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Roberts Space Industries ®

bReach / BRE4CH

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Resources

BREACH: Mysterious org in Star Citizen since 2024. Founded anonymously, it breaks barriers—physical, ideological. Espionage, alliances define it. Operatives loyal, resourceful. Freedom fighters or mercenaries? Regardless, Breach thrives on crossing boundaries.


In the vast expanse of the Star Citizen universe, amidst the swirling currents of commerce, conflict, and exploration, there exists an enigmatic organization known only as “BREACH.” Emerging from the shadows in the year 2024, the origins and founders of Breach remain shrouded in mystery, their identities veiled behind layers of secrecy.

Breach operates as a clandestine network, its tendrils extending across star systems and deep into the heart of the galactic underworld. From the gleaming spires of pristine cities to the dimly lit alleyways of lawless outposts, whispers of Breach’s influence echo through the cosmos.


At its core, BREACH embodies the ethos of breaking through barriers, both physical and ideological. Their symbol, a stylized amalgamation of shattered chains and fractured walls, speaks to their mission: to overcome obstacles, defy authority, and unlock the untapped potential of the universe.

While their ultimate goals remain elusive, BREACH is known to engage in a wide array of activities, ranging from corporate espionage and black market dealings to covert operations and strategic alliances. Their operatives, drawn from all walks of life and spanning myriad species, are renowned for their cunning, resourcefulness, and unwavering loyalty to the cause.

Despite their elusive nature, BREACH has earned a fearsome reputation among both allies and adversaries alike. To some, they are freedom fighters, champions of liberty and autonomy in a galaxy gripped by tyranny and oppression. To others, they are mercenaries, opportunists who thrive on chaos and uncertainty, their allegiance bought and sold to the highest bidder.


Yet, regardless of how they are perceived, one thing remains certain: where there are boundaries to be crossed, barriers to be breached, BREACH will be there, their presence felt like a crack in the armor of the status quo, a glimpse of the unknown lurking just beyond the edge of the known universe.