/division/office of operational affairs (lit. kyo o hui tō) |
kyu | elm. | air (to breathe); gas |
kyu(loa); kyuteth (planetary) | elm.CMP | Atmosphere |
kyu’.um’a | elm.CMP | humidity (in the sense of mugginess) |
kyu’ā’e’nu | elm.CMP | breeze |
kyu’ām | elm.CMP | fog; mist |
kyu’ām.e’a | elm.CMP | high-altitude wind |
kyu’kūng.au’o | elm.CMP | ice storm |
kyu’kūng.au’opun | elm.CMP | blizzard |
kyu’kūng.yu’ā | elm.CMP | windstorm |
kyu’kūngchuaipun | elm.CMP | dust storm; sand storm |
kyuk’ya | elm.CMP | Dogfight (in a planetary atmosphere) |
kyul | elm. | bird; (especially feathered) animal that flies |
kyul.t’e’ka | elm. | sticky bird (delicacy prepared from the aged meat of kyulkuam bird that has gorged on fruit and died afterbeing stuck on sap for several days) |
kyulkuam | elm.CMP | fruit bird (type of fruit-eating bird used in kyul.t’e’ka) |
kyun | num. | ten 10 |
kyuni’pu.ai | num. | thirty 30… |
kyunisyen | num. | twenty 20 |
kyuyoaith | elm.CMP | smog; unhealthy air; unbreathable air |
kyuyoe’so | elm.CMP | haze |
L.ao | PN.male | Lao |
l.oa’alsāo | elm.CMP | Emergency/Escape Exit |
l.e’a | elm. | arm; tentacle; wing of a bird |
l.ea | elm. | feeling (emotional status) |
l.ō | v.REV | be of a class |
l.o’a | num. | nine 9 |
l.oa | elm. | Door/Portal/Window |
l.oa’al | elm.CMP | Exit (as in physical exit) |
l.oach’ā’e | elm.CMP | Window (if it needs to be referred to formally or specifically) |
l.oal’aōng | elm.CMP | Automatic Door |
l.oau’ing | elm.CMP | Entrance (as in physical entrance) |
l.uotht’ang | elm.CMP | hillside; slope |
L’ai | elm.CMP | “Boy”/Grand-son (endearment term from grandmother to child or adult) |
la | elm. | open |
lā | elm. | art |
la.thl’e’a | elm.CMP | dry; like salted & cured meat (considered a favorable texture) |
La’na | elm.CMP | “Girl”/Grand-daughter (endearment term from grandmother to child or adult) |
la’nua | elm.CMP | grand-daughter |
lain | elm. | cone; conical |
lainchuiyuao | elm.CMP | water spout |
lainpunyuao | elm.CMP | dust devil |
lang’yōn | elm.CMP | quasi-grand-child |
lang’yōnua | elm.CMP | quasi-grand-daughter |
lang’yōnyu | elm.CMP | quasi-grand-son |
lang’yu | elm.CMP | grand-son |
lang” | elm. | grand-child |
lath | elm. | dry; dessicated |
lāuo’a | elm.CMP | song |
lē | pn.NEU | you |
le’.au’o | elm.CMP | ice cap |
le’a | num. | six 6 |
le” | elm. | head (of a body); center (of an activity); central |
len | elm. | peace; peaceful; without issue; smooth |
leth | elm. | speed; fast; quickly |
leth’uii | elm.CMP | Lightspeed |
li’chen | elm.CMP | “one’s life” – the course of life that a person lives including experiences |
lio | elm. | soft or silky (to the touch), not rough or bristly; smooth (of solid objects) |
li’o | elm. | flat; low to the ground |
li” | elm. | one’s path in life; the course of one’s life |
lo | v.NEU | be of a class |
lo’e | rel. | in; into (sense of putting inside or entering) |
loa | elm. | eat; drink; consume; swallow |
long | elm. | melt; unfreeze |
lū’.i’a | elm. | pray; prayer; entreatment to the supernatural |
thaxiin | elm.CMP | sign; signboard (non-electronic) with written guidance |
lu” | elm. | town; medium-sized city |
lua | pn.REV | It (inanimate) |
luai | elm. | alien; foreign; strange |
luam | pn.REV | they (inanimate) |
lue | elm. | relate; relate to; be realated to; connect; relationship; connection |
lui | elm. | knife; cut; slice |
lui’tu | elm.CMP | Dagger |
luiken | elm.CMP | Sword |
lūl | col. | ianthine |
lung | elm. | guess; estimate; approximate; roughly; more-or-less |
luoth | elm. | slope; angle |
luoth.au’o’rath | elm.CMP | avalanche |
Lyā | line | Lyaa |
lye | rel. | targeting; focusing on (from lye’lye) |
lye’lye | elm. | direct; direcly; directness; n. “arrow” alyelye |
lye’p.ānp’uāng | elm.CMP | Torpedoes |
lye’pānhung; lye’hung | elm.CMP | Missiles |
lye’pānri; lye’ri | elm.CMP | Rockets |
lyii | num. | hundred 100 |
lyon | elm. | advice; counsel; recommendation (when asked); analysis |
m.a | pn.SRV | he/she |
m..aman” | slng.SRV | “crazy like a human” (positive connotation when having a good time) |
m.an | pn.SRV | they |
m.e’a | elm. | high (above ground); elevated; towering |
m.oa | elm. | all, whole, entirety; complete |
m.oat’en | elm.CMP | almost all; almost to the last |
m.ue | elm. | method |
m.ueh’ual | elm.CMP | any way |
m.uexy.oa | Q. | how (which method)? |
m.ūng | elm. | sadness; gloom; depression |
ma. | nlz.CLTC | [animal; creature (incablabe of communication with people)] |
ma’a | elm.CMP | animal (generic term); fauna (juxtaposed to flora) |
ma’kr.ōng | elm.CMP | monster; “demon” |
ma’ma | slng.SRV | “beast, monster” (a person behavng like an animal; out of her/his mind) |
ma’nāng | elm.CMP | predator; carniverous animal |
mā’nga | elm. | struggle; challenge |
ma’tok.yāi | n. | tokyai. Arboreal apex predator native to and endangered on the Xi’an world Xi; now conserved and flourishing on Koli. Feeds on smaller herbivorous forest creatures. |
ma’tu | elm.CMP | predator |
ma’xy.un | n. | shoon. Xi’an domesticated yak-like beast valued for its silken fur. |
makyul | elm.CMP | flying mammals, pteradons, etc. |
mām | elm. | rich; hearty; full; robust |
mam’pa | n. | fat bear (racoon-like animal harvested for its fat) |
mang’huen | elm.CMP | serving ladels |
mang’tām uoth’tōm | idm. | “Empty ‘bowl’, full belly” – traditonal phrase at the ending of a Xi’an meal to thank the cook or host. |
mang” | elm. | plate; bowl; cup (the primary piece of Xi’an tableware) |
maloa | elm.CMP | prey |
mangel | elm.CMP | amphibian |
maten | elm.CMP | meat; animal parts eaten as food; animal protein |
maxyiing | elm.CMP | wild animal; beast; monster; monsterous |
mē’o | n. | mayo; mayonnaise (borrowed from English «mayo») |
men | elm. | juvenile cousin, niece or nephew (of an adult) |
mi’n.iT’yūm | elm.CMP | a standard Human minute (lit. mi’nitâ se Hyū’mân – borrowed from UEE Standard) |
mi’so | n. | miso (borrowed from Japanese «miso») |
mo | vcp. | [presumptive (“seeming”/“apparent”] |
mo | elm. | appearance; seem; seems (VCP) |
mo’u | v.LAUD | try/attempt (››› yo _____) |
mu’.a’ōng | elm.CMP | indulgence; guilty pleasure |
mu’a | elm. | pleasure; delight |
mu’la | n. | round fruit that grows in marshland and is a source of food for the Ngii |
mua | elm. | small town; village |
muakahyao | elm.CMP | Space Station |
mui | elm. | preserve; conserve; set aside; save (for later) |
my.ū | elm. | aunt (mother’s older sister when elder) |
n.āng | elm. | prowl; stalk; hunt |
mya | elm. | clean; untained; cleanliness |
myā | vcp. | [firm imperative] myāl |
myii’sa | elm. | yawn; yawning; displaying exhaustion |
myu | elm. | aunt (mother’s or grandmother’s older sister) |
n.ao | elm. | tint; color |
n.eng | elm.CMP | visit; travel to |
N.il’ē | PN.feml | Niley |
nā | v.FAM | want/desire (››› yo _____) |
na’to | n. | natto (borrowed from Japanese «natto» ) |
na” | vcp. | [interrogative] |
nai | elm. | grasp; perception; understanding; having caught soemthing (said or presented visually)) |
nai’an | rel. | in exchange for |
Nai’na | name | “Sweetie” (to a female from a male or female) |
nai’yeth | elm.CMP | knowledge and understanding (knowing grasp) |
naihuo | elm.CMP | having heard something; catching something by hearing it |
nāl | elm. | piloting (in 3D space) |
nāl | elm. | piloting; flying (in 3D space) |
nān’yo | n. | lizard-class of reptiles |
ne’a | rel. | left of; on the left of; toward the left |
Nē” | PN.feml | Nay |
Ng.ām | PN.male | Ngaam |
ng.au’ii | elm.CMP | leaf (of flora) |
nga.u’ii’yēl | elm.CMP | noodle leaf (cultivated leaf that can easily be torn into strips. Used in traditional dish uea’yēl.) |
ngā’l.o | elm. | honor; respect (external (between parties)) |
ngao | elm. | collect; absorb; internalize (information (in the sense of remembering what’s been learned)) |
manuiten | elm.CMP | livestock (fauna cultivated/farmed for the purpose of becoming food) |
ngaochui | elm.CMP | root |
ngea | elm. | preliminary; pre-; underdeveloped stage of growth |
ngel | elm. | fish; animal that breathes water (via gills or other such organs) |
ngel e lu’te | idm. | lutefisk (borrowed from Norwegian «lutefisk») |
ngeltui | elm.CMP | fermented fish (one of any variety of fish-based meals that have been fermented over months. Can have a wide variety of base flavors) |
ngi | elm. | essence; core; central concept; constitution; crux |
ngi. | nlz.CLTC | [“-ness”/“-ment”/“-cy”]; essence of X |
ngi’kr.ōng | elm.CMP | depravity; wickedness |
ngi’pi | elm. | itching; buzzing; pain (considered a favorable flavor) |
ngi’yēl | elm.CMP | fibrous; stringy; like chewing on a leaf or eating coconut (considered a favorable texture) |
ngia.u’o | elm.CMP | frozen; icy (considered an undesirable food quality) |
ngii | n. | yengi. Xi’an domesticated pet that natively keeps vermin populations down. Nickname, yao’yao (based on the animal’s vocalizations) |
ngilen | elm.CMP | peaceful; peace-centric; peace“loving” |
nginguichui | elm.CMP | milky; creamy; like fresh animal milk (considered an undesirable food quality) |
ngisath | elm.CMP | style; aesthetics; the way something is designed |
ngiti | elm.CMP | useful; utilitarian; functional |
ngiton | elm.CMP | full of nourishement; nourishing; energizing |
ngitonten | elm.CMP | nutritious (specifically of food); also often simply ngiton. |
ngi’u.in’a | elm.CMP | freedom; the essense of being free, unfettered, unbound |
ngixuthle’a | elm.CMP | dedication (to an effort or cause); effort |
ngo | elm. | sweet, as in the sense of a gesture made by a child or a pet animal |
ngua | elm. | sex; sexuality; sensual; physical pleaure from intimate contact |
ngui | elm. | albumen; milk (of mammals); liquid protein |
ngui (nguita’a) | elm.CMP | egg white |
ngum | elm. | mold; rot |
ngumpuāng | elm.CMP | earthy; moldy; pungent (considered a favorable flavor) |
nguok | n. | eel whale (animal with high levels of urea that is farmed on most developed Xi’an worlds) |
ngya | vcp. | [subjunctive (“if“)] ngyal (often followed by .ath’a) |
ngya | elm. | ambiguity |
ngyai | elm. | search (for something); seek out |
ni | elm. | biological child (daughter (ni’nua) or son (ni’yu)) |
ni’nua | elm.CMP | biological daughter |
ni’yu | elm.CMP | biological son |
nii | elm. | just; only; limit |
niichā’e | elm.CMP | horizon |
ning | rel. | against; opposing (as in battle or negotiations) |
no | elm. | hand |
nō | elm. | detail; precision |
no’a | pn.NEU | I |
no’e | elm. | gender; sex; sexual differentiation |
noklo | elm.CMP | foot; hoof |
noth | vcp. | [reccomendational (“suggestion to do X” (to someone else) from noth, suggestion)] |
nu | elm. | form; shape; in the form of; in the likeness of |
nū | pn.SRV | I |
nu’a | elm. | fresh dead meat ready for consumption |
nu’a e nya’to | idm. | food that has been killed prematurely |
nu’a.thl’e’a | elm.CMP | food that has died naturally |
nu’axy.uai | elm.CMP | meat dishes composed of exotic ingredients |
nua | elm. | female |
nua.yii” | elm. | mother (clinical term) |
nua.yii” | elm.CMP | biological mother, clinical term |
Nua’n.ā | name | Mother (reverential) |
Nua’n.ā | name | Mother – The polite & reverant word for another’s mother or one’s own |
Nuana | name | Mom (post-Service) |
Nuana | name | Mom – what adults call their mothers affectionately |
nuang | cnj. | nui + ang (“in order to”) |
nuate’.ah’a | n. | hot woman; babe; belle |
Nuaxyii’ua | PN.role | Matriarch |
nui | rel. | for; toward |
nuika’lye | cnj. | in order that |
nūn | col. | luteous |
ny.as’eyo” | PN.role | EMS |
nya | elm. | person |
nya. | nlz.CLTC | [person who does X; “-er”] |
nya.li” | PN.role | clergy |
nya’h.ūn | PN.role | laborer |
nyā’i | elm.CMP | spouse |
nya’kr.ōng | elm.CMP | barbarian; degenrate; criminal guilty of unspeakable acts |
nya’m.oa | PN.role | philosopher |
nya’n.āngk’uāo | PN.role | pirate; robber (also n.āngk’uāo, o n.āngk’uāo: loot, pilfer) |
nya’n.eng | elm. | visitor; guest |
nya’nāng | PN.role | hunter |
nya’p.ū | PN.role | politician |
nya’p.ūh’uesao | PN.role | diplomat |
nya’s.āth | elm.CMP.for | “your people” (contraction of nya se s.āth) FORMAL |
nya’t.ōng | PN.role | caregiver |
nya’t.ōng•’o | PN.role | supervisor; manager; director (of programs or processes) |
nya’t.ōngn’ya | PN.role | supervisor; manager; director (of people) |
nya’t.ōngya | PN.role | (legitimate professional certified) bodyguard |
nya’t.ot’en | PN.role | farmer |
nya’t.oy’an | PN.role | teacher |
nya’tye | elm.CMP | thief; pirate |
nya’xy.oa | Q. | who? |
nya•o.se” | PN.role | assistant |
nya•oa | PN.role | programmer/computation engineer |
nya•osen’p.u | PN.role | promoter (advertiser, marketer, etc.) |
nya•oten | PN.role | cook |
nya•otō | PN.role | financial person |
nyaāluo’a | PN.role | Xi’an “opera” singer |
nyachai | PN.role | technician |
nyahai | elm.CMP | friend; trusted ally |
nyahaipāng | elm. | trusted intimate parter; lover (haipāng colloqially) |
nyahual | elm.CMP | anyone (any person) |
nyahuitia | PN.role | mathematician |
nyahyan | elm.CMP | everyone |
nyāi’na | elm.CMP | wife |
nyāi’ny.ū | elm.CMP | “Son in Law” of biological son |
nyāi’nyaiyu | elm.CMP | “Son in Law” of biological daughter |
nyāi’nyana | elm.CMP | “Daugher in Law” of biological daughter |
nyāi’nyuna | elm.CMP | “Daugher in Law” of bioligical son |
nyāi’yu | elm.CMP | husband |
nyalā | PN.role | artist |
nyalāuo’a | PN.role | singer |
nyanāl | PN.role | pilot |
nyapōnghyi | PN.role | augur (professional mating advisor) |
nyarai | PN.role | hauler |
nyasaotō | PN.role | business person |
nyasath | PN.role | designer |
nyasathtā | PN.role | architect |
nyasēng | PN.role | police |
nyaten’xyuai | elm.CMP | gourmand; cuisine consultant; menu consultant (for extravagant meals) |
nyatiing | PN.role | doctor/medic (non-emergency) |
nyatyung | PN.role | lawyer |
nyaxiin | PN.role | writer |
nyaxyiing | elm.CMP | wild person; barbarian; slang for ‘pirate’ |
nyaxyo | PN.role | home-keeper (staff member of an estate) |
nyayā’suith | PN.role | terrorist; bully |
nyayan | PN.role | student |
nyayan’u.ii | PN.role | scientist |
nyayan•uo’a | PN.role | linguist |
Nyii’ni | name | Mommy (pre-Service) |
Nyii’ni | name | Mommy – what small children call their mothers |
nyo.āng” | pn.REV | we (exclusive) |
nyo.uē” | pn.REV | We (inclusive) |
yue’soryā | elm.CMP | savory bacteria (ultimately derived from yo”e’so + ryā, but phonologically distinct) (used to make savory seasoning for meals) |
nyo.uēm” | pn.REV.for | “All of us” (FORMAL) |
nyo’a | pn.REV | I |
Nyū’nu | name | “Darling” (to a male from a female) |
nyun | elm. | room; chamber |
nyun’y.ānghy’i | elm.CMP | Officer/Dignitary’s Quarters |
nyun’y.āngt’ung | elm.CMP | Crew Quarters |
nyun’y.āngu’ao | elm.CMP | Captain’s Quarters |
nyun’yāng | elm.CMP | Quarters (personal assigned living/sleeping cabin on a ship) |
nyun’yanrath | elm.CMP | Elevator (signage word) |
nyuntui | elm.CMP | fermentation chamber; food prep room; “kitchen” (area where food ferments or ages) |
nyuntuing | elm.CMP | cooling closet (a room used to cool food to cave-like temperatures) |
o | v.NEU | do |
o lo’.ep’a | elm.CMP | Reload (as in a weapon) |
o p.ān’al | elm.CMP | Eject |
o ta’kya | idm. | get drunk; get high; get wasted |
o ten | idm. | “cook”; cooking (via aging or fermentation, not by applied heat) |
o tengea | idm. | pre-“cook”; maintain all of the elements of a Xi’an larder/pantry/fermentation cave |
ō’nu | elm. | greater; larger; enclosing; superior; umbrella; encompasing |
o’s.o’e | elm.CMP | engagement; interaction |
o” | elm. | order; sequence (ordinal number marker, eg. y.ath’o = first) |
oa | elm. | information |
oe | elm. | close (as in close the door) |
okuaichyo’a | cnj. | however; “that having been just said” |
ōm | elm. | magnetism; magnet; magnetic; something magnetized |
ōng | elm. | the self; reflexive |
p.ān | elm. | explode; “boom”; “bang” |
p.ān.ām | elm.CMP | thunder |
p.ap’a | elm. | sameness |
p.i’t’an | n. | Century Egg (borrowed from Mandarin «pídàn») |
p.oa’u | pn. | this (idea; situation, condition) |
p.u | elm. | good |
p.ū | elm. | politics; government (administrators) |
p.uai | num. | three 3 |
p.uan’i | rel. | touching or attached to the underside of |
p.uay’a | elm. | hot (of tempearature) |
p.ue’o | pn. | that (idea; situation, condition) |
p.ui’a | pn. | yon somewhat atypical idea; situation, condition |
p.ūnt.a | elm. | alcoholic; warming (considered a favorable flavor) |
p.uthl’e’a | elm.CMP | “good and proper” – beneficent |
pa | vcp. | [perfective] pal |
pa | elm. | completion |
pa.pa’ | elm.CMP | (precisely the) same |
pā’an | elm. | explode; “boom”; “bang” |
pa” | elm. | same; repeat |
pai’lio | elm.CMP | smooth bean (bean used in pai’paitui) |
pai’paitui | elm.CMP | fermented bean and grain paste (traditional fermented gooey paste made from pai’lio bean or pai’pun grain or a combination of both) |
pai’pun | elm.CMP | grain; grains (in the general sense) (grain used in pai’paitui) |
pai” | elm. | “plant egg” (generic term for seeds; beans; peas; grains, etc. of flora) |
pait’eng.h’e’a | elm.CMP | Xi’an peppercorn (creates a spice that causes tingly numbness in the mouth) |
pān | elm. | mathematics; math |
pāng | elm. | sexual activity |
pārsa.n’ak | n. | “snack bar” See also sa.n’ak. (borrowed from English «snack bar») |
pe | pn.PEJ | It (inanimate) |
pe’ath | col. | xanadu |
pem | pn.PEJ | they (inamt.) |
pen | rel. | after; following |
peng | num. | thousand 1,000 |
pi’a | elm. | edge; border |
pi’achui | elm.CMP | beach; shore; coast; water’s edge |
pi’akeng | elm.CMP | border (between physical (land) territories) |
pi’ar.ath | elm.CMP | cliff (as experienced from the upper edge or “drop off”) |
pi’auamchuai | elm.CMP | a sandy beach |
piith | elm. | line (of something); row; column of writing |
ping | elm. | small; little; few |
ping”xyang” | n. | refridgerator (borrowed from Mandarin «bīngxiāng») |
po | nlz. | [noun phrase clause head for “the case that”] |
po | elm. | abstract; abstraction; idea or feeling of X |
pō | nlz. | po contracted with o |
pō’uai (.u) leth’uiiyōn | elm.CMP | Quantum Travel |
po. | nlz.CLTC | [intangible thing or condition; abstract idea] |
pō. | nlz.CLTC | [act of doing X] |
po’.u’a | pn. | such an (“out there”) idea; situation, condition |
Po’a | line | Póa |
po’e | nlz. | po contracted with e |
po’kr.ōng | elm.CMP | an arocity; heinous violation of moraility or the law (used to explain the concept of “sin” to The Xi’an) |
po’lo | nlz. | po contracted with lo |
pō’po | elm.CMP | intense activity; exertion; effort; going at it; intensity; fervor |
pō’syu | elm.CMP | the act of flying in general; flight |
pō’t.ōngp.ū | elm.CMP | compulsory service to the Empire |
po’to | nlz. | po contracted with t.o |
po’xy.oa | Q. | what (abstract) thing? |
pohual | elm.CMP | anything (any idea; solution; strategy; etc.) |
pohyan | elm.CMP | everything (of situations or abstractions) |
pok’ya | elm.CMP | war |
pōsanal; o sanal | elm.CMP | EVA |
poxu | elm.CMP | effort; attempt; initiative |
poyai | elm.CMP | the matter; the topic; the issue |
puan | rel. | below; underneath |
puāng | elm. | big; great; many |
pui’a | elm. | flower (specifically the flowery parts of a flowering plant) |
pui’achui | elm.CMP | lotus |
pui’axye | elm.CMP | bud |
Puii | line | Pwii |
puin | elm. | source; origin |
puinchui | elm.CMP | well; wellspring; spring; waterhole |
puith” | elm. | itch; irritation; stinging sensation |
pun | elm. | light; fluffy; ethereal; diaphanous; fine |
pun’.au’o | elm.CMP | frost |
punxā’ye | elm.CMP | coarse; overly sandy; doesn’t dissolve in the mouth (considered an undesirable food quality) |
puo | elm. | criminal (convictable) |
Puo-________ | PN.role | Convict employed in _________ |
puo’ya | elm. | surrender; giving up; yield; yielding |
puong | elm. | mouth |
puongpān | elm.CMP | delicous; tasty |
puongtuāl | elm.CMP | sublimely delicious; exquisitely refined meal |
puothao | elm.CMP | guilty in reality; truly culpable |
pyā | elm. | close-knit group; bond; “family”; team or section in a work environment |
pyā’h.ūn | elm.CMP | corporate organization term for group; section; team (manual labor focused context) |
pyā’hai | elm.CMP | “family” — the Xi’an nuclear ‘bond-group’ |
pyā’kran | elm.CMP | corporate organization term for group; section; team (non-labor focused) |
pyen | elm. | metal; metallic; ore |
pyen’pyen | elm.CMP | metallic; mineral; iron (considered a favorable flavor) |
pyi | elm | less |
pyō | elm. | the last stage of life; extremely elderly; |
r.ai | elm. | year (Xi’an year) |
r.aiHy’ūm | elm.CMP | Human year (unit of time) |
r.am | v.PEJ | be of a class |
r.ānu’in | elm.CMP | measure of temperature |
r.ao | v.PEJ | try/attempt (››› yo _____) |
r.ath | elm. | descend; drop; fall; cascade |
R.ēth | PN.male | Rayth |
r.o | pn.PEJ | you |
r.om | pn.PEJ | y’all |
r.u | elm. | bad; improper; inferior |
r.uang | elm. | pardon; forgiveness |
r.uangō’l | elm.CMP | manners; politeness |
r.uo | v.PEJ | do |
r.ut’ang | elm. | strict; rigid; inflexible; harsh |
ra | elm. | some; indefinite; non-specified |
rai | elm. | haul; transport; carry (something) |
rān | elm. | level; degree |
rānchuikyu | elm.CMP | relative humidity (meteorological measurement) |
rānke’u | elm. | the size of an item (like clothing) |
rānke’u | elm.CMP | scale (as it relates to physical size) |
reth | v.PEJ | eminate/reflect |
ri | elm. | middle; in the middle; median in status; mid-grade |
ri’.ah’a | cnj. | even though |
ri’.at’ō | elm.CMP | negotiation; posture for leverage; (lit: “business face”) |
ri’a | rel. | in the face of; facing; standing before X looking at it; dealing with X |
ri’a | elm. | face; visage; countenance |
rii | v.PEJ | cause/produce/effect |
riing | v.PEJ | please |
rin | elm. | disrupt; break; destabalize; disturb |
ro’a | v.PEJ | equate |
ro’ang | col. | titian |
ro’hyoping | elm.CMP | Shotgun |
ro’kya.thl’e’a | elm.CMP | Assault Rifle |
ro’kyaxyiing | elm.CMP | Machine Gun |
ro’no | elm.CMP | Pistol |
ro’nonō (ro’nō) | elm.CMP | Sniper Rifle |
ro’noy.ithly’ehung | elm.CMP | Missile Launcher |
ro’noy.ithly’eri | elm.CMP | Rocket Launcher |
ro’noyithhyo’pān | elm.CMP | Grenade Launcher |
ro’p.uto’ath | PN.role | sharpshooter assassin |
ro’t.os’ānka’Xa | elm.CMP | Disrupter Weapon |
ro’thli | elm.CMP | Energy Weapon |
ro’tik | n. | rotik (borrowed from Kalenjin «rotik») |
Ro’to | PN.male | Roto |
ro’yith | elm.CMP | Ballistic (Weapon) |
ro’yithhpyen | elm.CMP | Cannon |
ro’yithleth | elm.CMP | Gatling |
ro” | elm. | gun; (complex) weapon |
rōm | v.PEJ | need (››› yo _____) |
rōm’xy.uny.uo | elm.CMP | tough; difficult to chew (used only for the context of eating) (considered an undesirable food quality) |
rōm’xyun.s’uā’moa | elm.CMP | stretchy; chewy; like bubblegum (used only for the context of eating) (considered an undesirable food quality) |
ru | elm. | pull; attraction; gravity |
ruxyiing | elm.CMP | Natural gravity (created by heavenly bodies) |
Ru’a | line | Ruah |
ru’t.ony’a | elm.CMP | Artificial Gravity |
run | elm. | possession; possess; have |
rung | elm. | tired; exhaustion |
ruo | rel. | across; on the other side of something |
ruōm | elm.CMP | magnetic pull |
ruthliōm | elm.CMP | Electromagnetic |
ryā | elm. | bright flavor; pungent smell |
ryā’ra | elm. | savory; glutamates; umami (considered a favorable flavor) |
ryāi | elm. | goop; gel; sticky |
ryāi’xy.un | elm.CMP | cud (of an animal); slobber (when eating imprecisely) |
ryāimam’pa | elm.CMP | Fat Bear Butter (aged fat of a mam’pa; used like butter) |
ryāingea | elm.CMP | gelatinous; firm but with a bit of a give (considered a favorable texture) |
ryāingum | elm.CMP | viscous (and tangy) mold gel (often used by the Xi’an as ‘sauce’ on their food) |
ryāipuāng | eim.CMP | smooth; mushy; pudding-like (considered a favorable texture) |
ryāitith | elm.CMP | fatty; greasy; coats the inside of one’s mouth (considered a favorable flavor) |
ryāiuam | elm.CMP | mud (generic) |
ryath | v.PEJ | want/desire (››› yo _____) |
ryāthli | elm.CMP | Plasma |
ryi | elm. | bed; cradle; basket; cocoon |
s.ang’i | rel. | on the front of (touching or attached) |
s.ang’o | elm.CMP | next (in sequence) sang + o” |
s.āoth | n. | Egg Lizard (domestic reptile raised for its eggs and meat) |
s.ap’ua | elm. | storm; disturbance |
s.āth | pn.REV | y’all |
s.eu’a | deix. | those distant (after an indicated noun) |
s.ey’ā | col. | vermillion |
s.ey’o | deix. | those (near you) (after an indicated noun) |
s.i | elm. | lesser animal, generic term for small insects, larvae, mites, etc. |
s.ik’i | elm.CMP | parasite (non-microscopic) |
s.o’e | elm. | reciprication; sharing; back and forth; mutual (se s.o’e = each other’) |
s.oa | elm. | way; path; route; road |
s.oach’ui | elm.CMP | canal; waterway; channel |
s.oak’yu’ā | elm.CMP | jet stream |
S.oam | PN.male | Soahm |
s.ōng | vcp. | [permissive] (“allowed to”) |
s.ōng | elm. | permission; right; empowerment; allowance |
S.un’a | name | Big Sis (endearment term from younger sister to older sister) |
S.un’ath | PN.feml | Sunáth |
s.uny’ii | elm. | biological sibling (older) |
s.yā | v.REV | need (››› yo _____) |
s.ya’u | deix. | these (after an indicated noun) |
s.ye’a | deix. | those yonder (away from both of us) (after an indicated noun) |
sā | vcp. | [potential] sāl |
sā | elm. | potential; possibility |
sa.n’ak | n. | “snack” (borrowed from English «snack») |
sa’a | elm. | friend; friendly |
sa’na | col. | amaranthine |
sa’uo | elm. | tall; big in stature; “gigantic” |
sam | elm. | slow; slow; leisurely |
san | elm. | ship; craft; vehicle; vessel (for transportation); car; truck |
sān | elm. | end; ending; finish |
san’hyao | elm.CMP | flying craft; space-faring vessel |
san’kyu | elm.CMP | airplane; vehicle that flies in air (only) |
sang | rel. | in front of |
sank’ya | elm.CMP | Fighter ship |
sanla; sanle’al | elm.CMP | Open Canopy ship |
sanō’nu; sanō’nuhyath | elm.CMP | Capital ship |
sanrai | elm.CMP | Cargo ship |
sao | elm. | empire; kingdom |
sāo | elm. | flee; escape; run from danger |
sao’teth | elm.CMP | planetary empire |
saotō | elm.CMP | related to the economy |
sath | elm. | design |
se | rel. | of (a plural entities) |
sē’a | pn.NEU | y’all |
Se’ang | PN.male | Séang |
se’lan | pn.NEU | they |
se’lanua | pn.NEU | they (female exclusive overt) |
se’lanyu | pn.NEU | they (male exclusive overt) |
se’u | v.LAUD | want/desire (››› yo _____) |
se” | elm. | assist; help |
sea | elm. | half (of a whole) |
seahyo | elm.CMP | hemisphere |
seahyothlal | elm.CMP | dome |
sen | rel. | named/called |
sen | elm. | name; be called |
sēng | elm. | protect; defend; vouch for |
sēnge’so | elm.CMP | Shields (force field around a spacecraft) |
Senhyi | PN.role | “Prestigious Name” (cf: Lord, Lady, Sir) |
senping | elm.CMP | affectionate name, nickname |
senxiin | elm.CMP | signature; written seal |
seth | elm. | cross; traverse |
si | v.FAM | equate |
si’p.eh’a’a | elm.CMP | Overheat |
si’pe | elm. | hot |
si’ping | elm.CMP | warm |
siin | elm. | older juvenile cousin of a juvenile |
siing | elm. | interrupt, intervene (in a situation); block (progress); break (in a flow) |
siingk.engt’ang | elm.CMP | monumental mountain/range, etc. that must be circumnavigated or flown over |
siingkeng | elm.CMP | geographic obstacle, impass |
siingkeng’kē | elm.CMP | crevasse; abyss (impasasble (on foot) chasm, etc.) |
so | rel. | with; accompanying |
so’a | elm. | muscle; muscle tissue |
So’lo | name | “My Elder” (respectful term of address for any adult to whom one is realted who is older than oneself) |
so” | elm. | adult kin (older); cousin or uncle/“aunt” who is senior, older than oneself |
soa | elm. | plan; planning; strategy |
sol | rel. | without |
Sol’na | name | “My Aunt” (respectful term of address for a female to whom one is realted who is older than oneself) |
Sol’yu | name | “My Uncle” (respectful term of address for male to whom one is realted who is older than oneself) |
su | elm. | guide; channel; funnel; direct (in a direction) |
sū | vcp. | [securative (“sure that”)] sūl |
sū | elm. | assurance; complete faith (non-religious) |
S.ura’ | line | Surá |
Su’lo | name | Big Bro (endearment term from younger to older brother) |
Su’n.ā | name | Big Sister (endearment term from younger brother to older sister as an adult) |
su’sa | elm. | hint of flavor; light aroma |
Su’su | name | Big Sister (endearment term from younger brother to older sister) |
suā | rel. | during (an event, etc.) |
suā | elm. | amount of time |
sua. | nlz.CLTC | [in a state of X] |
suā’moa | elm.CMP | forever |
sua’sa | elm | happy; joyful |
suā’xy.oa | Q. | how long (of time)? |
sua’yu | pn.REV | they (male) |
suāhual | elm.CMP | any amount of time; however long (in terms of time) |
suao | v.LAUD | eminate/reflect |
suarungua | elm.CMP | estrus; fertile; fertility |
suāye | elm.CMP | a day; a day’s worth of time (generic and context sensitive) |
sue | elm. | conversation (tone is somewhat formal) |
suen | pn.REV | they (female) |
sueu’oa | elm.CMP | a talk; chit-chat; banter (informal) |
sui | elm. | acid |
sui’sui | elm.CMP | acidic; sharp; sour; tangy (considered a favorable flavor) |
suiloa | elm.CMP | vinegar |
suingui | elm.CMP | lactic acid |
suiuōng | elm.CMP | uric acid |
sun | elm. | pyā’hai sibling (older) |
sunen | elm.CMP | all of one’s siblings in a pyā’hai (younger and older) |
Sungā | name | Big Brother (endearment term from younger sister to older brother) |
sya | v.NEU | need (››› yo _____) |
Syang | line | Syang |
syath | elm. | pressure, push, force (in the sense of intensity) |
syathkyu | elm.CMP | air pressure |
syathlyekyu’ā | elm.CMP | wind shear |
sye | elm. | becoming; become; inception |
syen | num. | two 2 |
syengum | elm.CMP | decompose; decompositon; rot; decay; putrify |
syu | elm. | fly (general sense) through air or vacuum; travel by flying (not on the ground). |
syuhyao | elm.CMP | fly in space; flight in the vacuum of space |
syukyu | elm.CMP | fly through air; flight in an atmosphere |
T.ai | PN.male | Tai |
t.āth | pn.REV | you |
t.ē | v.REV | please |
t.e’i | elm. | pride; self-assuredness (internal (private sense)) |
t.e’i’xān | elm. | emotionally bold; fully realized vis-à-vis personality |
t.ea | elm | function; work; peform; behave (of machines) |
t.et’o | elm. | enemy |
t.ethl’etao” | elm.CMP | Capital Planet; seat of government |
t.i | elm. | young; younger; jr.; lesser in status; low-grade |
t.ii | v.REV | equate |
T.il’a | PN.feml | Tilá |
t.o | v.NEU | cause/produce/effect |
t.ō | v.REV | cause/produce/effect |
t.o yo | idm. | prevent |
t.o’a | elm.CMP | manufacturing; producing (products; things) |
t.o’a | elm.CMP | fabricate; manufacture, manufacturing |
t.ōng | elm. | care; oversight |
t.ot’en | elm.CMP | farming; agriculture (producing food) |
t.u | elm. | kill; murder; snuff out; extinguish; turn off |
t.ū’ong | elm.CMP | suicide; self-destruct |
t.ū’ong’pān; t.ū’ong | elm.CMP | Self Destruct |
t.uōn | v.REV | want/desire (››› yo _____) |
t.ye | elm. | steal; rob; hold up (in robbery); vandalize |
t.yonk’ao | elm.CMP | arrive (here) |
t’uoa | col. | sarcoline |
tā | elm. | building; dwelling; habitable structure |
ta’a | elm.CMP | egg (tangible, that can be laid and handled) |
ta’atui | elm.CMP | fermented fertilized eggs; fermented balut (fertilized eggs that have been aged over a few months) |
ta’ayo.t’a(tui) | elm.CMP | fermented unfertilized eggs (unfertilized eggs that have been aged over a few months) |
ta’hyē | elm.CMP | hybrid |
ta’kya | elm. | intoxicating; high (on some substance) |
tā’t.ot’enii | elm.CMP | greenhouse (for growing plants for food) |
ta’u | elm. | future; the future (also tao as a variant, especially in compounds) |
ta” | elm. | seed; egg; genetic material |
tāma’a | elm.CMP | barn; animal processing facility |
tāmuii | elm.CMP | conservatory of plants; greenhouse |
tai | elm. | element; part; piece |
taichiin’nao | elm.CMP | rainbow |
tailue | elm.CMP | connector; fastner |
taipui’apun | elm. | petal |
taipunl.e’a | elm.CMP | feather |
taixauo’a | elm.CMP | a particle of speech (a prefix or suffix, etc.) |
tām | elm. | empty; void of contents |
tan | col. | onyx |
tang’kea | elm.CMP | prominent hill or mountain (cf: Mt. Fuji, Uluru, Devil’s Tower) |
tang’keng | elm.CMP | island (in a large body of water); isolated hill or mountain |
tang’no | elm.CMP | finger; digit (of a hand or paw) |
tang’nokeng | elm.CMP | peninsula (of land) |
tang’puāng | elm.CMP | mountain |
tang’puāngpuinchuaiyeng | elm.CMP | volcano (dormant or dead) |
tang’puāngyeng | elm.CMP | volcano (active) |
tang’uamchuai | elm.CMP | sand dune |
tang’ue | elm. | ask (for); request; beseech |
tang” | elm. | island; isolated segment (of something larger); bump arising from a surface |
tang̦”e’nu | elm.CMP | hill; knoll; bute |
tao | elm. | variant of ta’u (especially in compounds) the future; future; coming |
tao’moa | elm.CMP | forever (into the future); evermore |
Tao’nuasao | PN. | Empress |
tao’ra | elm.CMP | “some day”; at some point in the future. |
Tao’yusao | PN. | Emperor |
tao” | elm. | rein; rule; control |
taong | elm. | remove; subtract from |
taoyo’a | elm.CMP | time; the abstract sense of time as a dimension |
te | v.NEU | please |
te | v.FAM | please |
te sā | con.CAS | “Please.” (lit: “It would make me happy.”) |
te’.ah’a | elm.CMP | tantalizing; sexy; “hot” |
te’a | elm. | adult kin (younger); cousin who is jr., younger than oneself |
te’an | elm. | skeleton; crust; remains (of something eaten or destroyed) |
te’anchiin (te’anch.iing’a’chui) | elm.CMP | atoll |
te’anhā | elm.CMP | crater; specifically the crater walls and rim |
te’ka | elm. | sticky; wet and gooey (considered a favorable texture) |
tē’kui | elm. | arrogance; haughtiness; false-pride; arrogant |
te’o | elm. | find; locate; determined; identify |
te’o.ka” | elm.CMP | locate; discover physically after a search |
te’ping | elm.CMP | Dwarf Planet |
te’te | elm.CMP | interest (in something) |
te’xye | elm.CMP | Moon |
t’ek | slng.GEN | See t’eng. |
ten | elm. | food; edible; nourishment |
ten’ā | elm.CMP | “leftovers” |
ten’xyuai | elm.CMP | delicacy; delicacies; gourmet |
ten” | elm. | almost; the great majority |
tenchui | elm.CMP | soup; broth |
teng | elm. | halt; stop (re: action or movement). Also t’ek (a slang term including sense of the speaker being annoyed). |
teth | elm. | planet, world |
teth | elm.CMP | Planet |
teth’.au’o | elm.CMP | Ice Planet |
tethmuiima | elm.CMP | nature preserve planet |
tethngikyu | elm.CMP | Gas Planet |
teyā | elm.CMP | prefer; preference |
t’h.at’ao | elm.CMP | electronic interface/keyboard (one touches to issue commands, etc) |
tha | elm | plane; surface; board (of wood); fin (of an animal or craft) |
tha’h.ūn | elm.CMP | workbench |
thachā’e | elm.CMP | monitor/screen (typicaly for generic viewing of entertainment; etc.) |
thai | elm. | ease; easy; simplicity; facile |
thakōl | con.FOR | “I insist.” |
thakran | elm.CMP | table or desk at which non-manual-labor work is done |
thalā | elm.CMP | easel or digital tablet at which one produces art |
thaloa | elm | table at which one eats |
Thāng | line | Thaang |
thao | elm. | reality; precise truth; essence |
thaoa(chā’e) | elm.CMP | screen; computer screen; display that shows information |
thasyu | elm.CMP | wing; wing of a flying vehicle such as a starship |
thāth | con.FOR | “Please.” (entreatment) |
thāth | elm. | entreatment; begging; supplication |
thatua | elm.CMP | chair |
thauil | elm.CMP | condiments platter (dish in center of table used to hold the many condiments used in Xi’an meals) |
thaxyam | elm.CMP | access panel/removable wall |
The’so | PN.male | Theso |
then | elm. | eye; ocular |
then.u’ā’uang | elm.CMP | sulfurous; eye-watering; eggy (considered a favorable flavor) |
thing | elm. | orifice, specifically NOT the mouth; anus; operculum |
thingchuaiyeng | elm.CMP | magma vent |
thl.eh’a | cnj. | but nonetheless |
Thl.oan | PN.male | Thloan |
thla’nua | pn.NEU | she (overt (rare)) |
thlai | n. | fermentation vessel (container that can be sealed for long-term fermentation of food. Most important item in Xi’an kitchen) |
thlaing | elm. | vicera (intestines, organs, etc. from the inside of the bodies of fauna); guts |
thlaingtui | elm.CMP | fermented animal guts (entrails spiced and sealed in a jar for long-term fermenting) |
thlal | rel. | covering; spread over; spread across; draped over |
thlal.au’o | elm.CMP | ice sheet (covering a frozen body of water) |
thlalta’a | elm.CMP | egg membrane; shell (of an egg specifically) |
thlan | pn.NEU | he/she |
thlan’yu | pn.NEU | he (overt (rare)) |
thlang | elm. | love; genuine affection (emotional) for people or creatures that can return it |
thlao | elm. | teeth (generic) |
thlao’xyun | elm.CMP | teeth for chewing; back teeth |
thlaokyul | elm.CMP | beak |
thlaolui | elm.CMP | sharp teeth |
thle | cnj. | but |
thle’a | elm. | propriety |
thlēng | elm. | begin; start; emerge; beginning |
thli | elm. | harnessed energy; electricity; burst of energy; power (for machines) |
thlihyo | elm.CMP | ball lightening |
thliin | elm. | specialized knowledge; (deep) expertise |
thlikyu’ām | elm.CMP | sheet lightening (in or above clouds) |
thlilye | elm.CMP | bolt lightning |
thlo | elm. | reason; cause; genesis |
Thlō | line | Thloh |
thlo’xy.oa | Q. | why? |
thlohual | elm.CMP | any reason |
thlōm | elm. | clumsiness (opposite of to’ath) |
thlūn | elm. | heart-soul; spirit; essence of a person (within the body and after death) |
thlyiik | n. | stinging bug (tiny, bright red bugs that are ground up to make a stinging/buzzing seasoning) |
thōa | elm. | decide; decision; make up one’s mind |
thōapuo | elm.CMP | guilty (by opinon); convict (of a crime) |
thōayopuo | elm.CMP | innocent (by opinon); find not guilty (of a crime) |
thoth | elm. | irony; ironic |
thyōng | elm. | sad |
ti | rel. | with (in the sense of using a tool) |
ti | elm. | use; make use of; utilize; using |
tia | elm. | number; numeric value; numeric |
tii | v.NEU | equate |
tiing | elm. | medical science |
tiith | num. | eight 8 |
tin’tang | elm. | difference; different |
ting | rel. | than; compared to |
ting | elm. | comparison; compare; relatively |
tith | elm. | flesh (of an animal (generic term that can include layers of skin+fat+muscle tissue)) |
tith’.au’o | elm.CMP | frostbite |
tō | elm. | business; trade; commerce |
to’.e’i | rel. | stuck to the side of; huddling right next to |
to’ath | elm. | élan (grace, professionalism, enthusiasm) |
to’athlōm | elm.CMP | normal; average; median; mediocre (of something graded or scored) |
to’e | rel. | beside |
tōal | elm.CMP | trade out (sell) – what you give away when you trade |
tōlo’e | elm.CMP | trade in (buy) – what you receive when you trade |
tōm | elm. | full; replete |
ton | elm. | fuel; energy; nourishment |
tonleth’uiiyōn | elm.CMP | Quantum Fuel |
tonten | elm.CMP | nutrients |
tu’sem | elm. | fear (angst); worry; sense of uneasiness |
tua | elm. | sit, be seated |
tuai’su | elm. | sandy; crumbly; food that breaks apart like sand but dissolves in the mouth (considered a favorable texture) |
tuāl | elm. | dance; fluid (senuous) movement |
tue” | vcp. | [hortative (“let’s (do something)!”) |
Tuēl | line | Twayl |
tui | elm | ferment; fermentation; ripe; ripening |
tui’lui | elm.CMP | sharp claw, talon |
tui” | elm. | claw (of an animal); fingernail or toenail (of a person) |
tuing | elm. | cold; frigid |
tuingkyu’ā | elm.CMP | wind chill |
tuiping | elm.CMP | cool |
tuithlōm | elm.CMP | foul; incorrectly aged; incorrectly fermented; incorrectly pickled (considered an undesirable food quality) |
tūn | elm. | intelligence; smart |
tung | elm. | typical; normally ocurring; everyday (thing or situation); general; generic |
tuo | pn.PEJ | he/she |
tuom | pn.PEJ | they |
tuon | v.NEU | want/desire (››› yo _____) |
Ty.on | line | Tyon |
tya | elm. | kind; type; version |
tya e Yii’ua | idm. | House strain (a strain of yeast, bacteria, and other microorgamisms used to promote flavorful/healthy fermentation. Cultivated by Xi’an Houses over generations and closely-guarded) |
tya’xy.oa | Q. | what kind? |
tyahual | elm.CMP | any kind |
tyao | cnj. | or |
Tye’lo | name | “My Jr.” / “Cousin” (respectful term of address for any adult to whom one is realted who is younger than oneself) |
Tyel’na | name | “My Jr.” / “Cousin” (respectful term of address for any female to whom one is realted who is younger than oneself) |
Tyel’yu | name | “My Jr.” / “Cousin” (respectful term of address for any male to whom one is realted who is younger than oneself) |
tyi | elm. | chamber; pocket; enclosing holder; sheath |
tyichuipuāng | elm.CMP | lagoon (of sea water) |
tyihyopyen | elm.CMP | Magazine |
tyiloachui, tyichui | elm.CMP | drinking pouch; “canteen” |
tyimuichui | elm.CMP | water tank; canteen (personal) |
tyipuāngchui | elm.CMP | aquifer; natural resevoir (often underground) |
tyipuāngmuichui | elm.CMP | resevoir (intentionally created) |
tyiton | elm.CMP | Fuel Tank |
tyo’ma | elm. | culture; unified system of value |
tyon | elm. | come |
tyonxy.a’u | elm.CMP | arrive (at a point in time), spend time up to a point |
tyung | elm. | law; legality; rules |
ū | elm. | lust; physical attraction; sexual arousal |
U.al | PN.male | Wal |
u.an.ath | elm. | shock (rage; anger; negative) |
U.e’o | PN.feml | Weó |
u.ii | elm. | the unknown; lack of knowledge |
u.in’a | elm. | release; letting go; being unfettered; free; unbound |
u.m’athle’a | elm.CMP | moist; both wet and soft (considered a favorable texture) |
u.o | num. | seven 7 |
u.on | elm. | responsibility; perseverance; seeing-it-through |
u’ngu | elm. | mucilaginous; slimy; like natto or raw sliced okra (considered a favorable texture) |
u’ua | v.LAUD | cause/produce/effect |
u’nyaxyetao | elm.CMP | future generations (un nya xye ta’u (tao)) |
u’oalye | elm.CMP | address; give a speech to |
u’oalyeyan | elm.CMP | lecture (in an academic setting) |
u’to | coj. | to (in the pattern “go (.uai) to make X,” or “come (tyon) to make Y”) contraction of u (uth) + t.o |
ua | elm. | peace; serenity; calmness; “inner peace” |
uā’uang | elm. | whine; make a fuss over something |
ua’yu | pn.REV | he |
Uai’i | line | Wy’i |
uai’sa | elm. | ready; readiness; prepared; set up; all set; standing by |
uain | n. | “wine” (borrowed from English «wine») |
uam | elm. | soil; “earth” (the soil medium); dirt |
uam’rath | elm.CMP | landslide |
uamchuai | elm.CMP | sand; granular soil |
uamchuaipuāng | elm.CMP | desert (sandy) |
uamchui | elm.CMP | thin (very liquid) mud |
uamm.e’aha” | elm.CMP | thick (very viscous) mud |
uampun | elm.CMP | clay |
uan | elm. | comfort; be comfortable |
uang | elm. | wise (through experience and older age); naming infix for older relatives after yue |
uangpyō | elm.CMP | “senior sage” also uangpyōhyi (prestigious senior sage) |
uao | elm. | boss; chief; leader |
uāo | elm. | cry; cry out; howl |
ue | rel. | special version of e with multiple singular attributes |
uē | pn.SRV | We (inclusive) |
ue’a | elm. | describe; talk about; tell about; present |
uea’xyuai | elm.CMP | vegetarian dishes composed of exotic ingredients |
uea’yēl | elm.CMP | leaf noodle dish (traditional meal made from pickled strips of the nga.u’ii’yēl leaf) |
uea” | elm. | prepared dish composed (primarily) of vegetables; vegetarian food; “salad” |
uea”hai’pe(tui) | elm.CMP | (fermented) tea leaf dish (traditional dish used as appetizer or palate cleanser; Houses have very old, closely-guarded versions of this dish) |
uen | pn.REV | she |
ueng | elm. | hair; fur (of an animal or humanoid) |
uengTuēl | n. | Xi’an “cashmere/silk” wool (in its freshly harvested raw form) |
ueth | nlz. | [objective] |
ueth | elm. | target; objective |
ui’la | col. | umber |
uil | elm. | spice; spices; flavor-adding substances; condiments (general term) |
uil.’ii | elm.CMP | herb; herbs |
uil’ki.s’a | elm.CMP | ammonia sauce (complex condiment that grants ammoniac flavor to food_ |
uilchui | elm.CMP | liquid aminos (savory liquid used to add flavor to food) |
uilpyenpun | elm.CMP | powdered minerals (used for seasoning food) |
uilyāi | n. | glop sauce (thick and slimy sauce that can be poured over food or used for dipping; Xi’an Houses have old, closely-guarded recipes) |
uin’tung | elm.CMP | room temperature (30 C) |
uin” | elm. | temperature |
uing | elm. | incoming; internal; interior; arrive; enter; import |
uingka’Xa; uingXa | elm.CMP | Jump Point |
un | elm. | set; collection; series |
unch.uaiy’o | elm.CMP | coral reef |
unchui(e’nu) | elm.CMP | pool |
unhankeng | elm.CMP | atlas |
unk.eng’a’chui | elm.CMP | archipelago |
unkengpuāng | elm.CMP | continent |
unkyu’ām | elm.CMP | cloud; cloudy |
unngaoii | elm.CMP | solar collector; solar panel; solar array |
unxauo’.a’e’nu | elm.CMP | a phrase (a subset of a sentence (also unuo’.a’e’nu) |
unxauo’a | elm.CMP | sentence (a string of words) |
uo | cnj. | to (in the pattern “go (.uai) to do X,” or “come (tyon) to do Y”) contraction of u (uth) + o |
uo’a | elm. | speech; talking; speak; talk say |
Uo’al | PN.male | Wóal |
uōching | elm.CMP | confess; tell the truth; admit (something) |
uong | elm. | bits; particles; dust; fragments |
uōng | elm. | urinate; deficate; spit; eject (liquid) |
uongyonai | elm.CMP | Chaff |
uoth” | elm. | stomach; belly; craw |
uth (u) | cnj. | and |
uth (u) | elm. | add |
x.ū | v.REV | try/attempt (››› yo _____) |
x.uith’ii’xye | elm.CMP | sprout; shoot |
X’yan | elm. | Xi’an (formal abbreviation) |
X’yan | elm. | Xi’an (official abbreviation used by the Xi’an) |
Xa | name | nano-second |
xa. | nlz.CLTC | [simple tool or biological organ for X] |
xā’ye | elm. | rigid; firm; unbending; hard; crunchy (considered an undesirable food quality) |
xān | elm. | confident; bold; |
xauo’a | elm.CMP | word; discrete part of speech (divided by spaces (also taiuo’a in the technical sense)) |
xauo’alue | elm.CMP | relational particle or elemental used in this fashion (also taiuo’alue and taixauo’alue) |
xaxuan | elm.CMP | toy (as children might play with); piece of sports equipment |
xē’loa | elm.CMP | meal; dining experience |
xe’ri | elm. | clever; smart; creative |
xē’s.o’e | elm.CMP | collaboration; cooperation; cooperative; cooperate |
xē’suelen | con.FOR | “Greetings” “How do you do” |
xē’sueren | con.SEMFOR | “Greetings” “How do you do” |
xe’thlūn | elm. | commune; connect deeply (emotionally) |
xē” | elm. | meeting; coming together; joining |
xēl | elm. | impress; impressive; amaze; amazing; (interjection: “Wow!” or “Whoa!”) |
xēlxān | elm.CMP | shock; overwhelm |
xi.’oka’ra | n. | shiokara (borrowed from Japanese «shiokara») |
Xi’an | elm. | Xi’an |
xii | rel. | at a point in time (of the clock) |
xii | chj. | when (point in time) |
xii | elm. | a point or some points in time |
xii’hyan | elm.CMP | always; consistently (from xii e hyan) |
xii’ra | elm.CMP | sometime; sometimes (from xii e ra) |
xii’xi | elm.CMP | often; a lot; all the time |
xii’xy.oa | Q. | when (at what (point in) time? |
xiihual | elm.CMP | whenever |
xiin | elm. | writing; composing |
xiin’t.osy’e’yan | elm.CMP | introduction |
xiiyā | elm.CMP | again (adv.); o xiiya (repeat); o xiiyāxue’a (update) |
xiiyāxue’a | elm.CMP | renewal; update |
xo’ma | elm. | success; succeed; win (a competitino) |
xo’xyo | elm. | similarity |
xōm | elm. | bother; harass; antagonize; “troll” |
xu | v.NEU | try/attempt (››› yo _____) |
xua | v.FAM | need (››› yo _____) |
xuā’cha | elm. | fire; burning; combustion |
xuai | elm. | give (sense of hand over; deliver) |
xuan | elm. | game; play; fun |
xue’a | elm. | new; novel; innovation |
xuel | elm. | a portion that is carved out; to carve; dig; a hole |
xuel’hā | elm.CMP | crater; the area inside a crater |
xuelch.ui’e’nu | elm.CMP | pond |
xuelch.ui’ō’nu | elm.CMP | great lake |
xuelchui | elm.CMP | lake; pond |
xuelchuipuāng | elm.CMP | bay; gulf |
xuelchuipuāng | elm.CMP | inland sea |
xuelkengpuāng | elm.CMP | canyon |
xuelpenchui | elm.CMP | erosion |
xueltaong | elm.CMP | a mine |
xueltaongpyen | elm.CMP | an ore mine; mine for (precious) metals |
xui | v.FAM | try/attempt (››› yo _____) |
xui’a | elm. | shake; tremble; vibrate |
xui’ak.eng’e’nu | elm.CMP | minor earthquake; seismic tremors |
xui’akeng | elm.CMP | earthquake; seismic activity; tremor |
xui’akengpuāng | elm.CMP | major earthquake (of a disaster level) |
xuith | elm. | axis; centerline |
xuithe’nu | elm.CMP | branch |
xuithō’nu | elm.CMP | trunk |
xuithpui’a | elm.CMP | stem |
xuo | elm. | period (of time); season |
xuochui’rath | elm.CMP | monsoon; seasonal wind; tropical rainy season |
xy.ai | num. | hundred thousand 100,000 |
xy.ams’a’uo | elm.CMP | cliff (as experienced from the bottom) |
xy.ii’u(ang)/(pyō) | elm.CMP | great great great grandmother (mother’s lineage) |
xy.iikua(p’yō) | elm.CMP | great great great great grandmother (mother’s lineage) |
xy.iip’ua(ng) | elm.CMP | great great grandmother (mother’s lineage) |
xy.iis’ye | elm.CMP | great grandmother (mother’s lineage) |
xy.iiy’a | elm.CMP | grandmother (mother’s mother) |
xy.ik | elm. | astringent; drying; tannic (considered a favorable flavor) |
Xy.ō | line | Shoh |
xy.oa | Q.sffx | which (what)? |
xy.uai | elm. | special; rare; extraordinary; a treat |
xy.un | elm. | chew; chewing (typically in a ‘munching’ or ‘crunching’ manner that makes noise); masticate; grind |
Xyā’xya | name | “Granny”/“Nana” (endearment term used by children for any grand-mother) |
xyam | elm. | barrier; wall; shield |
xyang | cnj. | due to the matter of |
xyao | elm. | mean; meaning; semantic; signify; significance |
xye | elm. | child; immaturity |
xyē’na | elm. | relax and have a good time; chill out; relaxation |
xye’pi | elm.CMP | infant; baby; pre-toddler (of a stranger or any unrelated person) |
xye’uai | elm.CMP | toddler; young child who has begun to walk |
xyengea | elm.CMP | developing fetus (in an egg) |
xyi | rel. | from; eminating from; starting with |
xyiing | elm. | wild; raw; fresh; untamed; untameable; food that hasn’t been aged (considered an undesirable food quality) |
xyo | elm. | home; residence |
xyo.y’en | elm.CMP | rented/tempoary houseing; an apartment; a dormitory; etc. |
xyo’yu | n. | soy sauce (borrowed from Japanese «shoyu») See also: so’ichui.r’o’ang |
xyopuānghui | elm. | apartment complex |
xyū | v.LAUD | do |
xyun.xy’un | idm. | spongy; rubbery (considered an undesirable food quality) |
y.a’u | deix. | this (after an indicated noun) |
Y.ah’a | PN.feml | Yahá |
y.an | elm. | rise/ascend/go up/lift |
y.āng | elm. | sleep; rest; uncounscious |
y.e | cnj. | while (durative) |
y.e’a | deix. | yon (away from both of us) (after an indicated noun) |
y.e’i | elm. | convex; bulge |
y.e’i’uam | elm.CMP | mound (of soil) |
y.ēl | elm. | fiber; fiberous; string; stringy; thread (of sewing) (considered a favorable texture) |
y.i’i | col. | eburnian |
y.iy’a | elm. | texture |
y.iy’a’yuo | elm.CMP | too firm; can’t be cut without effort (considered an undesirable food quality) |
y.iy’atin’tang | elm.CMP | multitextured; an agreeable mixture of textures |
y.om | elm. | tunnel; hallway; passageway connecting rooms or caves; tubing |
y.omt’on | elm.CMP | fuel line |
y.omt’onlo’e | elm.CMP | Fuel Intake |
y.omX’a | elm.CMP | Jump Tunnel |
y.ong | elm. | point (in physical space); location (on a map, etc.) |
y.ongk’ilo’e | elm.CMP | Hardpoint |
y.ongs’ānxuith | elm.CMP | pole (north or south) |
y.ongx’uith’r.ath | elm.CMP | South Pole |
y.ongx’uith’y.an | elm.CMP | North Pole |
Y.ū | PN.male | Yuu |
y.ui | rel. | in response to |
y.un’i | elm. | alternate; option; other; another (different) one |
y.uo | elm. | excess; exceed; excessive; surpluss; glut (too; too much: e ku’ya y.uo R.ēth (Rayth is too rude (vis-à-vis his general character).) |
Y’ū | name | “Hubs”/“Husby”/“Man” (to a male from a male partner (typically)) |
ya | elm. | sense; detect; intuit (from avaialbe information) |
ya | elm.SRV | “epic” (holy, in the sense of ‘beyond belief’) |
yā | elm. | more |
ya’i | v.LAUD | need (››› yo _____) |
yā’i | elm. | patience and perseverence |
ya’nai | elm.CMP | learn; commit to memory |
yā’suith | elm. | fright; terror (sense of external threat (yiyā’suith = “terrorism; policy of engendering fear”) |
ya’t.at’a | elm.CMP | eggshell |
ya’t.aT’uēl | n. | Xi’an “cashmere/silk” fabric |
ya’ta | elm. | cloth; fabric; organic membane (o ya’ta: weave) |
ya’than | col. | caesious |
yai | rel. | regarding; about; on the matter of |
yāi | elm. | clothing; garments |
yāihyao; yāisēnghyao; yāisēngkahyao | elm.CMP | Space Suit |
yāiuengTuēl | n. | Xi’an “cashmere/silk” garments made famous by House Twayl (Tuēl) |
yal | elm. | sentient being; sentient; posessing consciousness |
yāl | elm. | female sex; female organ |
yal’ma | elm.CMP | animal (with which a relationshiop is possible); pet |
yalnya | elm.CMP | “a people”; race; species (of intelligent creatures with culture) |
yalyuai | elm.CMP | an “alien intelligence”; sentience (of an unidentified nature) |
yan | elm. | study; examine closely |
yāng̦ | pn.NEU | we (exclusive) |
yankeng | elm.CMP | geography |
yannukeng | elm.CMP | topology |
yao | vcp. | [abilitive (“can”)] yaol |
yao | elm. | ability; skill |
yao’yao | n. | nickname for the ngii, a common Xi’an pet animal |
yaonai e ti ngisi’pe; naitingsi’pe | elm.CMP | Infrared |
yath | num. | one 1 |
ye | elm. | a generic day (not necessarily corresponding to celestial movements) |
ye’a | elm. | pluck; tweeze; tongs; pincer |
ye’a•oten | elm.CMP | cooking tongs |
ye’ahuen | elm.CMP | serving tongs |
ye’aloa | elm.CMP | eating tongs |
ye’u | elm. | concave; dip; depression |
Ye’ua | line | Yewa |
ye’uchuiyuao | elm.CMP | whirlpool |
ye’ukyuyuao | elm.CMP | wind vortex |
ye’uyuao | elm.CMP | vortex |
yeā | v.IMP | do |
yekrū | v.IMP | need (››› yo _____) |
yem’pi; chairinthli | elm.CMP | Distortion Damage |
yemā | v.IMP | try/attempt (››› yo _____) |
yen | cnj. | as X (of “as X as Y”) |
yen _____ yon _____ | cnj. | as X as Y |
yen” | elm. | temporary; impermaent; fading (of colors, etc.) |
yeng | elm. | fire; burn |
yeng’tu | n. | a type of flying insectoid with a painful, burning sting |
yenū | v.IMP | be of a class |
yeōn | v.IMP | cause/produce/effect |
yepa | elm.CMP | yesterday |
yepa | elm.CMP | yesterday |
yesā | v.IMP | eminate/reflect |
yesye | elm.CMP | tomorrow |
yesye | elm.CMP | tomorrow |
yeth | elm. | knowledge; awareness |
yethē | v.IMP | please |
yetō | v.IMP | want/desire (››› yo _____) |
yeyiing | v.IMP | equate |
yi | elm. | belief; adherence to |
yi. | nlz.CLTC | [“-ism”/“-ity”]; system of; belief in; dogma of X; affinity or proclivity towards X |
yi’.ān | elm. | beautiful; attractive; compelling; beauty |
yi’a | elm. | convey; transmit; communicate; message |
yi’achuokyu | elm.CMP | weather advisory |
yi’kr.ōng | elm.CMP | barbarism; brutality; savegry (as dogma or policy) |
yi’o | v.LAUD | please |
yi’oa | n. | data |
yi’p.ūh’yath | elm.CMP | the military (defense) branch of the bureaucracy |
yi’p.ūt’ung | elm.CMP | the general bureaucracy (non-military service) |
yii’lai | elm.CMP | non-kindred |
Yii’ua | elm.CMP | Line (a Xi’an hereditary House) |
yii’yu | elm.CMP | paternal ancestor (grandfather) |
yii” | elm. | flow; transmission (biological); fertility |
Yiim | PN.feml | Yiim |
yilen | elm.CMP | harmony; peace among different factions |
yin | elm. | bump; swelling; mound |
yith | elm. | fire; eject (non-liquid); expel (non-liquid) |
yiyā’suith | elm.CMP | terrorism; policy of engendering fear |
yo | nlz. | [subjuntive clause head] |
yo | elm. | missing element; lack (e yo to’ath (e) no’a) |
yō | nlz. | yo contracted with o |
yo. | nlz.CLTC | [lacking X; without X] |
yo’ii | elm.CMP | virus (scientific/medical term) |
yo’kr.ūth | elm.CMP | Non-lethal |
yo’n.ao | col. | white (lacking all color) |
yo” | elm. | alive; living; surviving |
yo”e’nu | elm.CMP | embryo (in an egg) |
yo”e’so | elm.CMP | bacteria (scientific/medical term) |
yo”ki” | elm.CMP | mcroscopic parasite |
yo”ta’a | elm.CMP | egg yolk |
yo”xē” | elm.CMP | symbiote |
yo”yoaith | elm.CMP | germ (common term for infections (bacteria/virus)); infection |
yoa | elm. | past; the past; history |
yoaith | elm.CMP | sickness; disorder; disease |
yoii | elm.CMP | darkness; blackness |
yokyu; yokyu(hyao) | elm.CMP | Vacuum |
yon | cnj. | as Y (of “as X as Y”) |
yōn | elm. | pseudo; unofficial; quasi (infix) |
yonai | elm.CMP | confusion |
yong’m.e’ahuā | elm.CMP | peak; zenith |
yopuo | elm.CMP | judged innocent of a wrongdoing (regardless of reality) |
yopuothao | elm.CMP | in reality innocent of accusations; truly innocent |
yoru | elm.CMP | Zero Gravity (slang: rul) |
yoryā | elm.CMP | bland; unseasoned (considered an undesirable food quality) |
yoso | elm.CMP | alone; on one’s on; without help or assistance |
yoten | elm.CMP | famine; a lack of food |
yothai | elm.CMP | hard; difficult; not easy |
yothōa | elm.CMP | undecided; (still) not having made up the mind |
yoxii | elm.CMP | infrequent; not often |
yoyāi | elm.CMP | naked; nude; without clothing |
yu | elm. | male |
yu.yii” | elm. | father (clinical term); stud |
yu.yii” | elm.CMP | biological father, clinical term |
Yu’.ii | name | Father (reverential) |
Yu’.ii | name | Father – The polite & reverant word for another’s father or one’s own |
yu’.o | elm. | try out; taste; try on; give something new a chance |
yu’.och’ā’e | elm. | a guided visual introduction or tour |
yu’a | elm. | gray to black market; quasi-criminal |
Yu’a-________ | PN.role | Quasi-criminal employed in _________ |
yu’a.r’o | PN.role | ‘heavy’ who carries weapons |
yu’a.r’o’p.ut’o’ath | PN.role | sharpshooter assassin |
yu’a•o.r’o | PN.role | non-sharpshooter assasin; “mercenary” |
yu’anāng | PN.role | bounty hunter; mercenary |
yu’aoa’u.ii | PN.role | snitch; informant |
yu’ariimya(tō) | PN.role | (money) launderer |
yu’ariioa’r.u | PN.role | rumor monger; fake news creator; double-agent misinformant |
yu’at.o’a’r.u | PN.role | rumor monger; fake news creator; double-agent misinformant |
yu’at.ōngh’uitā | PN.role | collector (for a loanshark or security bribe) literally: ‘caregiver for the neighborhood’ |
yu’at.ōngya | PN.role | bodyguard |
Yu’i | name | Daddy, Dad |
Yu’i | name | Father – what children and adults call their fathers |
yu’pa | elm. | soft; squishy; flexible; easily falls apart (considered a favorable texture) |
yu” | num. | four 4 |
yuai | elm. | value; worth |
yuao | elm. | spin; rotate |
yue | elm. | experience; go through/live through something; immersiion in X; naming element for elders |
yue | elm. | naming suffix for mature experienced professionals |
yuē | pn.NEU | We (inclusive) |
yueuang | elm.CMP | generic title word for “elder” |
yuexuan | elm.CMP | gaming experience; simulation (for fun) |
yute’.ah’a | n. | hot man; stud; beaux |
yuth | elm. | reward; compensation (for effort); salary |
zai | pn.SRV | y’all |
November 10, 2017: 98 gameplay terms added
November 15, 2017: 7 new terms added
November 22nd, 2017: 46 new terms added, six corrections made