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Roberts Space Industries ®

Hansa / HANSA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Security

“History is written by the victors not the fallen, history is written by Hansa!”



StarCitizen timeline: here

The Hanseatic League was founded and a new era in world trading began.

The Hanseatic League went dormant after a reform in the global trade.

Merely 4 years had passed after the discovery of the first jump point. By this time the Hanseatic League now only known as Hansa had been brought back to life, creating a safe haven for the new interstellar merchants. This sparked the golden age in Hansas interstellar trading.
After the Croshaw System was terraformed Hansa grew larger as more merchants and traders joined under their banner.

When Terra became the new focal point for trading Hansa moved its central office to the planet. The Hansa building was called the tower of Lubeck and was situated in central Prime.

The tension between the UPE and the Xi’An Empire created a boost in the production and sales of military equipment. As a result The Hansa saw a vast boost in arms dealers joining under their system.


After a few decades the relations between the UPE, Xi’An Empire was still tense and Hansa had grown to be one of the most recognizable and reputable trade organizes ever to be established. Hansa being completely neutral acted as a middleman whenever the two needed to trade.

2680, December 7:
Hansa’s executive officer Helena Cain disappeared whilst on a mission to arrange a short time trade agreement with the belligerent Vanduul race in the Nul system close to Vanduul territory.

After Helena Cain’s disappearance, the Hanseatic Legue started to tear apart. Several high profile leaders left the organization. The Vanduul had also started raiding settlements and making easy targets of Hansa convoys.

The Hansa PMC was formed to act as protection for the exposed convoys.

Many years of slow economic decline plagued the Hansa as they separated yet further.

After the UEE had been draining the region of resources and money on the SynthWorld Project, creating an economic depression. The Hansa had finally reached the tipping point and the organizations few reaming groups dissolved into emptiness.

Today, 20 years since the collapse of Hansa, a handful of people who still believe in the organization are trying to put the pieces back together.

Pre interstellar Hansa

(Real Earth history, Wikipedia link)

Before Hansa was known for what they are today there was a period on Earth between the13th to 17th century when Hansa operated in northern Europe as a commercial and defensive confederation of merchants.
The organization was then more commonly known as The Hanseatic League. The organization consisted of many coastal cities that created a network with a central node the city Lübeck in northern Germany.
Many of the ancient city names can be found to day in different branches of Hansa, for example the central Hansa building on Terra is called the tower of Lubeck referring to the capital of The Hanseatic League on 13th century earth.
During 17th century The Hanseatic League went dormant because of new geographical discoveries on earth that changed the nature of world trade. Hansa remained in an inactive sate until 23th century.

Hansas golden age

Hansas golden age lasted between the years 2275 to 2681, during this timeframe the organization went from laying dormant to being the largest trade organization ever to be known.
Some of the factors for Hansas success was the fast expansion of the UNE and exploratory trading, but more importantly when the Xi’An Empire was discovered fear of war spread through the system as the diplomatic relation between the UNE, that was now known as UPE, went sour.
This caused a cold war between the two empires, although no large scale conflict occurred, both sides were gearing up their fleets. This, inevitably, boosted the demand and supply of military equipment. As a result Hansa profited greatly from the arms race.
Many arms traders joined Hansa, creating the specialized military supply unit within Hansa, separate from the civilian trade division.
Because of Hansa’s policy, they took no part in the conflicts that occurred between the Xi’An Empire and the UPE. As a neutral party they acted as the middleman whenever the two adversaries needed to set up trade for mutual profits.

Hansas downfall

17th December 2680, Hansas executive officer Helena Cain disappears when setting up a short time trade agreement with the aggressive race Vanduul. Communications with the Vanduul had been weak but Hansa finally got negotiations set up with a Vanduul leader. Hansa was hoping to get unobtainium, a scarce recourse in UPE territory.
However, the Vanduul leader would not speak to anyone else other than the executive officer of Hansa. When Helena Cain was on her way to the negotiations her ship disappeared in the Nul system. Shortly thereafter the Vanduul stared raiding systems, it is believed that Helena Cain and her crew were the first victims of the Vanduul attacks.
After Helena Cain’s disappearance there were internal disagreements on who would take over the role, this resulted in many leaders in Hansa leaving the organization. This lasted for several years as Hansa slowly crumbled to pieces.
During this time the UEE had begun work on the SynthWorld Project, exhausted colossal amounts of resources and destabilized the region’s economy. This was the snapping point for Hansa, they went bankrupt and whatever was left of them was dismantled before they finally disappeared.


Our goal

Over 20 years has passed since the collapse of Hansa and now it is time to rebuild!
We aim restore our history and once again become the largest trade organization ever to be known.

How will we do it

We will need You to join under our banner! We can only rebuild as a team, an Organization. We will need capable men and women around the world, and you can be one of them.
What will your role be? A skillful merchant or an accomplished fighter, Hansa will have a role for you!
You can be anything from the captain of a cargo ship or a leader in an attack squad.


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