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Roberts Space Industries ®

0N3 CR3W / 0N3CR3W

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Infiltration

Hi! Welcome, welcome, what can we do for you today? Looking to buy or sell? Do you need something moved, or disposed of? Maybe you got skills in these departments, look for the small Recruitment sign in the back, and we’ll take care of you.


Officially 0N3 CR3W was established by the Twitch streamer TR1GG3RSW1TCH at an unknown time and location. There are some that say 0N3 CR3W came into being long before captains sailed across the stars, but across vast seas filled with thieves. Others, however, believe 0N3 CR3W came into existence the instance a group began to work together toward a common goal under the leadership of TR1GG3RSW1TCH.


It is believed that 0N3 CR3W is more of an ideology than a group. It is an understanding that comradery, above all, is the true reward in any pursuit. Whether win or lose, we do so together. The highs are higher when we celebrate together, and the lows are much more bearable with the support of the friends we made along the way.


0N3 CR3W engages in what is commonly considered to be criminal activity. While we do engage in criminal activities within the game, we do NOT engage in piracy. Our primary focus is freelancing and infiltration, but also may include hacking and data running. We are also for hire as personal security, should the need arise. We are NOT bounty hunters and will not accept bounties for players.