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Roberts Space Industries ®

Command Crew / CMDCREW

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Not Role Playing But Playing a Role


No History yet – We are Just getting Started


The Goal of Command Crew is to create a list of trustworthy positive players that can be called upon as crew members or fellow adventurers to enjoy the Star Citizen Universe and watch each others back in PVE and PVP encounters.

We are Not looking for a “Care-Bear” game experience just want to know who we can trust

No real expectations other then when you are online and other CC members reach out to you, treat them like a member of your crew


The Goal of Command Crew is to create a list of trustworthy positive players that can be called upon as crew members or fellow adventurers to enjoy the Star Citizen Universe and watch each others back in PVE and PVP encounters.

Not Role Playing But Playing a Role:
No need to create or share a back story (if you have one on the inside enjoy it),
But on the outside Just fulfill the function that you have in the adventure and to keep the play immersive and fun,
lets leave the grind of everyday life behind in the real world and step into our space adventure, that is why I am playing the game and would like to find other like-minded individuals

Think of it like this:
If you want to join the adventure as

Mission Lead : Know the Mission Goals, Understand your Crew Complement and the Ship and Help where its needed (fill the gaps or find out who in the crew is best to do so)
Pilot : Have experience in the class of ship you are flying or have the brains to take it slow when you don’t, no one wants to crash and re-spawn
Co-Pilot : Be ready to take over for the Pilot, he/she could just vanish on a d/c – be fail over support for Tactical and Engineering as needed
Engineer : Monitor those power distribution and heat levels “keep us flying”
Tactical & Security : Protect the Team, offer tactical advice and bring extra clips and be the first to bring down enemies we may encounter

More Roles will Follow as the game mechanics are Added

Be honest with your skill level we can cross train each other if needed