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Roberts Space Industries ®

Terra Invicta / TEIN

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Security

Welcome to Terra Invicta

A holding company, with assets in any and all commercial sectors.

Terra Invicta
Defensor et Imperii



Founded in 2945 by Ulrik Tahraner and Simon R. B. Draconem, while still serving in squadron 42 the company truly began to take shape after their retirement from active service. When it began to acquire the necessary property and equipment as well as buying stakes in various enterprises, funded by a process of liquidating 49% of company stocks selling it off to investors.
To establish the necessary trust for the investors to buy, Tahraner and Draconem each put up their own money to establish the first ships of the Terra Invicta Navy. Tahraner would end up buying his old Vanguard Warden going up for sale at a military surplus as well as a Constellation Phoenix now used by the civilian departments, with Draconem buying a Carrack as well as what would become the flagship of Terra Invicta the Idris Class Frigate TIN Auctoritas (FF-1).

Early history

Ulrik Tahraner and Simon R. B. Draconem would first meet many years before their service with Squadron 42 at the Messer Military Academy on Idris IV or Locke. Both having graduated would go on to join the United Empire of Earth Naval Flight Academy on MacArthur, but wanting to immediately serve in frontline capacity Ulrik Tahraner would drop out to enlist for active service. So it would be many years before Ulrik Tahraner and Simon R. B. Draconem would meet again.

In the last months of their Squadron 42 service Ulrik Tahraner and Simon R. B. Draconem having both decided to retire from active service, both need a new occupation. They decided on establishing a holding company which could produce profits while also having a military where their talents could be put to best use. Establishing it while still serving so that the legal aspects could be taken care off before their retirement, the main priority following retirement would be going to military surplus at MacArthur.




Welcome to TEIN

Before delving into our organisational overview, which is admittedly extensive, we’d like to offer a brief introduction to our organisation and its values. Our structure is fundamentally divided into two main sectors: civilian and military. Within these sectors, there are various groups. However, this division shouldn’t be seen as a limitation to your involvement in specific group activities. It primarily serves to add a bit of flair to our structure and fosters grouping based on common interests. Importantly, military activities are accessible to civilian members and vice versa, but naturally, those in the military might spend more time on relevant activities than, say, mining.

Your current skill level, equipment, or interests should not limit your choices. We don’t require members to reach a specific skill level to join our organisation, nor do we impose a minimum number of hours for organisational activities. Furthermore, owning specific ships or equipment isn’t a prerequisite for joining a particular group. As an organisation, we’re committed to providing resources so everyone can pursue their interests, and if those interests change, you’re free to switch between groups.

The only clear limitation is on the members selected for the board, which is the top leadership of the organisation. Those chosen for the board must be from the civilian side of the organisation. This approach is not only to emphasise the importance of the civilian sector in TEIN but also because we foresee that it will be the focal point for our financial growth and sustainability.

As an organisation, we aim to engage in every business venture legal in the UEE. This means our only exclusion is piracy. We have a firm stance against it. If piracy is your chosen path, TEIN isn’t the right fit for you. But for all other lawful activities, if you’re seeking an organisation that exists to support its members and provide them with opportunities, then perhaps TEIN is the organisation for you.

Organisational Overview

Corporate Structure

Terra Invicta is led by a board of directors, who acts as the principal leadership, with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), and Chief of Military Staff (CMS) handling the day-to-day operations of Terra Invicta.
The board’s voting members are the two owners, the CEO, the COO, and five others appointed by the board as vacancies occur. Non-voting positions on the board include the CMS as Chair of the Military Command Staff (MCS).

TEIN Commercial Operations is the collective name for all civilian enterprises. It is headed by the CEO, COO and the Executive Director of TEIN Commercial Operations. Together they are tasked with the operation and management of all civilian enterprises, with the individual Executive Directors managing their individual branches.

The Military Command Staff are tasked with the operation and management of the armed forces, with the Commander-in-Chief of the Forces (CinC) as the supreme command authority. The Military Command Staff consist of the CinC, CMS, and the Chiefs of Naval (CNA) and Marine Staff (CMA).

The structure is then split into a civilian arm and a military arm. The military arm primary focus is the protection of TEIN interests. Additionally available as a PMC outfit for both ground and space operations. Likewise, the civilian arm is used both to further the direct interests of TEIN as well as for hire in all levels of supply chain management, entertainment services, or research needs.

Commercial Operations

Terra Invicta intends to have interests in every business venture legal in the UEE and investments in many other organisations. From exploration to manufacturing, investment to private healthcare, if there is profit to be made TEIN will be exploring it. The daily management of all these is done by the Executive Director of TEIN Commercial Operations.

Presently we have trade and mining divisions and a military force to protect our assets, as well as a force for hire. Once more industries are available to expand into we’ll be entering those as well. We expect to expand more heavily into the mining and manufacturing fields. We also have long-term plans for public and private medical services, public and private personal transportation, event hosting services, research, exploration, and an investment business.

To facilitate that Terra Invicta’s civilian division is divided into three operational branches and a further six branches planed for the future, each dealing with organisational needs, as well being for hire by outside businesses.

The three operational branches are;

Human Resources

The Human Resources branch of TEIN is a small specialised department under the CEO, with responsibility for the recruitment and well being of all members of TEIN.


The logistics branch of TEIN has primary responsibility for the transportation and storage of cargo among all civilian branches, as well as the transport of products to market, in this capacity working with the financial branch to secure the highest profits. They also hold responsibility for collecting supplies for the Fleet Auxiliary.


The resource branch of TEIN is responsible for the gathering and refining of resources for the organisation.

The six future branches are;


The industrial branch of TEIN is responsible for the lifecycle maintenance, operation, and construction of the organisation’s surface and space-based manufacturing, agricultural and warehousing infrastructure.


The financial branch of TEIN is responsible for the financial well-being of the organisation as internal accountants, purchasers, sales, and as investors, investing in a wide range of businesses.


The commercial passenger line within TEIN. Responsible for both internal passenger transportation as well as commercial flights at all comfort levels.


TEIN Entertainment is responsible for anything fun, expensive and glamorous. Operating party-boats, racing jets, and hosting events, as well as serving as the organisation’s main media operation.


The support branch is tasked with repair and refuels of civilian operations, while also holding responsibility for salvage and cleanup operations whenever ship wreckage is found or created.

Innovation Initiative

TEIN Innovation Initiative is the exploration and research branch of the organisation. This branch seeks out new jump points, mining sites, and performs research on things found in the universe.

Armed Forces

To defend these civilian branches as well allow further expansion in dangerous areas, TEIN operates a large military force. This force is divided into two parts, Navy and Marine Corps, responsible for aerospace and ground-based operations respectively. Not only responsible for the protection of the TEIN’s civilian enterprises, but also available as guns for hire to defend affiliate organisations against pirates, Vanduul and other threats throughout the universe.

Terra Invicta Navy

The TEIN Navy is the principal aerospace combat force for the organisation. Divided into one operational department and a standing command with three future departments, the Navy serves in roles as varied as force projection to deep-space salvage.

The one operational department is the;

Fleet Aerospace Arm

The Fleet Aerospace Arm is responsible for the outfit, assignment, and operation of light craft combat squadrons. These are attached to various operations as needed, ranging from patrol duties to assault forces.

The three future departments are the;

Fleet Medical Service

The Fleet Medical Service is responsible for the medical needs of the organisation and to that purpose operate both ground and space-based hospitals as well as other ships. In caregiving for wounded personnel, the medical service works closely with the Marine Paramedic Corps in their role as search and rescue operators.

Fleet Auxiliary

The Fleet Auxiliary is responsible for supply chain management within the armed forces, keeping the military running while on operations, as well as various miscellaneous tasks. The Fleet Auxiliary interfaces with the civilian Logistics and Support branches to acquire supplies and perform post-combat salvage operations respectively.

Naval Intelligence

The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) is committed to securing organisational prosperity and safety through the strategic gathering, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence. Tasked with both overt and covert operations, including reconnaissance, espionage, and targeted actions, ONI operates under special authorisation to employ advanced tactics and methods.

Terra Invicta Marine Corps

The TEIN Marine Corps is the principal ground combat force for the organisation. Divided into one operational department and a standing command with four future departments, the Corps serves in roles as varied as force projection to search and rescue.

The one operational department is the;

Marine Commando Corps

The Marine Commando Corps serves are the principal ground combat force for TEIN, as well as serving in guard roles in ground operations, aboard naval ships, and any TEIN installation.

The four future departments are the;

Marine Artillery Corps

The artillery corps is responsible for operating emplaced or mobile weaponry for defence against CAS and providing offensive support for ground-based operations using both ground-based weaponry as well as gunships.

Marine Engineering Corps

The Marine Engineering corps is responsible for the construction and maintenance of all ground-based military installations as well as the defence infrastructure for civilian installations.

Marine Armoured Corps

The Armoured Corps is responsible for the maintenance and operation of tanks and mech suits.

Marine Paramedic Corps

The Marine Paramedic Corps is the premier search and rescue force in TEIN often operating in tandem with the Fleet Medical Service


Introduction to the Rules, and Regulations and Bylaws,

You are about to read the Terra Invicta Rules, and Regulations and Bylaws.

The rules and regulations are the behavioral codex we ask all members to abide by. If you are considering joining, please make yourself acquainted with them.

The bylaws lay out the rules for the fundamental structure of Terra Invicta, how major decisions are made and how to change the rules, regulations and bylaws.
You are not required to read or know these, but are available if you are interested.

Included in the bylaws is the system of tribunals we use to settle disputes and rule breaking. This system of dealing with internal problems and situations, allows all members to have their case dealt with, in an fair and transparent manner.

We believe most, if not all, have tried being in organisations or similar, where the leadership in the dead of night arbitrarily hands out sanctions, expulsions and bans.
We know our system might seem overly complicated and formal to some, but most will never be affected by it, and it serves to protect us all.

We wish to make Terra Invicta an organisation where all can flourish, based on a shared set of values. A good community where people gain access to the advantages of cooperation, but the freedom to prioritize for themselves.

If people wish not to be part of that, we fully respect that. We do not wish to force this on anyone, and people are free to leave.

For the people who wish to be part of this, we hope these rules give you the freedom to enjoy the universe the way you want. Knowing how Terra Invicta can be changed should you wish to change it, and that even conflict between members in Terra Invicta will be dealt with fairly and transparently.

That no one has more right to be part of this than you.

Rules, Regulations and Bylaws,

These are the rules, regulations and bylaws of Terra Invicta, it’s military and civilian members, as the board of directors have written them.

The rules, regulations are divided into three parts: Zero-Tolerance Rules, General Regulations, and Governing bylaws.
The Zero-Tolerance rules and General Regulations are the behavioral codex, which we have all accepted to abide by.
The Governing bylaws, lays out the fundamental governing structure of Terra Invicta.
For any violation of a Zero-Tolerance rule, a tribunal shall be convened, and if a Zero-Tolerance rule is found to be deliberately broken it will result in the immediate expulsion of the member(s) at fault. The sanction of a zero-tolerance rule broken in good faith shall be decided in the same manner as a general regulation. Should a tribunal find a general regulation broken, the appropriate sanction shall be decided by the tribunal.

Rules, Regulations and Bylaws

1. Zero-Tolerance Rules

§1.1. The penalty given by a tribunal for a willful breaking of a Zero-Tolerance Rules is expulsion from Terra Invicta. (For more on tribunals see, §3.7.-3.12.)

§1.2. All members are to treat fellow members and other Citizens (Players) with respect.

§1.2.1. This includes but is not limited to, bullying, discrimination, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or sexual harassment.
§ This can happen in private communications, and as such these can be subject to the same rules.

We in Terra Invicta, have no interest in policing your private lives, and recognise that the context is paramount, but if we are made aware of activities that are irreconcilable with membership in this organisation, we retain the right to decide if people are the right fit for Terra Invicta.

§1.3. No member may attack another member.

§1.3.1. When self-defence against another member is required we ask that due warning is given when possible.

This includes the physical character, ships, buildings and other property of members.

§1.4. Members are forbidden to attack any lawful Citizen (Player) unless in self-defence.

§1.4.1. Members are then expected to give due warning but Terra Invicta understands that this can be difficult in the heat of battle.

The founders of TEIN are UEE Naval Veterans, TEIN strives to stay on the right side of the law, decrying piracy and wanton violence.

§1.5. Members are forbidden to commit piracy against the UEE or UEE allies, nor perform attacks of any kind against the same.

Rules §1.4-1.5 Are not applicable in the current state of Star Citizen. They are intended for a time of Org reputation, and such are not in force other than a clear ban on griefing as well as a strong disencouragement of piracy against citizens (Players).

§1.6. Members are forbidden from attacking customers, their property or objects containing their property.

§1.6.1. Should the need to attack arise, it must only be done by direction from the person in charge of the operation.

This could be in the case of for example:
The customer double-crossed Terra Invicta.
The customer opening fire on Terra Invicta.
To prevent customers’ property falling in the hands of attackers.

§1.7. All members are to treat allied corporation’s members as fellow colleagues and all rules and regulations cover all interaction with them.

§1.8. Any member is forbidden to divulge restricted information to any person who does not have sufficient Security Clearance Rank to receive the restricted information.

§1.9. All members are required to defend any customer or said customer’s property until they have been ordered back by the chain of command or a general retreat has been called.

§1.10. Members are required to answer any call for help from both Terra Invicta members and those of our allies, when able.

2. General Regulations

§2.1. The penalty for willful breaking of General Regulations is to be decided by a tribunal. (For more on tribunals see, §3.7.-3.12.)

§2.2. All members must join the official Terra Invicta communication systems.

As easy communication is required for a well functioning organisation, members must join, and be willing to engage in text and/or voice via the Terra Invicta communication system. (Whether that be Discord, Guilded, a affiliated system, or others.)

§2.2.1. All members can be required to have open communication channels while participating on assignments with Terra Invicta. The level of communication depends on the assignment type.

For some assignments text based communications might be sufficient while on others voice communication can be required.

§2.3. Members are to follow orders from the chain of command while on assignment.

§2.4. Every member is expected to wear company tags. (This can include but is not limited to Discord, RSI tags and Terra Invicta Spectrum signatures.)

§2.5. All members are expected to refrain from discrediting the company in public.

§2.5.1. If a member is dissatisfied with the company please discuss it in private with one or more of your superior officers (Terra Invicta Spectrum and Discord)

§2.6. Members are forbidden from taking company matters into their own hands, unless they have the appropriate authority.

§2.6.1. If a member is asked to provide military support for a customer, we ask the member to redirect them to the correct personnel. (A person in the marketing division or the correct Spectrum area.)

§2.6.2. If a member sees another Citizen (Player) mock, taunt, or discredit the company, please bring it to the company leadership so that we might determine what the appropriate response may be.

It is appropriate to discuss such situations with other members, but are not to take any action without the appropriate authority.

§2.7. No company members are allowed to hold primary employment with another corporation.

All members must have Terra Invicta as their primary organisation on, but feel free to join other organisations.

3. Governing Bylaws

Bylaws concerning the Board and civilian departments.

§3.1. The Board is the highest governing body of Terra Invicta

§3.1.1. The Board consist of the following members:
The two owners and founders of Terra Invicta.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) serves ex officio as a member of the Board and it’s Chairperson.
The Chief Operating Officer (COO) serves ex officio as a member of the Board and it’s Deputy Chairperson.
Five common board members drawn from civilian positions.
The Chief of Military Staff (CMS) serves ex officio as a non-voting member of the Board. Representing the Armed Forces.

§3.1.2. The CEO, COO and the five common board members are appointed by the Board as vacancies appear.
§ The appointments are made by majority vote, with the owners having veto right.
§ Members can be dismissed from the Board by a ¾ proportional majority vote.

§3.1.3. If the Board is unable to fill the vacancies the owners have the right to fill them.

§3.2. It’s the responsibility of the Board to decide the organisational structure of Terra Invicta.

§3.2.1. The Board can establish,disband, fill, and dismiss civilian positions.
§ The Board can delegate the power to fill positions.

§3.2.2. The Board can lay out guidelines for civilian operations.
§ The Board can delegate the power to lay out guidelines for operations.

§3.3. If the Board is unable to meet, the CEO can take action on behalf of the Board, with the owners having veto right.

§3.3.1. Decisions made by the CEO in the Board’s absence are subject to approval by the Board when it reconvenes.

§3.3.2. If the position of CEO is unfilled, the owners are to lead Terra Invicta, but must strive to fill the Board expediently.

Bylaws concerning the Armed Forces.

§3.4. The Armed Forces are the military branch of Terra Invicta.

§3.4.1. The Armed Forces are commanded by the Commander-in-Chief (CinC).
§ If the position of CinC is unfilled, command is transferred to the MCS with the CMS in operational command.

§3.4.2. The CinC is appointed by the owners, and subject to confirmation by the Board.
§ The CMS is appointed by the CinC, or the Board if the position of CinC is unfilled.

§3.5. The MCS serves as an advisory and organisational body for the CinC.

§3.5.1. The MCS consist of the highest ranking military officers of Terra Invicta
§3.5.2. The CMS is the Chair of the MCS.

§3.6. The organisational structure of the Armed Forces is decided by the CinC.

§3.6.1. The CinC can establish and disband and fill military positions.
§ The CinC can delegate the power to fill positions.

§3.6.2. The CinC can lay out guidelines for military operations.
§ The CinC can delegate the power to lay out guidelines for operations.

§3.6.3. The structure of the Armed Forces can be decided by the Board by a ¾ proportional majority vote.

Bylaws concerning Tribunals.

§3.7. Tribunals is the system used by Terra Invicta to deal with disputes unresolvable by the parties and rule breaking.

§3.7.1. Tribunals are convened on a per need basis, and can be requested by a Security Clearance Rank (SCR) III or above.

§3.7.2. A tribunal consists of five members.
Two chosen by random lot from the pool of eligible SCR III members.
Two chosen by random lot from the pool of eligible SCR II members.
One chosen by the Board, with the owners having veto right.

§3.7.3. A person is disqualified from sitting on a tribunal if they are unable to render impartial judgement, for example:
Party to the case.
In a relationship with a party to the case.
Having had prior altercations with a party to the case.
Having a stake in the outcome of the case.

§3.7.4. A person chosen to serve on a tribunal can choose to resign their seat at any time.

§3.8. When a tribunal is convened, a public posting attesting to the fact and laying out the respective parties must be posted.

§3.9. Tribunals must take place in a dedicated public forum, unless all parties request it be held private.

§3.9.1. In a public forum, all members have a right to attend the proceedings, but only the members of the tribunals as well as the parties have speaking rights.

§3.10. The decisions of the tribunal are made by majority vote.

§3.10.1. A tribunal can only expel members with a unanimous vote.
§ Unless it’s in relation to a Zero-Tolerance rule. In that case a simple majority can expel a member.

§3.11. At any time, until the point of passing judgment, the parties may agree to end the proceedings.

§3.12. If a tribunal is unable to convene, the Board shall serve as tribunal.

Bylaws concerning the amendment of bylaws.

§3.13. The Rules, Regulations and Bylaws can be amended by the Board by a ¾ proportional majority vote, with the owners having veto right.

§3.14. Changes will take effect from the moment of publication.

§3.14.1. Changes must be announced on the communication platform(s) primarily used.