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August 7th 2013

Meet David Opreska!

Meet David Opreska

Introducing David Opreska, Star Citizen’s latest environment artist! David is currently hard at work on the upcoming Hangar Module, where his artwork will be on full display! He’s based in the Los Angeles office but is visiting Austin this week… just in time for an appearance on Wingman’s Hangar! Learn more about David and his work on the show this Friday at 11 AM CST (-5 GMT.)

How did you get started in the game industry?

I got my foot in the door through a QA job about 7 years ago. I was working for NCSoft. What I did there was work in Hardware Compatibility and helped out with general QA testing. What was great about that job was it helped me understand how gaming graphics work with different hardware. It made me more efficient with how I make game art.

What projects have you worked on?

I’ve worked on Tabula Rasa, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, and Neverwinter Nights Onlin and a couple of unpublished titles.

What are you doing for Cloud Imperium?

I’m an Envrionment Artist. I do 3d modeling, textures, lighting and build worlds.

What are you most excited to see in Star Citizen/Squadron 42?

I’ve always wanted to work on a Space Sim with this level of fidelity. I’m also excited to see what we can pull off with the Dogfighting and Occulus Rift.

What are you playing right now?

Right now I’m so busy with Star Citizen, I haven’t had much time for gaming unfortunately. Bioshock Infinite is next on my list.

End Transmission

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