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Roberts Space Industries ®

Blood Red Roses / BLOODROSES

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Infiltration

Greetings, today you have chosen to seek guidance within Blood Red Roses. Faith in the BRR is of most importance. The charter is second. Acceptance is chosen carefully. You must take a blood oath of secrecy when accepted. Only The Oath Keepers may enter. May the Blood Roses Inspire you to find us.


*A storm is loosed upon the sea.
Whose eye is stained with tears.
A wretch Hell-bound and bent on blood,
the makings of the fearful’s fears.

The tide it stole away her grace,
the depths, they wouldn’t claim her.
A toil begat by father’s blood,
This path was laid before her.

Redemption borne by brigand’s blood,
A blight upon the darkness.
The pact embraced, a road unsought,
The Maiden of Death won’t be unwrought.

Her wrath is known throughout the black,
the gardens of death she is tending.
Vengeance is her only ward,
Beware the blood red rose’s thorn.*

