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Roberts Space Industries ®


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We’re The Exiles. We explore the fringes, trade where others fear, and make the most of every opportunity. We build, we break, and we make the Verse work for us. If you’re ready to leave the beaten path and turn risk into reward, you’ve found the right crew.


The Founding

The Exiles weren’t born into the fringe; they were driven to it. A collection of hardened engineers, disgruntled miners, and ex-military pilots, the founding members shared a common thread: they were all tired of playing by the UEE’s rules. Bureaucracy, stifling regulations, and the fat profits lining corporate pockets… it was enough to make any independent spirit yearn for the boundless chaos of uncharted space.

Early Days: Scrambling and Striking

The first years were defined by equal parts luck and skill. Operating on a shoestring budget and fueled by sheer determination, The Exiles took on every job they could find. They salvaged derelict ships, charted risky jump points, and even dabbled in less-than-legal cargo runs. They quickly formed a reputation for both their adaptability and their willingness to take calculated risks.

Finding Their Niche

As their resources grew, so did their ambition. A chance encounter with a wrecked Reclaimer led The Exiles into the world of full-scale salvage. From there, it was a short leap to mining expeditions and the thrill of trading rare materials. Their engineering expertise became invaluable, not just for repairing their own ships but for customizing and improving them for the unique challenges of their work.

Present Day: A Force on the Fringe

The Exiles of today are a far cry from those early hardscrabble days. They boast a diverse fleet, a solid network of contacts, and a reputation that precedes them. They’re still explorers, pushing further out. They’re still traders, hauling high-value goods through dangerous systems. But most importantly, they remain fiercely independent – Exiles to the core, answering to no one but themselves and the open space of the Verse.


The Exiles Manifesto

They call us outlaws. Renegades. Troublemakers. We say they’re stuck in the old ways, too blind to see the potential of the untamed Verse.

We are the Exiles. We reject the well-worn paths, the maps drawn by those afraid to break the mold. We don’t follow rules, we forge our own destinies.

Out here, risk isn’t a threat, it’s an opportunity. We’ll dive into the wreck no one else dares to touch, strike deals on lawless outposts, push our ships to their limits in the hunt for untold riches.

We’re not just salvagers, miners, or pilots. We’re engineers of our own success, traders of fortunes yet undiscovered. We adapt. We overcome. We profit.

The Exiles aren’t for everyone. If you crave the easy path, the comforting lie of security, stay in the civilized lanes. But if you hear the call of the void, if you’ve got the grit to carve your place amongst the stars…

Join us. Become one of us. Make the Verse bend to your will.


Article 1: Independence

The Exiles answer to no authority but their own. We reject the stifling rules and regulations that hold others back. Our loyalty lies with the crew and the shared vision to thrive on the fringes of the Verse.

Article 2: Calculated Risk

Fortune favors the bold. We embrace the unknown, charting our own path through the stars. Risks will be taken, but they will be measured against potential rewards, both in wealth and experience.

Article 3: Adaptability

In the Verse, survival relies on flexibility. We are salvagers, miners, traders, explorers, and fighters when need be. Each Exile contributes their unique skills, and together, we overcome all challenges.

Article 4: Mutual Benefit

The crew prospers as one. Individual ambition is encouraged, but it must never come at the expense of the whole. Every successful venture, every shared triumph elevates all Exiles.

Article 5: Leave No One Behind

The bond of an Exile is forged in hardship. Whether it’s a firefight gone wrong or a disastrous mining operation, we stand by our own. Our commitment to each other is as unyielding as our commitment to freedom.

- Violations of this Charter are a betrayal of the trust that binds The Exiles.
- Minor infractions will be addressed by crew leadership, with outcomes ranging from reprimands to temporary loss of privileges.
- Repeated or severe violations may result in expulsion from the crew. This decision is made by a majority vote of no less than 3 full-fledged Exiles.
- All matters will be handled with fairness and respect for the individual, but the well-being of the crew as a whole remains paramount.