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Roberts Space Industries ®

Trade Coalition / TCOALITION

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

We at the Trade Coalition care about our work, and our employers, if you have a job and want it done right, look no further.


The Trade Coalition was formed by three Freelancing Captains that decided space was to vast for just a single Captain to be alone. Between Corporations trying to take to much money out of your pocket. Pirates attempting to raid and steal your cargo. Or even getting lost out in the black. The Trade Coalition has just about everything you need to help prevent these from happening. Filled with Traders, Explorers, Bounty Hunters, you don’t have to worry about facing the terrible things the black can send your way alone. The three Freelancing Captains decided loyalty was extremely important when there is so many cards stacked up against you. So they started the Trade Coalition on the principle, loyalty above all else. So if you are looking for a organization that will treat you like family, then this is honestly the organization for you. However if you are a captain who has no honor, the Trade Coalition is not for you.


Our Intentions in the Trade Coalition are simple, we protect and care for our own. Our Organization dabbles in a little bit of everything, except piracy. So as long as your not out plundering, know someone will have your back.
Our motives in the Trade Coalition are just as simple, make our little slice of galaxy safer, and get rich doing so. And give our employers the peace of mind that their cargo, or job will be safe and done right.
The Trade Coalition’s views are as simple as the others, we view space as a hostile and unfriendly place, but with the right numbers, and the right people, we can make it better.


The Trade Coalition isn’t a hard organization to fit into, we accept all types of jobs. As long as you’re not out plundering, and making an honest mans day terrible, you should be just fine in our family.