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Roberts Space Industries ®

Avantgarde Solutions / AVGS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Scouting

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they will comfort me.”
Psalm 23:4


Established in 2950, we bring a new breed of security to the Empire. Founded on the philosophy of St. Augustine, by seeking out the wicked and protecting the innocent, we are dedicated to enforcing the peace of the Empire and it’s allies.

Our organizational values are core to our mission:
  1. Protect the innocent
  2. Enforce justice
  3. Charge only that is needed


Avantegarde Security was founded for the express purpose of bringing a new outlook on private security, at costs regular people can afford but also the skill and ability that an Imperator would demand. Since then, we have expanded to numerous other services including Search & Rescue, Investigation, Fugitive Apprehension, Antiterrorism, and Property Recovery.

Our stance of defense first ensures that we remain neutral and non-partisan in your personal and corporate matters, and that we are not an army for hire.


The mission of Avantegarde is the maintenance and enforcement of security throughout the empire. Becoming part of Avantegarde means putting away personal conflicts and staying within the confines of the law. Criminals and the morally challenged are and will be rejected during recruitment, and learning of your misdeeds will result in immediate expulsion.

We protect and save.