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Roberts Space Industries ®

Aldman's Affairs / ALDMAN

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

“A community for the individual”


We are still in our early stages, and as such, much of our regalia and information is a work in progress


Aldman’s Affairs was established first and foremost as a syndicate for those of similar minds and mettle. The stars are a harsh and competitive place, full of dangers in every sector. At one point or another, you will find yourself in the sight lines of a pirate, or stumbling into a party of Vanduul. The only way to protect yourself from these dangers is through brute strength and sheer numbers, otherwise you run the risk of one unlucky day resulting in severely biting repercussions.


We were founded with the intention of creating a quality controlled group of trusted and ambitious citizens who are fed up with the life they serve under the UEE, unsatisfied with the empire’s incompetence with security and imposed restrictions on the financial pursuits of the individuals. This syndicate is made up of citizens willing to fully engage and cooperate with one another in advancing their influence in the wilds of space by any means they may see as proper. We were set on acquiring resources and strength as stand alone units, and as such, grow the strength of the organization as a whole, developing a safety net around its members. The only limitations with the activities you wish to take on will be how much support other members may be able to offer.


Aldman’s Affairs is a syndicate brought about by like minded citizens who shared the same values and ambitions. We seek to acquire power and influence in the vacuum of space, to carve out an existence within the stars and to assure a firm hold of that existence. From ships to weapons, credits to contacts, anything that will advance your grasp in the galaxy is something that we strive for. Our members can be or do anything, from bounty hunters to pirates, from smugglers to security personnel, as long as your plan of action does not harm the well being of another within our ranks, then you will be accepted.

Potential Jobs

  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
  • Trading
  • Smuggling
  • Security
  • Salvaging
  • Infiltration
  • Piracy


A lot of us are just normal citizens that ended up on the wrong side of the law. But a mutual understanding comes from such histories, and in that, respect and sympathy. Aldman’s Affairs acts as a syndicate of people that are willing to congregate into a community and assist each-other in their endeavors. We, as a group, are here to serve the individual, so that they may further strengthen the whole’s security.



We seek to acquire power as an organized community. Some of us prefer pirating, some bounty hunting, some smuggling, and some have no intense obligations to any particular craft at all. The only thing required of individuals within our ranks is that they are willing to congregate into the community and assist one another.

Why join Aldman’s Affairs?

Do you not wish to dedicate your entire playtime to grinding long hours for little pay to give to higher ups? Are you tired of waiting rooms in voice channels to speak to a representative on Discord about renting a ship to go mine for the three egocentrics on top, those of whom founded the org just to play out their power fantasies in a video game? Are you tired of fabricated military protocol watering down any potential for real engagement or personal activity outside of the predetermined corner they seat you in? Welcome aboard. Aldman’s Affairs is simply about getting together a group of people that do work to benefit themselves and everyone else involved with their operation, creating a communal safety net, and allowing for more risky jobs to be undertook. We still have an omerta in place, as well as a basic ranking structure, as to weed out near-do-wells and sustain quality assurance, and to ascertain who it is we can and cannot trust to do certain missions for us, but we are not nearly as strict as other organizations may be in this regard. There is a line between structure and egomania that can easily be crossed, especially within a video game, and we make sure to be aware of it. Joining this organization isn’t signing up to work for a boss in a minimum wage job in a virtual world, but joining a group that is more supportive of each member.

Recovering records…

Rules and Guidelines

  1. Be Nice: We don’t need outwardly aggressive behavior breaking up the unity of the organization. Treat subordinates with respect. Volatility towards what are to be your allies is entirely unnecessary and woefully intolerable, and as such, unacceptable. This does not fall under debates or jesting, but the deliberate poisoning of what should be a casually inviting atmosphere.
  2. Play Nice: Along with the terms of not being a hothead towards other members, you also cannot intentionally target or hinder comrades with your actions, such as stealing, griefing, or knowingly accepting a job that pits you against them. Things such as capitalizing on their bounty, or attacking a relay they are guarding.
  3. Confidential Upkeep: Do not reveal information concerning the organization or its ongoing operations to outside influences that could potentially effect them in an adversely negative way. Assignments gifted out to members by the higher ups are not to be disclosed to anyone outside of the determined circle the assignment giver details, with the exception of those whom are a higher rank than them. This does not include personal requests, mind, but operations that are conducted to further the influence of the organization itself, and strengthen the safety net that would otherwise be at risk. This is to avoid whistle-blowing when it comes to less professional pursuits.

Recovering records…