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Roberts Space Industries ®

Bureau of Interstellar Investigations / BII

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Security

The United Empire of Earth’s Bureau of Interstellar Investigations is small and little-known sub-department of the UEE Navy that is responsible for the exploration and survey of astrological and temporal anomalies primarily located in deep-space.


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As an official agency of the United Empire of Earth government, officers enlisted within the Bureau of Interstellar Investigations must strictly abide by all U.E.E laws, whether inside or outside imperial borders. Additionally, due to our long list of responsibilities including but not limited to long-range exploration, frontier search-and-rescue operations, deep-space salvage, and interstellar anomaly analysis, we must consistently demonstrate the good-intentions of the U.E.E while representing the whole of humanity to the many peoples we may encounter.


As an official agency of the United Empire of Earth government, officers enlisted within the Bureau of Interstellar Investigations must strictly abide by all UEE laws, whether inside or outside imperial borders. Additionally, due to our long list of responsibilities including long-range exploration, frontier search-and-rescue operations, deep-space salvage, and interstellar anomaly analysis, we must consistently demonstrate the good-intentions of the UEE while representing the whole of humanity to the many peoples we may encounter. As a result of our position as a federal office, we do not tolerate any acts of terrorism or illegal exchanges. This includes but is not limited to actions such as:
  • Smuggling of illegal goods/substances
  • Piracy
  • Unlawful Interdiction
  • Bounty Hunting
  • Infiltration