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Roberts Space Industries ®

Superiority / ANNIHILATE

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Trading

Our goal is to be an organization that becomes a group of friends that not only have fun, but kick ass at the same time. While we’re doing our ass kicking, we intend to get filthy rich. Profanity is not only welcomed, but encouraged. Internal drama is not. We talk a lot of shit and we back it up.


Superiority was founded because there were problems with other organizations. Don’t get me wrong, there are organizations out there with some great qualities. But for each of the great qualities that these organizations have, they also seem to have members that are never online, aspects or goals that contradict one another, rules that we don’t agree with, and/or other facets that just do not make sense to us. In fact, the CEO was kicked from his previous organization for violating a rule that he didn’t agree with. This is not to say that other organizations aren’t good for other people or that nobody should join them, but that they are just not the right fit for us. Because of these reasons, Superiority was formed.

We do have a discord server that you will gain access to once you become a member.

Our members have played in many games prior to Star Citizen. The founders have been leaders of clans in games ranging from Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear to World of Warcraft. We were some of the best players in other games and now we’re here to take over Star Citizen. This does not mean that we will not accept members with little experience in Star Citizen. On the contrary, we will help you become better at all aspects of the game. The more we help one another improve, the stronger we will be as an organization. Every single member, no matter how good, can become better.

Excellence is our history, improvement is our short-term goal, and our mission is to be the best.


First off, we want you to know that we will always listen to any input that our members have. If you have a better or more logical way to do something, always feel free to discuss it. If you don’t feel comfortable starting a discussion in the main Discord channel, then simply message one of the leaders with your idea and we will start the discussion for you. We are always looking for improvement and sometimes an idea, whether good or bad at the start, becomes an ingenious plan that we all work out together.

Right now, Star Citizen is still so new that there are not a ton of great players yet. In fact, we don’t consider ourselves to be the best players yet. Superiority is our mission for the final release, not the reality of the present. The game isn’t going to be released for a long time, but we expect that many of the people that play regularly in alpha will become the best players that there are in the final release and beyond. We want to be some of those players that are the best. We want to be the organization that everyone wants to be a part of, but exclusive enough to reject most of the applications in the future. We will have a minimum standard of skill for applicants after the final release, but the game is too new to have such a standard at this point. Right now, our focus is on growing the organization and improving ourselves as players. If your interests are the same, then join up today by submitting an application.


We will do anything and everything to improve both ourselves and one another. This includes friendly dogfighting among our members as well as members of other organizations, hunting and killing other players, fighting in both Star Marine and Arena Commander, as well as completing missions together. We will have members that will learn all aspects of the Star Citizen content. This will allow your questions to be answered appropriately. As we improve, we will strengthen our organization in both bond and skill.


The only reputation we care about is that of trading. We don’t set up sham trade deals. Other than that, who cares what they think? Let them think what they want. This is not to say that we won’t have allies, but if we do have allies, they will be a cool group of people who are as laid back as we are. If someone is being a doucher, then you are free to let them know how you feel about them. We will not attempt to stifle you like other organizations.


We intend to do everything we can to become not only rich, but wealthy. UEC will be abundant among our members. For now, there is not a whole lot we can do to achieve the goal of wealth – other than completing missions. But, as more content is released, we will learn how to earn money from that new content. Our members will ultimately decide how they want to earn and the members that want to earn in the same ways will group together. For example, if you decide you like mining, then get with some members that also like mining. Even if you are not good at earning money, you can help other members by protecting them while they work, escorting members to and from work areas, being the pilot of a work ship (even if you don’t own one), or simply by joining the crew of another member’s ship. Once the job is complete, you’ll earn a cut of the profits. Our organization will be self sufficient. If you are unsure how you should go about making some money, we are always here to help.


As the content is released, we will master that content. By the time the game is released, we will have a much clearer vision of what we can accomplish with our mastery of the game content. Other organizations may provide a clear path for what they want to accomplish in Star Citizen, but those paths are based on the idea of future content that is not yet set in stone. The developers have a vision and the first actualization of that vision may not be the one they actually implement in the final release. This is why we’ve listed very general information here. The game will evolve and as an organization we must evolve as well. But our evolution will be based upon playable content. We can know about future visions of game developers, and we can make plans based upon them, but we will not trick you into thinking that we have all the answers right now. Nobody has all the answers. The game is in alpha and implementations of content in alpha may not even carry forward to beta, let alone the final release.

As such, our superiority in Star Citizen comes from both learning and practice. We believe that expertise is the combination of experience and knowledge. Don’t let anyone tell you they are an expert in what Star Citizen will be unless they are an actual developer of Star Citizen – and actually play Star Citizen themselves. Part of achieving expertise in Star Citizen comes from playing the game. Without content, people cannot be experts by definition. Our intention is to be the best through expertise.


We are a very laid back organization and, as such, there are not many rules. Having said that, there are a few:

1. You can be a pirate, but we ask that you not attack starter ships unless they attack you first.

2. Our members shall help one another when possible, which is how any organization should be.

3. Drama is not allowed. Please don’t bring drama from your real life into our organization. Do not create drama among organization members. Drama is what we create for enemy organizations, not for our own.

4. There is no minimum age requirement, but there is a maturity restriction. Superiority does not allow immature players among its ranks. If you like to annoy the shit out of other members of the organization, then you are not Superiority material.

5. The only reputation that we care about is that of trading. We want to be able to trade with other players and other organizations. As such, we don’t want to get a reputation as an organization that sets up deals, then stabs the other party in the back. Feel free to interrupt deals and plunder whatever you like as long as you did not set up or vouch for anyone involved in the deal.