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May 14th 2013

Meet Brittany Godfrey

Meet Brittany Godfrey

If you’ve submitted a support request recently, you’ve probably already met Brittany Godfrey. Brittany has been handling customer support issues since March… and you’ve probably also heard and seen her on Wingman’s Hangar, where she plays the voice of the lamp and presents the weekly Most Valuable Post. Brittany will be interviewed this week on Wingman’s Hangar, so be sure to tune in on Friday!



How did you get started in the game industry?

Actually, you are looking at it. While this isn’t my first position in Customer Service or in Production, it’s my first in the gaming industry.  

What have you been doing for Cloud Imperium?

I answer lots of emails and link hundreds of accounts with early pledges. I am also privileged to be part of the team that works on the Wingman’s Hangar show. I’m definitely more comfortable behind a camera, so being in front of one is a little nerve-wracking but I’m getting used to it. It’s a fun escape from the daily grind. We try not to take ourselves too seriously while engaging the Community, giving folks a little insight into the process, and spreading the word about Star Citizen.  

What is your favorite part of the job?

I would have to say working on the Hangar. I love watching the fan submitted videos. The Community is very creative. I am quite impressed with their dedication and enthusiasm for the game.  

What are you most excited to see in Star Citizen/Squadron 42?

Of course, I’m excited for the game to launch but I’m really looking forward to playing on-line with my brother. He’s a big Wing Commander fan which I remembered after getting the job here. When I started in March, we were talking about Star Citizen and that’s the first time I learned that he was already gifted a pledge for his birthday from a good friend. Talk about a small world, or shall I say… Universe.  

Do you do any gaming? If so, what are you playing now?

I used to play a lot of Tony Hawk Pro Skate but it’s been a while. When I was a kid, I remember playing Pong for hours and hours at my friend’s house. When we finally got an Atari of our own, I played a lot of River Raid and Asteroids. I do love pinball, especially the vintage games. It’s pretty amazing how far the gaming industry has come and I feel very fortunate to witness the next wave of innovation.

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