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Roberts Space Industries ®

Athelas / ATHELAS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Medical

Life to the dying,

but hunters ever of the servants of the Enemy.


Founded on the premise of “life to the dying” our founders went in search for commanders who would value a moral code that would fit with their premise.

  • Loyalty to each other above all
  • Assertive
  • Humble
  • Be fair in all situations
  • Be respectful
  • Altruistic
  • Have integrity


Athelas is driven by an old oath of ethics,

“Most especially must we tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given us to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within our power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of our own frailty. Above all, we must not play at God.”

Lore Aside,

Athelas is a niche, lawful organization aiming to be self-sufficient

Athleas, is an exclusive organization with a strong belief in the quality of our members and not quantity. As well as, a mature, respectful, friendly atmosphere where loyalty and companionship are the most admired characteristics.

Athelas primary goal is to provide its services in a fun, proficient and humble etique.

Prospective members can expect,

Real Life always comes first

Nothing is ever mandatory

Respectful/Mature community (21+ only)

RP friendly and welcomed but not required

Crew game-play and activities

Welcoming place for new players.

Structured for quality and not quantity

Valued for who you are, not how big your fleet is.

We strive for our members to have a fun, entertaining and memorable experiences in the verse, within the guidelines of our charter and primary goal.

We are always changing and evolving. If you would like to be a part of the process please consider joining us!


——— As of now Athelas is a very new org and if you wish to be part of its startup process and growth, please keep on reading and apply! ———

Athelas is an Semi-exclusive Organization for those pilots looking for a place to settle.
Our Semi-exclusivity comes from aiming at being a small quality based org who values camaraderie and shared values of loyalty, honor, acceptance, respect, equality and integrity. If this all sounds like something you want to be part of please keep reading below and don’t forget to apply.

If you are considering applying please keep the following in mind.

- You must be 21+

-Affiliates have Limited access to leadership/decision making/forums and channels.

- Must follow superiors orders when applicable (captain of a ship gets to call the shots)

- PVP/PVE Combat is only advisable against hostile targets, pirates and bounties.

- Be respectful when chatting in Global Chat, Discord, and Spectrum. Remember you represent Athelas and each one of its members.

- Once in a while, pilots will have to smuggle goods/resources/personnel for the greater good of a cause. For this reason game loops that involve smuggling for now are acceptable.

- Anything written under Athelas Forums, Discord, Spectrum or private chat lobbies are considered classified and private. If you wish to share any content please speak to the respective officer.

- Real life comes first in Athelas, so please understand and respect schedules and don’t guilt trip members who can’t show up for activities.

-If you are taking some time off from the game, please consider informing an officer.

Last but not least, enjoy the game, make some good memories and let’s have some fun.