Hello and welcome to the first installment of LORE BUILDER, where we pick an unexplored aspect of the Star Citizen lore and develop it with the community’s help. Before we get to our inaugural topic, we’re just going to lay down a few caveats and references for our newer readers.
We were thrilled by the amazing (and vast) response to last week’s topic about racing. We’re going to postpone the basic presentation of SataBall to showcase some of the fun and outstanding characters you came up with.
Beginning as a reference in the StarWatch dispatch, Sataball was just a fun little thing to toss for a bit of background prose (“flipping through the channels to find the news, all he could find were ads, Sataball scores and stupid shows”). Since it’s not part of the game, there hasn’t been a need to flesh it out. Until now …
This week, we are going to discuss the origin, teams and Cup/Bowl of Sataball.
In today’s Lore Builder, we will be reviewing the results of last week’s poll regarding the sport’s origin and Cup/Bowl name and start presenting some basic formats for the game.
We’re going to try something a little new this week, while we are still going to be exploring the potential formats for SataBall, we are also going to open up discussions on a separate topic for those whose interest lie outside of sports. Without further ado, will jump right in
This week’s Lore Builder presents the finalists for the Sataball Game Format and reviews some of the awesome pirates and criminals written by the community.
This week’s Lore Builder jumps into constructing the rules for Sataball. Kicking it off with an exploration of the types of fields and goal-styles the game uses as well as an initial discussion of the barriers.
This week’s Lore Builder lets you, the community, help tackle a system for numbering Naval Fleets/Squadrons/Groups/Wings/etc. and we continue the development of the origin sport, Sataball.
This week’s Lore Builder explores a potential system for numbering the UEE Navy’s fleets and squadrons and wraps up Sataball.