


April 24th 2013

Meet Martin Galway

Meet Martin Galway

Martin Galway, Star Citizen’s Audio Director, has been with Cloud Imperium since the early days of Star Citizen’s development… and now he’s visiting Wingman’s Hangar! On Friday at 11 AM CST (-6 GMT) we’ll visit his studio and learn about how he’s making Star Citizen sound its best… don’t miss it! In the meantime, here’s his introduction:

How did you get started in the game industry?

The teacher in my high-school computer studies class quit to go to the private sector, and we shrugged, got a new teacher, and thought we’d never see him again.  However, he came into school one day and put out a request for students to work at his new company during the six-week summer holiday in June 1983.  The pay would be an enormous £50 per week.  I signed up along with two other students (one of whom was Kevin Edwards, still working in the business, now at Traveler’s Tales.) I like to think of that job as my professional start.  The 30-year anniversary of that is coming up in a few weeks!  

What projects have you worked on?

Woah, there might be 100 games altogether.  I did about 45 on the 8-bit platforms at Ocean Software, and the other 55 have all followed in the years since.  Look it up on, I hope that isn’t a lame answer :)


What will you be doing for Cloud Imperium?

I am the Director Of Audio and I maintain audio quality along with bringing the designers’ vision to the players via sound.  I head up a team of one currently (me), though I will bring on additional recording engineers/mixers, sound designers/implementers as we approach the launch.  Right now I am working on audio for the Hangar, and also an orchestral music test which is part of the Dogfight/Multiplayer Alpha release.  

What are you most excited to see in Star Citizen/Squadron 42?

The incredible art and visuals of deep space exploration that we will be bringing to the game.  

What are you playing right now?

The only game I keep coming back to is “Team Fortress 2.”  I play a variety of other games from time to time, and I’ve also put a lot of time into EVE Online, up until recently when I started full-time at Cloud Imperium.

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